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Well, I consider an actress who mixes indies with mainsteam once she's already gained attention at leat partially "indie". Emmy Rossum has said that she wanted to do some larger films for the experience of it, but that she prefers the intimacy of smaller films and plans to go back to some smaller roles in her next projects (there are 2 indie scripts she's considering). But thats just an example. A lot of the actresses on this thread (Maggie Gyllenhaal, Claire Danes, Selma Blair, Kirsten Dunst, and others) mix indies with mainstream roles long after they've become established. For example, Selma Blair's most recent roles in "The Deal" and "A Dirty Shame" were in indie but her next in "The Fog" is more mainstream. Claire Danes did "Terminator 3" two years ago and since then has stuck to indies like "Stage Beauty" and "It's All About Love".bohemian rhapsody said:To continue the "who is indie" discussion, I would just like to mention that most actors start out with low-budget indie films. So just because Emmy Rossum did a couple while she was building a resume does NOT make her indie.
But also, all of the actresses here who I think can still be called indie, have done some big-budget Hollywood films. What matters is that they balance the big-budget projects with indies.
We're not talking true hardcore indie actresses here... remember the title... indie IT girls: the pretty young things with great style.
She turned 19 in Septembersosneha said:how old is she?
She was in Sleepless in Seattle, 200 Cigarettes, Coming Soon, Now and Then, you Can Count on Me and a bunch of other films. I went to college with her actually. i only spoke to her once, but some of my friends knew her.fugfashion said:I'm sorry , who is Gaby Hoffman ?![]()
i'd give Scarlett a maybe- The Island, In Good Company, The Perfect Score? Is that balanced by The Girl in the Pearl Earing, Match Point, and Ghost World?Nocturnal_Antix said:ehhh.
the only person i'd consider a true indie it girl would be chloe sevigny.
other girls i'd consider are...maybe claire danes, or maggie gyllenhaal.
but emmy rossum and kate bosworth definetly no no.
maybe scarlett too.
lostgirl said:i'd give Scarlett a maybe- The Island, In Good Company, The Perfect Score? Is that balanced by The Girl in the Pearl Earing, Match Point, and Ghost World?
Kate Bosworth- Not Indie, definately and it girl
Emmy Rossum- Another maybe. Do Songcather, Passionada, Happy Now, Nola, and Mystic River balance The Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow and her upcoming film Posideon?
Chloe Sevigny- Definate indie, though not my fave actress
Claire Danes- Definately Indie (her only major mainstream films were T3 and The Mod Squad) But Stage Beauty, It's All About Love, Polish Wedding, Igby Goes Down, I Love You I Love You Not were all very indie.
Maggie Gyllenhaal- Definately Indie. Her venture into the mainsteam was in Mona Lisa Smile. But Secretary, Happy Endings, Adaptation, Donnie Darko etc are all indie/indie spirit.
lostgirl said:i'd give Scarlett a maybe- The Island, In Good Company, The Perfect Score? Is that balanced by The Girl in the Pearl Earing, Match Point, and Ghost World?
Kate Bosworth- Not Indie, definately and it girl
Emmy Rossum- Another maybe. Do Songcather, Passionada, Happy Now, Nola, and Mystic River balance The Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow and her upcoming film Posideon?
Chloe Sevigny- Definate indie, though not my fave actress
Claire Danes- Definately Indie (her only major mainstream films were T3 and The Mod Squad) But Stage Beauty, It's All About Love, Polish Wedding, Igby Goes Down, I Love You I Love You Not were all very indie.
Maggie Gyllenhaal- Definately Indie. Her venture into the mainsteam was in Mona Lisa Smile. But Secretary, Happy Endings, Adaptation, Donnie Darko etc are all indie/indie spirit.