Karl Lagerfeld disses Heidi Klum

Maybe he's mad that Heidi is one of the most famous German models ever and he had nothing to do with it? Obviously these German designers have ill will towards her otherwise they wouldn't be so catty.
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This is so mean! I don't think you should judge unless you could do better and Karl's skin ain't so perfect either
:lol: why is everybody talking about that?! Its nothing special. karl was just saying the true.

it is because he said some really harsh things wether theyre true or not. i agree with what he said about heidi but that doesnt give him the right to say that for everyone to hear, it was just too much info. Seal on the other hand had nothing to do with it and it was pretty personal what he said about him. karls not the nicest person on the earth but even anna wintour wouldnt say that out loud like that.
The only "true" thing he said about Heidi is that she is commercial.

Obviously he knows who she is because he wouldnt be talking about her, and Claudia would have to be living under a rock not to know her.

Also, she has definitely been to Paris and they know who she is there. She even on the cover of VP!

He just sounds very bitter. The truth is, girls like Heidi are just proof that the fashion industry doesnt create stars anymore and it makes people like him feel less relevent.
yes, karl did say some mean things about heidi and her husband. but well, that is just how he is... and yes, i think that the comment about seals skin really is a bit too much. but wasnt it seal who started "dissing" karl when saying "he is a poor old man nobody even knows of" in an interview? (i watched it, so i can assure you that is what he said)
well that was a very tame and demure thing to say after someone ditched you wife like that.. the skin comment was a no no karl...i mean its obvious but it wasnt relevant to point that out specillay when looks-wise Karl isnt that attractive or did he forgot how he looked a few years back? not how a designer in chief from some of the best fashion houses int he world are "supposed" to look like...
He is so harsh. Heidi Klum is commercial, that's the truth, but there are tons of commercial models out there. Not that she is always trying to become avant-garde and claims that she is super-skinny so there's no reason to talk about her body.

And the comment on Seal is very childish and uncalled for. It is like saying to blind person that he doesn't want his blind eyes.
yes, karl did say some mean things about heidi and her husband. but well, that is just how he is... and yes, i think that the comment about seals skin really is a bit too much. but wasnt it seal who started "dissing" karl when saying "he is a poor old man nobody even knows of" in an interview? (i watched it, so i can assure you that is what he said)

Seal didn't start this - he was replying to the first comment that Karl made about his wife.
from what i read karl was interviewed and learn that seal called him an ugly ols man (seal was mad because Karl said Heidi was not high fashion and Claudia doesn't know her). hence his childish response.
With that assessment I would have to agree that Heidi is not high fashion. For me at least I find her forgettable and if I am thinking of the likes of Cindy, Claudia, Christy, Linda, Naomi, etc., Heidi to me is the next tier down.
Just because Heidi isn't his "type" of model doesn't mean he has the authority to say such things. Watch him call her a fat cow for being pregnant.
Hmmm Heidi versus Claudia??? Who has had more Vogue covers, runway shows, and editorials. Heidi Klum is for all intense and purposes a SI Swimsuit and Victoria Secret model.

Forbes recently claimed that Klum was the 3rd highest earning model, though I question that assesment. Is she really a model any more? Her main ventures these days are Project Runway and Germany's Next Top Model. I would verture to say that her TV Hosting and production gigs are the majority of her income at the moment, unlike Gisele who brings in a whopping 4 times as much as Heidi and Kate Moss who just edged her out.
I don't get why people are talking about Karl's famous wit. I am a fan of Karl but honestly anyone who thinks what he said is witty obviously doesn't know what wit is. There's nothing clever in what he's saying.

But really, bitchy as it was, does anyone actually take what Karl says seriously? 75% of what he says makes absolutely no sense. His opinions (other than those on clothes, and sometimes even then) are amusing but nothing deeper than that. I think most people take him about as seriously as they do a cartoon character.

I hope Heidi/Seal don't retaliate simply because I like them, they seem so happy and cute together, you can't help but root for them :D
^ Who is to say Heidi/Seal did not instigate? Like anything else, there are generally 3 sides to any story. This seems more directed than random, and I would not be surprised it the root of what this has grown from did not start from a quip from Heidi, perhaps on or related to her Project Runway show. Time will tell if any of the parties provide more background and context to the reported situation.
Hmmm Heidi versus Claudia??? Who has had more Vogue covers, runway shows, and editorials. Heidi Klum is for all intense and purposes a SI Swimsuit and Victoria Secret model.

Forbes recently claimed that Klum was the 3rd highest earning model, though I question that assesment. Is she really a model any more? Her main ventures these days are Project Runway and Germany's Next Top Model. I would verture to say that her TV Hosting and production gigs are the majority of her income at the moment, unlike Gisele who brings in a whopping 4 times as much as Heidi and Kate Moss who just edged her out.

Is Heidi Klum a supermodel, yes. Is Heidi Klum a high fashion model, no. Perhaps Forbes is counting Heidi's PR and GNTM money, but if they are doing that for Heidi, then they are also doing the same for Kate Moss and Giselle Bundschen, who also make money from non-modeling ventures, so if that is the case and for anyone who cares, then the earnings of the Forbes Top 3 are questionable. Except for Kate Moss, the top earners, including Giselle, are getting a big chunk of money from VS.
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Someone who makes those ugly *** things he tries to tell us are "dresses" needs to shut up about one of the most beautiful women on the face of the planet, and one of the greatest singers.

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