Indie "It" Girl Candids

I Emmy is wearing that outfit with ballerina will look great but I can't believe she is wearing that with heels! Anyway she looks very good.
To continue the "who is indie" discussion, I would just like to mention that most actors start out with low-budget indie films. So just because Emmy Rossum did a couple while she was building a resume does NOT make her indie.

But also, all of the actresses here who I think can still be called indie, have done some big-budget Hollywood films. What matters is that they balance the big-budget projects with indies.

We're not talking true hardcore indie actresses here... remember the title... indie IT girls: the pretty young things with great style.
I´ve seen many posts praising many stars quirky style, I always personally admired Kirsten Dunst style, and quirky is a word quite often used to described her style.

But when I see some of her choices I always the special case of what we could call "radical quirky", that what we call quirkyness is just wearing whatever you feel like, disregarding any fashion indication, and just...well pulling it off with personal beauty or just "devil may care attitude".

I chose Kirsten just as an example, as you can see in her candids some of her shoes are just some old ugly things, and some of her clothing items are...well just rags and her hair (obviously superbly colored and well cut) is just plain bed head.

So what do we admire? Is it the clothes, the fashion sense...or the "whatever" gutsy attitude to not follow fashion, at least when you´re strolling your dog or having coffee with friends?:unsure: :unsure:

In a world of over-styled women, I think some guts and relaxed attitude is so refreshing that one can´t help but love.:woot:
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bohemian rhapsody said:
To continue the "who is indie" discussion, I would just like to mention that most actors start out with low-budget indie films. So just because Emmy Rossum did a couple while she was building a resume does NOT make her indie.

But also, all of the actresses here who I think can still be called indie, have done some big-budget Hollywood films. What matters is that they balance the big-budget projects with indies.

We're not talking true hardcore indie actresses here... remember the title... indie IT girls: the pretty young things with great style.
Well, I consider an actress who mixes indies with mainsteam once she's already gained attention at leat partially "indie". Emmy Rossum has said that she wanted to do some larger films for the experience of it, but that she prefers the intimacy of smaller films and plans to go back to some smaller roles in her next projects (there are 2 indie scripts she's considering). But thats just an example. A lot of the actresses on this thread (Maggie Gyllenhaal, Claire Danes, Selma Blair, Kirsten Dunst, and others) mix indies with mainstream roles long after they've become established. For example, Selma Blair's most recent roles in "The Deal" and "A Dirty Shame" were in indie but her next in "The Fog" is more mainstream. Claire Danes did "Terminator 3" two years ago and since then has stuck to indies like "Stage Beauty" and "It's All About Love".

IMO, since there is not hardcore definition of indie film there is no hardcore definition of an indie actress. There are films that are in a very independant style and spirit that manage to get partial funding from a studio- that doesn't change the innovative/unconventional/creative approach to the film itself. It's the same with actors. IMO one of the ways an actor can prove his/her versitility is by going fairly smoothly from independant to mainstream films and back again. It has nothing to do with building a resume necessarily- Emmy Rossum filmed "Mystic River" and "The Day After Tomorrow" at the same time. One was fairly indie, one was very mainstream. Claire Danes did "Stage Beauty" after "T3", Maggie Gyllenhaal did "Happy Endings" after "Mona Lisa Smile" , Selma Blair did "A Dirty Shame" after she did "Cruel Intentions" and "Legally Blonde".

You can't say someone is or isn't indie in such a black and white way. thins don't work like that.
fugfashion said:
I'm sorry , who is Gaby Hoffman ? :flower:
She was in Sleepless in Seattle, 200 Cigarettes, Coming Soon, Now and Then, you Can Count on Me and a bunch of other films. I went to college with her actually. i only spoke to her once, but some of my friends knew her.

the only person i'd consider a true indie it girl would be chloe sevigny.
other girls i'd consider are...maybe claire danes, or maggie gyllenhaal.
but emmy rossum and kate bosworth definetly no no.
maybe scarlett too.
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Nocturnal_Antix said:

the only person i'd consider a true indie it girl would be chloe sevigny.
other girls i'd consider are...maybe claire danes, or maggie gyllenhaal.
but emmy rossum and kate bosworth definetly no no.
maybe scarlett too.
i'd give Scarlett a maybe- The Island, In Good Company, The Perfect Score? Is that balanced by The Girl in the Pearl Earing, Match Point, and Ghost World?
Kate Bosworth- Not Indie, definately and it girl
Emmy Rossum- Another maybe. Do Songcather, Passionada, Happy Now, Nola, and Mystic River balance The Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow and her upcoming film Posideon?
Chloe Sevigny- Definate indie, though not my fave actress
Claire Danes- Definately Indie (her only major mainstream films were T3 and The Mod Squad) But Stage Beauty, It's All About Love, Polish Wedding, Igby Goes Down, I Love You I Love You Not were all very indie.
Maggie Gyllenhaal- Definately Indie. Her venture into the mainsteam was in Mona Lisa Smile. But Secretary, Happy Endings, Adaptation, Donnie Darko etc are all indie/indie spirit.
Here are some more Claire candids:

w/ Julianne Moore
lostgirl said:
i'd give Scarlett a maybe- The Island, In Good Company, The Perfect Score? Is that balanced by The Girl in the Pearl Earing, Match Point, and Ghost World?
Kate Bosworth- Not Indie, definately and it girl
Emmy Rossum- Another maybe. Do Songcather, Passionada, Happy Now, Nola, and Mystic River balance The Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow and her upcoming film Posideon?
Chloe Sevigny- Definate indie, though not my fave actress
Claire Danes- Definately Indie (her only major mainstream films were T3 and The Mod Squad) But Stage Beauty, It's All About Love, Polish Wedding, Igby Goes Down, I Love You I Love You Not were all very indie.
Maggie Gyllenhaal- Definately Indie. Her venture into the mainsteam was in Mona Lisa Smile. But Secretary, Happy Endings, Adaptation, Donnie Darko etc are all indie/indie spirit.

couldn't have said it any better :flower:
With Scarlett i'm definately in a toss up too. she's done big budget's but yet
lots of indie's like match point *which was good btw* and Girl with the pearl earrings and Perfect Score, was Lost in Translation somewhat of an indie too? hmm, don't know :blink:
I am so glad Maggie, Milla and Natalie were added after. I love Maggie and Milla's style; Maggie & Natalie are very impressive as intelligent individuals. Also glad Kirsten was added for style, though I can't say I like her acting very much.
^ Speaking of Kirsten, I think chloegirl127's first candids of Kirsten were from This should be the direct link to the site:

There are TONS of Kirsten candids. 713 candids from 2005 alone! have to register there first to look at the candids close up! If you like Kirsten's style, then it is really worth it.
lostgirl said:
i'd give Scarlett a maybe- The Island, In Good Company, The Perfect Score? Is that balanced by The Girl in the Pearl Earing, Match Point, and Ghost World?
Kate Bosworth- Not Indie, definately and it girl
Emmy Rossum- Another maybe. Do Songcather, Passionada, Happy Now, Nola, and Mystic River balance The Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow and her upcoming film Posideon?
Chloe Sevigny- Definate indie, though not my fave actress
Claire Danes- Definately Indie (her only major mainstream films were T3 and The Mod Squad) But Stage Beauty, It's All About Love, Polish Wedding, Igby Goes Down, I Love You I Love You Not were all very indie.
Maggie Gyllenhaal- Definately Indie. Her venture into the mainsteam was in Mona Lisa Smile. But Secretary, Happy Endings, Adaptation, Donnie Darko etc are all indie/indie spirit.

May I also add to Scarlett's "indie" resume Manny & Lo? I generally agree with you (Kate is sooo not indie, and I really have no respect for her work).

However, the debate over "indie" and/or "it" isn't really necessary. Earlier in this thread, the originator clarified that he didn't know how to differentiate between the "It" girls like Lohan, etc. and other popular, "it"-ish actresses. So, it doesn't especially matter whether Kate or Emmy is indie, at least in this thread.
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I really think Maggie is completely done. She might get a few more roles, but I don't really see her as someone who will be around for long. She kinda had her moment and then it was over. I don't think a whole lot of people find her appealing at all, just that the few people who do like her a lot.
:buzz: This is my thread! :heart:
I'm just going to disregard the fact that some of these actresses were in mainstream films what? You have to start off indie usually anyway, and some like to work their way up. Few may be fitting to the indie title or whatnot, but I consider the genre to be classified as well by a humble, down-to-earth air. Does that make sense? Not to mention quirky, classy, usually vintage-inspired style along with unconventional looks. Long live the indie girls :)
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I never considered Kate as an indie girl. Especially since she's going to play Lois in "Superman," then she most probably will be doing the sequel (:rolleyes: ). But she did play a small part in this past summer's "Bee Season."
i dunno...I wouldn't really call Kate a full feldged Indie girl but she hasn't really done that many big buget films.
  1. Seasons of Dust (2006) (pre-production) .... Janey
  2. Superman Returns (2006) (post-production) .... Lois Lane
  3. Bee Season (2005) .... Chali
  4. Beyond the Sea (2004) .... Sandra Dee
  5. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! (2004) .... Rosalee Futch
  6. Advantage Hart (2003) .... Trinity Montage
  7. Wonderland (2003/I) .... Dawn Schiller
  8. The Rules of Attraction (2002) .... Kelly
    ... aka Regeln des Spiels, Die (Germany)
  9. Blue Crush (2002) .... Anne Marie Chadwick
    ... aka Blue Crush (Germany)
  10. Remember the Titans (2000) .... Emma Hoyt
  11. "Young Americans" (2000) TV Series .... Bella Banks
  12. The Newcomers (2000) .... Courtney Docherty
  13. The Horse Whisperer (1998) (as Catherine Bosworth) .... Judith
I mean other than Superman they haven't been big buget films. Mostly moderate, and the Horse Whisperer, Remember the Titans, Blue Crush and Win a Date were the only films attached to big studios. Plus she had small parts in the Horse Whisperer and Remember the Titans. Her next film is an indie as well. I don't think you can tell yet, but she has said in interviews she likes the indie films and the studio ones so I guess we'll see in the future what she does.
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