Lauren Santo Domingo (September 2008 - August 2011)

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What a great link! Thank you for posting it Sagowska. :flower:
I think you are right Sagowska!, thanks for remembering that I asked :heart:
omg she is still pregnant? i heard she was six months along when it first got out a few months ago. so guess that info was wrong or she is just holding it up there until spring...
if she is still pregnant you can barely notice!!!!!
lovely outfit, love how she belted her coat
The belt is actually attached to the Carven coat, same with their blazers from that season, but yes it is beautiful.
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Look, I know Lauren lives in a rarefied world and is ridiculously upper class, but my God! That Gloss article was a trip! She doesn't remember the last time she washed her hair?! I mean that is just on a whole other is that even possible?

She may have surpassed Gwyneth, at her most pretentious, during the late 90's.
Lauren, please. stop trying too hard, you will NEVER be the next caroline bassette kennedy. i bet this woman used to wash her own hair and she was naturally gorgeous, minimalist and classy, unlike Lauren, who needs to sound pretencious and out of reality to look fancy and cool.
I don't know - I kind of like Lauren's honesty in the article. I actually don't find that it comes off as pretentious :lol: I guess it's the stream of conscious writing. Of course, it's the convenience of having money that means she can get a blowout every 5 days, but to be honest, I hardly blow dry my own hair and am also quite bad at it :lol: I guess, for me, she doesn't come across that she thinks she's better than anyone for doing things the way she does, she's just stating how she does things. But maybe I'm the only one reading it that way?
^ no i agree. i didnt really see anything in it that implies she is "stuck up" if i was married to a billionaire i certainly wouldn't do my own hair when i could more than afford to have it professionally done every morning. i think she was more to implying that she gets regular blow outs and doesnt wash her hair in between because i remember her saying before she tries not to wash her hair that often
She sounds like a vapid waste of organs in that article.

The great irony about it is that she declares lipstick stained cups to be "so vulgar", and yet what the super rich old money folk consider vulgar (who most of these socialites try to act like) is the flaunting of money and lifestyle. Flashy talk is a no-no.

Does she have a right to do whatever she want's with her husband's money? Sure. But who actually talks about it like that? And who talks like that, period?

If the Queen of England did it, I could understand, because she was born into her money and the kind of insularity that can make you deny what reality is for so many people. But Mrs. Domingo married it and for a while, like the rest of us poor schmucks, had to make do with rubbing shampoo into her own scalp. So....yeah.

"I Can't Remember The Last Time I Washed My Own Hair" is the new Let Them Eat Cake.
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Honestly, I think she was making fun of herself in that article, she seems to have a sardonic sense of humor that probably (obviously) doesn't come across all that well in print. I love that about her, and am glad she's not of the overly-perky and vacant socialite variety.
She's like that on Twitter too -- she kind of tries to be like WhiteGirlProblems (which she symbolizes haha).
^^ omg i love whitegirlproblems! she actually introduced me to it!
I love her style, she's elegant, ethereal and sophisticated. She could teach that to a lot of fashion editors and european socialités that lately do all wrong.
I liked her honesty in the article and found it refreshing. I would like to read more articles like that by her.

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