I'm wondering if anyone has tried this look and regretted it? I'm still debating whether I do or not. Don't get me wrong: I love wearing my leather pants and I objectively think they look good, but the rest of the world clearly thinks otherwise.
For a couple of years, I wore mine regularly - even to my office twice a month or so [being very careful to dress them up]. My courage was bolstered by the popularity of the leather leggings look. But, at the end of the day, I just don't think our society is ready for leather pants in any sort of mainstream setting - especially for us guys. No matter how well they're made, how much they cost, if they're cut like dress pants, etc, it doesn't matter. In most people's eyes, leather pants are leather pants - period. All the runway shots on the planet won't erase the images of the village people, Ross from Friends, hookers, etc.
Soooo....I hate to be a quitter, but I've gotten tired of peoples' stares and their inability to look past stereotypes. Jeeeze...I spent a lot of money too, thinking that by wearing big names like Versace and Gucci, it would somehow be more legit in peoples' eyes, but again, not at all. I guess I could move to Germany...