John Galliano S/S 2006 Paris

fashionista-ta said:
PS "Prejudice" might possibly be along the lines of what you're looking for ...

SBONK! In italian we say "pregiudizio" for "prejudice"... how didn't it came to my mind! ^_^

Well, I'm glad it was easy to understand in spite of my English! :P

I just want to add this: a show like this is what I really want to see when I visit the fashion spot or I go browsing through the www looking for fashion pics.
This is not only a showcase of dresses (and therefore a display of what John Galliano thinks and feels about fashion), but a display of what John Galliano thinks and feels about the whole world and society.

I like this because I think that is a risky way to go for him: he goes on the stage "naked", we can see his thoughts, not only his creations. It's a great "act of faith" towards the audience from him.

If one understand this, then he can evaluate the whole show under a different perspective. To me, it's a big plus in comparison to many other "ordinary" runways! :flower:

I was wondering: what if I just got it wrong instead of getting it right?
Then I would have said only absurdities! :o Ihihih :D
Spotlight said:
I dont agree with that. I think people want to say that they're being made fun of because their in the lime light. What? In order to repsect someone, you should shield them away? I see that he used every kind of person his show. And yeah it is part fantasy. But it works. Besides its quite hypocritical that this is seen as disrespectful but the 2nd person to post in here makes a grossed out face because of the heavier woman.
That kind of behaivor is more disgusting to me than John's.

Don't get me wrong, I never said that this disturbed me because it featured fat people and midgets. The people who I know some in all shapes and sizes - that's simply reality and this does not hinder my view of them. I can't say anything for those that you're referring to because I honestly don't know what is on their mind.

Everything else I have to say was put nicely by Mutterlein.

Honestly, maybe Galliano may have meant differently. I hope he's advocating one human race or something along those lines. That was just the first impression... I respect your opinion too... ^_^

I would love to go inside his head just for an hour.......his showmanship is only rivaled by his creativity and passion for life and design......that's what I see here.....

A celebration of LIFE.....and everybody is invited to the party......because we are all the same.....and if we all love fashion then we should all be allowed to wear it regardless of size and stature!!!

Bravo Mssr. Galliano!!!:clap:

Ta-ta, MaLkaV, BirdofP--I couldn't agree with you guys more! I'd spread the karma if I had it left to give

and thanks for the article bird.........if you're seeing this is a circus and a bunch of freaks then it could be interpreted as somewhat of a commentary on the fashion industry as well.
I've had the "everybody's beautiful" epiphany a few times in my life.......

once, under the influence, I saw a very heavyset girl dancing her a** off all by herself in the darkest corner of a nightclub nowhere near the dancefloor and I turned to my friend and said "happiness is the fat girl dancing in the corner" still makes me happy when I think of her......

the other was the first week I was in NYC. I was on the F train crossing the river going home to Brooklyn. The sun was setting and the light was just right, and the perfect song was on my Ipod and it hit me so hard I almost started crying.....people are really beautiful.......even those "freaks".................

I think that's what the presentation was about.......and some damn beautiful clothes!!!

MaLkAv said:
I'm not referring to you Mutterlein, so please don't take it personal :flower: because I'm going to speak generally.

I would never laugh at them because I think they're all normal people.

I think it might have been striking (or even disturbing) to watch this show if I were a politically-correct moralist.

But the way my mind-set is, I think it's a brilliant criticism of our society...
People would do everything to look politically-correct, but then under her skin people will retain her "racism" (racism is maybe too harsh of a word... I wanted to say something like "distrust for people different from us").

They are just humans! That's what we all are. Simply! :flower:

Tod Browning did the same in the early 1900 with his "Freaks" movie, and reactions were almost the same... maybe some biases/preconceptions are impossible to remove from human way of thinking!

I hope I didn't make too many mistakes here, it was kinda difficult to translate what I wanted to say! :P
Also I hope nobody felt I have been rude to talk about "racism", because I know it's not the proper word here, but I couldn't find one better suited in my dictionary, so I apologize in advance! :flower:

I like the way you put that. For me the show is just frustrating because I work with physically disabled and mentally challenged people and I just feel there are better ways to celebrate their humanity than this. The people I work with work very very hard to overcome their differences and this show felt like a slap in the face.
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This is not fashion it is theatrics and sheer explotation.. not expression of the beauty of various individuals and a glorification of their orginality and style... its pure and utter mockery of the most vunrebile wether it be an overweight woman or dwarf man its all within the sick ingenius of John Galliano. His intrests are certainly not to showcase these clothes but to put on a show and i daresay he went too far.
i just saw the 13 min video on and my thoughts from this show changed completely!, i never thought he worked with regular people to make fun of them but i wasn´t sure about the idea of it and i felt that the collection wasn´t as beautifully presented as it would have been with pure models but after listening to he music, the explanation and most importantly that the collection will be produced in those sises it makes sense and it was actually very enjoyable, i never felt there was a sense of making them look funny but very beautiful and full on this galliano glamour that i admire so much.
j´adore dior said:
i just saw the 13 min video on and my thoughts from this show changed completely!, i never thought he worked with regular people to make fun of them but i wasn´t sure about the idea of it and i felt that the collection wasn´t as beautifully presented as it would have been with pure models but after listening to he music, the explanation and most importantly that the collection will be produced in those sises it makes sense and it was actually very enjoyable, i never felt there was a sense of making them look funny but very beautiful and full on this galliano glamour that i admire so much.

Yes my friend the video is now aviable!!!!:woot:
j´adore dior said:
i just saw the 13 min video on and my thoughts from this show changed completely!, i never thought he worked with regular people to make fun of them but i wasn´t sure about the idea of it and i felt that the collection wasn´t as beautifully presented as it would have been with pure models but after listening to he music, the explanation and most importantly that the collection will be produced in those sises it makes sense and it was actually very enjoyable, i never felt there was a sense of making them look funny but very beautiful and full on this galliano glamour that i admire so much.

WOW ... he's *producing* the clothes in these sizes??? Not only is my hat off to John, I'm making a sweeping curtsey ... and let me tell you, I don't do that for just anyone :lol:

What cajones ... talk about putting your money where your mouth is :clap:
Mutterlein said:
I like the way you put that. For me the show is just frustrating because I work with physically disabled and mentally challenged people and I just feel there are better ways to celebrate their humanity than this. The people I work with work very very hard to overcome their differences and this show felt like a slap in the face.

Why dont you see the video at and enjoy it!!!
this is wonderful,
and now,
I was reading some post and I cant believe how many moralist are here!!!!:rolleyes:
Frustrating? No, really, I dont think that.
And If you work with "with physically disabled and mentally challenged people"
I cant understand why You cant uderstand and enjoy this show.
This is just a spectacular Show,
maybe diferent, but brilliant at least
and I am sure Mutterlein no one was hurt:blush:

And really this kind of slaps are what some people needs to awake and open
a little more their minds (but I am sure, It doesnt works with some people)

And the video is cool!!!!
and really all models look Happy, they are having a lot of fun...
and passing a good moment in the backstage and in the show...

Oh! Brother it is cool
and seriusly sometimes I feel like an
"physically disabled and mentally challenged people":angry:
who cares...:P
I really appreciate Mutterlein's care and protectiveness - he (and the others who post protectively) is a real bleeding-heart softie - because it's true that most of the time, our Darwinian society is shamefully unkind to those who are different or handicapped, and there are too few who care about them. It can be seen in the way some laughed at the "monsters" of this show.

However, I do think that for the rest of us who are not prejudiced, and who have never put in much thought about them, this show is a sweet eye-opener, and a very moving one, to make us take a good look at their unusual beauty, and to remind ourselves the reality of their existence. We live in the surreal world surrounded by the dominance of the millions of images of Gemma and Lily and Gwyneth, and we unquestionably accept the "aesthetics class system", while paying hypocritical lip service to the "everyone is special and beautiful" cliche. This show (the other great cast was at Martin Margiela) turns my world around, and I'm sure that has been Galliano's subversive intention. Great intentions, and what fantastic results! So rest easy, all you protective peoples, it's done more good than harm. :smile:

For that, Thank You and Big Kisses, Galliano.:flower:
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Zazie said:
I really appreciate Mutterlein's care and protectiveness - he (and the others who post protectively) is a real bleeding-heart softie - because it's true that most of the time, our Darwinian society is shamefully unkind to those who are different or handicapped, and there are too few who care about them. It can be seen in the way some laughed at the "monsters" of this show.

However, I do think that for the rest of us who are not prejudiced, and who have never put in much thought about them, this show is a sweet eye-opener, and a very moving one, to make us take a good look at their unusual beauty, and to remind ourselves the reality of their existence. We live in the surreal world surrounded by the dominance of the millions of images of Gemma and Lily and Gwyneth, and we unquestionably accept the "aesthetics class system", while paying hypocritical lip service to the "everyone is special and beautiful" cliche. This show (the other great cast was at Martin Margiela) turns my world around, and I'm sure that has been Galliano's subversive intention. Great intentions, and what fantastic results! So rest easy, all you protective peoples, it's done more good than harm. :smile:

For that, Thank You and Big Kisses, Galliano.:flower:

it's a shame that a fashion show has to make you "take a good look at their unusual beauty, and to remind ourselves the reality of their existence"

I am not a bleeding heart softie or a moralist for that matter. It's not a matter of being protective...I won't get into it.

I will say that watching the video did change my opinion and made me feel a lot better about it. I think Galliano's intentions were only for the best but also I think there were some problems with it. If someone wants to get into it they can pm me. But I do take back I what I said. I think it has less to do with Galliano and more with how such situations are general. I think the best way I know to say it is's alot of patronizing. You have to be critical of such statments considering it is a fashion show. But I am very glad I saw the video and must agree with Zazie that things are for the better that this show happened (no I am not some grumpy old miser).
Don't take too serious about it please. The discussion seems goes too "deep".
A fashion show is a fashion show is a fashion show is a fashion show is all about "show", mainstream fashion show. what you expect? John Galliano didn't intend to offend or praise anyone imo.

I agree it's just an entertainment. Also I doubt the XXXXL or XXXXS size cloth which we saw on the show will be available in the boutique.

Yes, if you happen to get inspiration from this show then wanna get one, John will be more than happy to make one for you if you pay a fortune.

I enjoy the show very much. Thank you
shruru said:
Don't take too serious about it please. The discussion seems goes too "deep".
A fashion show is a fashion show is a fashion show is a fashion show is all about "show", mainstream fashion show. what you expect? John Galliano didn't intend to offend or praise anyone imo.


i disagree with you:

if the theme of a certain fashion show is relevant enaugh for it to have a deeper discussion it shall have it and although most fashion shows are just about bussines it doesn´t mean that some designers do use their spaces to make more relevant points of view about problems that not only concern beauty and frivolity.
fashionista-ta said:
I enjoyed this show ... and I didn't think it was funny. I think the whole range of humanity is beautiful, from white to black, small to large, and oftentimes we are more beautiful in contrast. If John intended to bring everyone's discomfort with deviation from the norm out into the open, I think he really succeeded :innocent:

i totally agree...u definitely get a much better feel of it watching the video as opposed to the photos, so i highly recommend it to those who haven't see it yet!

not meaning to be overdramatic but i nearly teared up at the end when i saw the wedding outfits on the last pair and her comments about having her dream come was very beautiful. (btw, for those who know, wasn't the midget woman one of the hobbit's scale doubles in the LoTR movies?)

my fave parts were Anastasia's dress and of course Gemma's puppet. :heart:
definitely hats off to John for making a positive statement in fashion, and a big HAH to Anna Wintour and Lagerfeld (love the clothes but not his ideals) :P
Just saw the video on -I think it counters most of the charges of 'exploitation' levelled at it, partly because Galliano's intentions seem admirable, and because all of the performers seem too comfortable in themselves, and too thrilled to be there to be deemed exploited. :flower:

It's an amazing show -I actually think some of the evening dresses shown on the immense buxom woman look better that way than on a typical model -more powerful and striking. Every look had a personality which I'll miss in traditional shows. Also, some of the dresses are outstandingly beautiful.

I think the one problem is that Galliano probably isn't going to do this again. If he were to always show his line with non-models as well as models, I'd wholeheartedly applaud him and I think his shows would be better off for it. What makes me slightly uneasy is the idea that this is a one-off, that next season he'll be using models again, making this whole 'everybody's beautiful' theme a one-season shock tactic, rather than an enduring mantra, which it really should be.
i love the part where small people were dancing at backstage. they look so happy. but when on runway, they appear kind of shy and low confident. then i was a bit sad when i put myself in their shoes.
it was so emotional when one said at the end how happy she was because it gives hopes to other small people...
when you watch the video you notice that everyone waswalking the same way no one maing any weird movements which goes on to show that he wasnt exploiting the peoplebut using them ina show.

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