Kristen Stewart

I still love her. I love that when you think of some of the worst Hollywood stereotypes, she is the exact opposite: tomboyish instead of overtly sexy, socially awkward instead of a trained robot, pale messy haired and crooked toothed instead of spray tanned with perfectly coiffed hair and white chicklet teeth, etc. She hasn't let Hollywood suck the life out of her, like I think many actresses do nowadays. She's still her own person and I think seems very grounded and intelligent.

BUT, like MulletProof, I think she could benefit from a break from the spotlight and some study of her craft. I can defend her acting to a point, but it does need work. I also think that her seemingly innate non-conformist nature has now drifted towards a very conscience act of rebellion that's childish and obnoxious (carrying a slingshot around in her back pocket, all these stupid logo tees and caps with messages for the world, going from slightly grungy to just not even trying at all, etc.).

She should just take a breather, like her idol Jodie Foster did, and get it together.
I also find it hard to reconcile her grunge attitude (more Courtney Love during her wasted years than the cooler attitude of Kurt Cobain imo) with her interviews. imo she clearly cares about what the world thinks of her but tries to act nonchalant about it, the end result is annoying and obnoxious... and she´s not even that talented to get away with it. I mean even on this thread, she´s alienating us.
I still love her. I love that when you think of some of the worst Hollywood stereotypes, she is the exact opposite: tomboyish instead of overtly sexy, socially awkward instead of a trained robot, pale messy haired and crooked toothed instead of spray tanned with perfectly coiffed hair and white chicklet teeth, etc. She hasn't let Hollywood suck the life out of her, like I think many actresses do nowadays. She's still her own person and I think seems very grounded and intelligent.

I think she once WAS the opposite, but isn't anymore, and that's why people don't like her as much as they did maybe 5 years ago.

On the red carpet Kristen is definitely trying to be very sexy like many other actresses (who mostly pull it off better though) and regarding her tomboyish side there are many actresses who are not all that glammed up in "real" life. In general I get the feeling that these days less and less actresses fit the Hollywood stereotype you described, or at least it doesn't seem that important anymore in order to be successfull in this business (when it comes to younger actresses, like Carey Mulligan for example, she doesn't fit the Hollywood stereotype either).
mangotree;11550553I get the feeling that these days less and less actresses fit the Hollywood stereotype you described said:
I love Carey, but she is still someone that is perfectly polished to me and a perfect little package that's not going to ruffle anyone's feathers.
Grunge!? She's the Twilight moms' idea of rebel.
A rebel would refuse to have anything to do with that God awful franchise after the first film.

I think she's a total Hollywood product and quite frankly a massive attention seeker. To me it simply comes across as fantastically spoiled, like those rich kids that behave badly simply because they can.

Said that, I do not think she looked as bad as people are saying and i liked the hair, she's quite an attractive woman, i would not say she's very beautiful (i do not think she can escape the chin area), but there is something about that her that if she cared to be a better actress and dropped act, would make her more interesting than her peers.
^I think she´s grungy in today´s definition of grunge, have you seen those grunge kids´s tumblrs? not really the 90s grunge.
She was running around on friday so her cut was fairly recent... btw are there pics of her shoes? on one pic you can see a silver point but I'm not sure... at least she didnt wear chucks LOL

in these pics you can sort of see her shoes (couldn't find clearer pics). the one is a heel, the other a flat (there were IDs on ontd, but i can't be bothered to go through the thousands of comments to find them). why didn't she just wear a pair of nice flats? it's not like anyone would have noticed under that dress and she had a reason for not wearing heels that night, so it wouldn't have been a big deal. but i guess she needed the attention, hence the crutches. who wouldn't need those with that choice of shoes:innocent:

^thanks. so she hurt her right foot... she kept twiching that leg non-stop when they were taking pictures.
^I think she´s grungy in today´s definition of grunge, have you seen those grunge kids´s tumblrs? not really the 90s grunge.

Well you are right. As an early 90s teen i just find it amazing for what passes for grunge nowdays.

She had no need for those gigantic crutches, why?
The truth is I don't think there would even be half the amount of these negative comments if it had not been for the infidelity issue last year...

I mean, there's nothing to be upset she has a sling in her back her hair is more amenable to the taste of V or W magazine rather than the Fashion pack. Does that make her a disaster? Hardly.

To compare her to Courtney Love after these minor "offenses", well, I just don't know how that could possibly be appropriate.

The fact is most here just don't like KS based on opinions rooted in moral values. It has nothing to do with her being "out of control" or anything even remotely like it.
I still love her. I love that when you think of some of the worst Hollywood stereotypes, she is the exact opposite: tomboyish instead of overtly sexy, socially awkward instead of a trained robot, pale messy haired and crooked toothed instead of spray tanned with perfectly coiffed hair and white chicklet teeth, etc.
In one way I agree with you, but only if she was so anti-Hollywood in addition to being remotely grateful, respectful, and not completely resentful of the power she actually has in Hollywood (in terms of star power and box office clout), and the opportunities she's been given. Not to mention the minute detail that she's unimpressive and one-dimensional as an actress. Other stars get and have gotten away with being this anti-Hollywood and not participating in the dog-and-pony show (Woody Allen, Katherine Hepburn, Johnny Depp, Joaquin Pheonix, for instance) by doing good work. Instead, whether because she decides to or does so at the urging of the people who work for her (or both), she continues to court this kind of attention and show up at awards shows only to act the way she does. It blows my mind.
I think people have always had this issue with her. She has never been particularly liked anyway, I mean her last Oscars appearance was almost as divisive but this is something else all together.

I didn't want to comment again but someone brought up Dan Rad and I don't think he's stiff or pompous at all. If you saw him at the Oscars, he was incredibly grateful and professional and looked as though he was enjoying himself whilst he was performing and presenting. In general he's quite unlike most of his peers, he's acknowledged what he's done in his past and tried to better himself. He's remained humble and at the same time he has resisted trying to adhere to the Hollywood stereotype by taking unexpected roles on Broadway, on Film and TV. I don't think he is relaxed at all so I agree with that but I think that is because he wants to prove to everyone that he is worthy of the incredible opportunity being in HP gave him and that is why he is endearing.
To compare her to Courtney Love after these minor "offenses", well, I just don't know how that could possibly be appropriate.

The fact is most here just don't like KS based on opinions rooted in moral values. It has nothing to do with her being "out of control" or anything even remotely like it.

You were comparing her with Cobain (not directly but the idea), from what I remember from that time is that Kurt´s demeanor was a lot more relaxed and cooler than Kristen´s, which is closer to Courtney´s. I´m not talking about heavy stuff, I´m talking about the dirty hair, giving the finger, the f*ck you attitude in general.

I don´t think she´s out of control, on the contrary I think she´s very much in control. For a long while I find her actions premeditated, from her RC appearances to clotles she wears. I still like her, a lot more than any other celeb her age (with the exception of Jen Lawrence) but I wish her actions were consequential of her words.
Her tomboy-ish days are totally over. Don't eat me alive for saying that, but she looks more like a showgirl and attention seeker these days


And all those laces...



I missed her looking like that, to be honest


all pics by zimbio
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I have mixed feelings about her and I think it's because she seems to be a bundle of contradictions. On one hand, she has this f-you, devil-may-care attitude, which I kind of admire; on the other hand, she's been part of one of the most mainstream Hollywood successes in recent years: the Twilight franchise. That does seem to suggest that she wants fame and success. Then, on the one hand, she has chosen some better roles, like On the Road or Panic Room that suggest she has some standards and isn't just after fame. :lol: On the other hand, her acting skills DO need work and there hasn't been a lot of signs of growth since I remember thinking she was great in the Panic Room. Then, too, she seems to want to fit in and be liked, as she keeps doing all the business-y things to do (interviews, conferences, awards shows) when she clearly doesn't have to; however, she also does things like sleeping with a married father of two twice her age while she's in a (very public) relationship herself. So she sends a lot of mixed messages. And I think that's what throws me off. Maybe she's just young and still finding her way? Maybe she really is a poser? I guess it wouldn't hurt if she took a little time off to sort things out - I like HeatherAnne's idea of her working on her craft, maybe moving to NYC and taking some acting classes; it could do her a world of good. She seems like a cool girl who needs some direction in her life. I think she's quite pretty and she seems to have depth to her. She just needs to find her place...

In terms of her style, I liked it when it was less sl*tty vixen and more punk rock chic. She rocked as Joan Jett!
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She was stunning when Twilight first started and so effortlessly edgy and cool. I look back at the interviews she did and she seemed so at ease with herself even though she was nervous, people really did judge her using the Bella character instead of actually paying attention to her. And looking at her style back then, she seemed so natural on the red carpet and I loved everything she wore promoting Twilight. Her hair colour was also perfect and really highlighted her features. I don't know whether she felt like she needed to emphasise that natural anti hollywood persona she had or what but it has become contrived whilst going against everything she does. She might have changed as a person but feels boxed in because that is her brand. I don't know... Okay now I really am not commenting any more. :lol:
The truth is I don't think there would even be half the amount of these negative comments if it had not been for the infidelity issue last year...

The fact is most here just don't like KS based on opinions rooted in moral values. It has nothing to do with her being "out of control" or anything even remotely like it.
That doesn't apply to me, I mean, feel free to do it and I'm all for social criticism (it always works and it's often true) but it's really not where it all started for me. It was during the promotion of her vampire films (second one onwards), you literally could not escape this person, she was on television, newspapers, magazines, internet. I actually think I started to 'scratch my head' about her attitude during the promotion of The Runaways with Dakota Fanning and how unprofessional she was, and I'm not talking in a Hollywood context, but basic/social/professional environment, the kind of 2+2=4 professionalism you learn to show in some part-time summer job at age 16. I'm not even sure it's professionalism or whether her attitude is just anti-social or not social enough, what I see is someone with an overwhelming sense of entitlement, not remotely uncomfortable or even out of control, just someone that's convinced has enough credentials (talent, family, success) to not respond to the "established" social interaction like the rest, and you see this awareness (like with any other spoiled brats) grow overtime, and how adulthood instead of crumbling it only strengthens their long-time theory that they may really be one of a kind and when people look at them, it's in amazement with envy, threat, and everything in between that justifies some of their defensiveness.

But I will say that the way she handled that scandal afterwards (wearing the guys' clothes as if demanding a possession to come back to her) was very much in line with the idea I already had of her (brat..).

Back to looks, no problem with the jaw here or hair, I think she looks spectacular in editorials and I would take ANYTHING over the curls and highlights and shiny locks of Hollywood tarts.
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From those pics in #392 she does not dress like someone who is "shy" or doesn't want attention. To me she comes accross very confident in her body and sexuality which isn't a bad thing except when it's used to have an affair with an older married man.

I think it's weird her stylist went on about her hair being glamorous for the Oscars then she shows up with the same unkempt style she always has.
I have mixed feelings about her and I think it's because she seems to be a bundle of contradictions. On one hand, she has this f-you, devil-may-care attitude, which I kind of admire; on the other hand, she's been part of one of the most mainstream Hollywood successes in recent years: the Twilight franchise. That does seem to suggest that she wants fame and success. Then, on the one hand, she has chosen some better roles, like On the Road or Panic Room that suggest she has some standards and isn't just after fame. :lol: On the other hand, her acting skills DO need work and there hasn't been a lot of signs of growth since I remember thinking she was great in the Panic Room. Then, too, she seems to want to fit in and be liked, as she keeps doing all the business-y things to do (interviews, conferences, awards shows) when she clearly doesn't have to; however, she also does things like sleeping with a married father of two twice her age while she's in a (very public) relationship herself. So she sends a lot of mixed messages. And I think that's what throws me off. Maybe she's just young and still finding her way? Maybe she really is a poser? I guess it wouldn't hurt if she took a little time off to sort things out - I like HeatherAnne's idea of her working on her craft, maybe moving to NYC and taking some acting classes; it could do her a world of good. She seems like a cool girl who needs some direction in her life. I think she's quite pretty and she seems to have depth to her. She just needs to find her place...

In terms of her style, I liked it when it was less sl*tty vixen and more punk rock chic. She rocked as Joan Jett!

Or maybe she's just a real person and unlike most Hollywood people cannot or will not keep that under wraps? I would definitely prefer that type of celebrity to most of today's well groomed Stepfordites or that other type - the totally out of control narcissist addict types (Lindsay Lohan etc). Well, in fact, when the latter group comes with some intelligence (Courtney Love) that's rather entertaining too.

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