^ Before hit the actual festival, she was at the Soho House for the Harpers Bazaar X Coach Brunch. Since she is like some kind of brand ambassador, she have to look the part for the event. You know, lots of photos, interviews...
Then she go to the actual venue of Coachella, that is 5 minutos from the Soho House. Im not a woman, but i dont think she have to take the make up of. Plus she did not stay to long at the concert.
In other note, she cut the long strap of that Coach bag... I know that is a freebie, but still. The bag is not that expensive in the US. But here is like a 3 month paychek.
She said the original strap did not stay on her shoulder for to long. Then she grabbed some regular scissors, cuted... and then grued the remain into a hand strap.
I mean, why not to ask for another bag with short strap?