Trends You Are Sick Of #2

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I hate that if people wear clothes ONLY if they are in fashion or the girl from some famous blog wore them.

Honestly i dont care if every person wears the same style of shoe, as long as they wear them cos they like it NOT because they are IN.

sorry, this just have been bothering me..:lol:
Maybe it's in my area, but many people are wearing homemade plastic bead bracelets as much as the arm can hold and it's irritating.

I also don't like floral and breton stripes.
I can understand you oversized glasses but aviator glasses....????? Really????

For me it's gotta be:
  • UGGS (short for "ugly", joking). They have got to go. NEVER been a fan.
  • As most peeps have said already, leggings worn with everything.

darl don't you know that the word ugg does come from ugly.

ugggh i hate ugg boots. australian's made them to be house slippers. because we don't really have central heating so much here, so it's cold in the winter mornings. specially since we have floor boards. they're so ugly that is how they made up the name ugg. there is no reason for anyone to wear them anywhere else. i lived in ny and boston for over 2 years and i never needed them because there is central heating in your home. as for wearing them outside your house. yuck!
rant over on my hatred for the company ugg.
^ Ugg is actually trademarked so all other companies must use another name. It's funny you mentioned the name "UGG" because it's originally an abbreviation code for the chemical Tryptophan. I studied about it a few years ago.
Hipsters wearing Native American headdresses to show that they are "kooky" and eclectic. Editorials where they put a model (usually European and blonde) in the woods wearing her underwear and a hodge podge of tribal accessories to show that she is carefree and natural.
^ oh god i agree. the best part is that they spend $40 on a headband at urban outfitters to be all ~kooky and eclectic~.
^lolol yeah, they supposedly aim to be eclectic, but you know that's a mega fail when you look around at the mall and see that half the teenage population is being all "eclectic" :p
which brings me to the trend i'm sick of, which would be ANYTHING and EVERYTHING hipster/scene.
puhleez... lensless glasses, for example? what is this, a circus?
Wearing glasses when you don't need them. Seriously, I never got that.
Oh, and those leggings that come half calve. Especially when then they're white.
^ugh touche, makes me think of just any white pants, period.
it's like, honestly hunny, if you want to be that big of a sl*t, why don't you just go out in underpants.
you pretty much are, especially cause most girls who wear these white paants seem to consciously wear quite bright undies
ray-ban wayfer sunglasses

leggings of all sorts (including pleather and jeggings)
Hipsters wearing Native American headdresses to show that they are "kooky" and eclectic. Editorials where they put a model (usually European and blonde) in the woods wearing her underwear and a hodge podge of tribal accessories to show that she is carefree and natural.

As a native american myself-As I'm not speaking for my entire race, it's definitely the most infuriating trend so far.... :innocent: I recently read Seventeen and the "Looks this fall" Was marked Navajo and it featured skulls :huh: no-we just-no. But the headdress thing is boring, not eclectic in anyway.
^lolol yeah, they supposedly aim to be eclectic, but you know that's a mega fail when you look around at the mall and see that half the teenage population is being all "eclectic" :p
which brings me to the trend i'm sick of, which would be ANYTHING and EVERYTHING hipster/scene.
puhleez... lensless glasses, for example? what is this, a circus?

if i could i would personally punch every hipster in the face.
^ and there should be a fashion police :lol:

added to my list
- side slick (back slick is ok but the side one is sickening me)
- poorly tailored floral maxi dress (which turns out to look very cheap)
- skinny jeans and high heels
- the "in" vintage trend
- rock chic
- emo
- try-hard Gothic (lame)
UGGS....omg they look SOOO BAD!!!! they should be BANNED.
Oooh, they don't look BAD, they just have a style that no one else discovered yet (JK!) :D.
Personally, I'm sick of all of these girls wearing oversized boyfriend jackets with cute, little,flower printed "vintage" dresses, brogues and Mulberry's Alexa cheap rip-offs. Luckily, I don't see it now as often as year or two ago.
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