Kristen Stewart

I actually think I started to 'scratch my head' about her attitude during the promotion of The Runaways with Dakota Fanning and how unprofessional she was

Sorry can you just clarify what happened during The Runaway's promo. I don't remember anything bad happening. I do remember people saying that she seemed more comfortable with Dakota.

I don't know if she can afford to take time off like some here have suggested. Hollywood is a cruel town and once you step away she may never get back in. Look at Julia Stiles or Alicia Silverstone for examples.
^the only thing I remember from that time that made me feel bad for her was a press conference or something like that where she couldn´t stop stuttering and couldn´t complete a sentence that made sense :(
Or maybe she's just a real person and unlike most Hollywood people cannot or will not keep that under wraps? I would definitely prefer that type of celebrity to most of today's well groomed Stepfordites or that other type - the totally out of control narcissist addict types (Lindsay Lohan etc). Well, in fact, when the latter group comes with some intelligence (Courtney Love) that's rather entertaining too.

Well, yes: reality is full of mixed messages. But hers have been particularly mixed imo.

As for the "Stepfordites" I am not sure who you mean (you give examples of your other type so I get that), BUT I do hate that everyone has a "team" now and most actresses have "stylists" and can't even pick their own clothing. I'd like to see a little more creativity and individuality and a little less "professionalism" when it comes to style and image. It gets to freaking tiring seeing nothing very exciting or unique. So I say hell yeah to the Bonham Carters and Swintons and even Courtney Loves (though it was Kurt I loved more). I just haven't decided if Stewart actually IS a renegade or if it's all part of her carefully crafted persona. That's all. I am hoping that she turns out to be a maverick. Holllywood could DEFINITELY use more of those!! WHat it doesn't need is more train wrecks and look-at-me types who think they are entitled.
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The truth is I don't think there would even be half the amount of these negative comments if it had not been for the infidelity issue last year...

I mean, there's nothing to be upset she has a sling in her back her hair is more amenable to the taste of V or W magazine rather than the Fashion pack. Does that make her a disaster? Hardly.

To compare her to Courtney Love after these minor "offenses", well, I just don't know how that could possibly be appropriate.

The fact is most here just don't like KS based on opinions rooted in moral values. It has nothing to do with her being "out of control" or anything even remotely like it.

At the risk of beating a dead horse, here's her insurmountable problem: for every one person who thinks everything she does just shows how "real" and "authentic" and "non-Hollywood" she is, there are massive truck loads more people who look at that same behavior and think that it is entitled, spoiled, self-absorbed, immature, unintelligent, you name it. No amount of persuasion will convince the people who can't stand her to suddenly like her, and vice versa. The facts are that she is extremely unliked by the vast majority of the public, and that will not change no matter what any one of us says. Career wise, that's extremely difficult for an actress to overcome.

Personally, and this may be pure opinion on my part, I'm quite sure most people started disliking far earlier than the cheating scandal but tended to make excuses for her because the Summit-paid media was making excuses for her. The cheating scandal was the big reveal. Forget Rpattz - the public felt played, duped, betrayed by the persona that they were being force fed. And it's trite but true that once you betray someone it's damn near impossible to earn back that trust. She hasn't done anything to earn back the public's trust. So maybe on some level this public animosity towards her does stem from moral grounds - it's just not the sexual mores you're thinking of.
In LA, February 26, 2013


something I never thought I'd say about Kristen Stewart: GURL that crotch is crazy!
Love her pants in the latest candid pictures, something different finally.

But I seriously wonder why she didn't just wear flat shoes at the Oscars and ditch the crutches. She appears to be fine now and I guess it WAS pure attention seeking.
At the risk of beating a dead horse, here's her insurmountable problem: for every one person who thinks everything she does just shows how "real" and "authentic" and "non-Hollywood" she is, there are massive truck loads more people who look at that same behavior and think that it is entitled, spoiled, self-absorbed, immature, unintelligent, you name it. No amount of persuasion will convince the people who can't stand her to suddenly like her, and vice versa. The facts are that she is extremely unliked by the vast majority of the public, and that will not change no matter what any one of us says. Career wise, that's extremely difficult for an actress to overcome.

Personally, and this may be pure opinion on my part, I'm quite sure most people started disliking far earlier than the cheating scandal but tended to make excuses for her because the Summit-paid media was making excuses for her. The cheating scandal was the big reveal. Forget Rpattz - the public felt played, duped, betrayed by the persona that they were being force fed. And it's trite but true that once you betray someone it's damn near impossible to earn back that trust. She hasn't done anything to earn back the public's trust. So maybe on some level this public animosity towards her does stem from moral grounds - it's just not the sexual mores you're thinking of.

I don't think the massive dislike against her is because of any facts but rather because the media is putting a spin on what she does and people follow it. So, yeah, whenever that spin ceases, she will be liked. I find it a bit amusing that KS should take all the blame for the "relationship" between her and RP...I guess none of the girl fans want to see it for what it is, and they can't very well blame Pattinson....and then you have that affair thing, which most likely is what he does all the time too, but has the sense to stay in hotels while doing it. Again, she's not entirely composed, that's the source of all her problems with the media....but it's also why I like her - simply because that uncontrolled aspect is what makes her a great model and a fantastic actress....that's right, I happen to not really be a fan of method acting that most actors today seem to aspire to, I find her old school approach refreshing.

All this said, and I've said too much, I would have to agree that in this climate she needs to find a place where she can grow as an actress...because this climate of unwarranted antipathy isn't good for a young person.
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I don't think the massive dislike against her is because of any facts but rather because the media is putting a spin on what she does and people follow it. So, yeah, whenever that spin ceases, she will be liked.

Really? You'll notice that it's not the media pieces that are slamming her, it's the comments to those articles. The comments that can't stand how Us Magazine, E! Online, Gossip Cop, etc. are kissing her ***. I'd be hard pressed to dig up many negative articles in the media against her - but I sure can find lots of angry comments, tweets, what have you. So I'd say her problem is a lot worse than blame the media, because that publicist of hers has been hustling some serious over time. It's the fact that, despite the onslaught of articles trying to make her likable, the public still ain't buying it. You can lead a horse to the water but you can't make it drink.
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^not only the crutches are missing but she´s holding her whole body weight on the injured foot... I guess her injury wasn´t that bad if two days later she´s doing fine.
^Well maybe, out of her extremely evil soul she conceived a plan to stand shaking, shivering and shifting feet at the academy awards?
^of course, she´s an evil manipulating spoiled brat... :rolleyes:
If she was twitching and shaking on the rc it was because she always does it, not because of her injury. The injury probably wasnt that bad and she could have easily used a cane, imo.
I would like to send this girl a gift.
Shampoo, conditioner, nourishing oil, a trip to the hairdresser for some colouring, and a hairbrush. Seriously.. She's a millionaire and she looks like a bum. I get the hipster style she's going for, I'm like that myself.. I prefer vintage or men's clothing, loose fitting stuff and sneakers. But one thing I think is important is to have healthy clean hair at all times. Her hair looks just gross and makes her look ugly. And it's a bit strange since she takes such good care of her skin, but the hair is förgotten all the time. Can't wrap my head around this girl.. At all.
Sorry can you just clarify what happened during The Runaway's promo. I don't remember anything bad happening. I do remember people saying that she seemed more comfortable with Dakota.

I don't know if she can afford to take time off like some here have suggested. Hollywood is a cruel town and once you step away she may never get back in. Look at Julia Stiles or Alicia Silverstone for examples.

Promo with Dakota made Kristen look especially bad because Dakota showed more maturity despite being younger. She was more professional, dressed appropriately (made an effort, not just hoodies and jeans), didn't whip out her iPhone during a Q&A to text someone (I'm not sure if that incident was Twilight or Runaways promo tho), wasn't twitchy... and Dakota is younger, so it made people wonder why Kristen couldn't get her act together.

If she has anxieties (re: twitching, pulling her fingers through her hair), I don't understand why she doesn't seek help. She has the resources, she knows it hinders her ability to do parts of her job well (promo events), and who wants to go through life a nervous wreck? It's not shameful to admit you have a problem and need some help with it. Maybe she likes the attention of being different but I would not want the reason that I stand out at my job to be because I have unkempt hair and stutter through my sentences.
I appreciate her for how she is, whether it's two-sided, self-conscious, hypocritical, hipster, off-centre, cheating hussy, contradicting...whatever. This is how people can be (myself included) or are in reality (I find). The contradictions seem more real than the most of the other more well-liked actresses who appear as either bland or idealised caricatures. "Seem", of course, as the media lens is far too distorting for me to convince myself for one second that I actually know what any of these persons are like.

She's shifty, interesting, not "socially acceptable" yet making a success of it, which seems to irk a lot of people. Some are so bothered if she doesn't dress up, if she doesn't smile, if she's twitchy, she has so much, why isn't she properly grateful, yadda yadda. It ain't my never mind. I didn't hire her and she keeps getting jobs so those folks must not mind it so much. Where do some of y'all source the statistics on her fans vs ppl who can't stand her ratio (TFS?)? It can't be the media since they don't write many negative things about her...?

Hollywood is entertainment, for me, stories that play out in print and online. I would find it terribly boring if it was populated with a host of awfully sweet folk being the world's best friend.

I really didn't like the dress or her hair at the Oscars tho. The dress wasn't terrible, per se, but not for her. Less said about the hair...:shock:
If she has anxieties (re: twitching, pulling her fingers through her hair), I don't understand why she doesn't seek help. She has the resources, she knows it hinders her ability to do parts of her job well (promo events), and who wants to go through life a nervous wreck? It's not shameful to admit you have a problem and need some help with it. Maybe she likes the attention of being different but I would not want the reason that I stand out at my job to be because I have unkempt hair and stutter through my sentences.

Oh I thought people were saying she had an attitude problem like is being a b*tch and mouthy to journos.

I agree she should seek some type of help for her anxieties. Nicole Kidman says she still has panic attacks but you wouldn't know it. I don't think Kristen will. Her family and upbringing is very free living/hippyish so I doubt her family see any issues.
Right after her adultery scandal I noticed she made several appearances where she looked great. It seemed like a deliberate effort to look better in order to change public perception. Then the furor died down and she went back to not caring as much. It's a shame because when she wants she can really look good.
^yeah. I remember an appareance promoting OTR, she wore Balenciaga and she looked stunning. Not only her outfit was so well put together but she looked so confident, it blew me away. Maybe she and her stylist should go the route of Tilda S. and start wearing more pants and the such, cause I think she´s more comfortable and it translates to her attitude posing and taking pics.

*edit* there were two "mind blowing" occasions :)
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^She looked amazing in those outfits and perfectly natural. I think she can find a balance between her relaxed style and the glamour her job calls for.
^ I love that first look. The makeup, outfit, accessories, the pose... it reminds me of Charlize Theron for some reason. Maybe it's the attitude.

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