Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
thesocietymanagement.comLindsey Wixson #HerSocietyStory
The Society Management has teamed up with an all-star team (Photographer Ezra Petronio, Stylist Elizabeth Sulcer, Hairstylist Franco Gobbi, Makeup artist Fulvia Farolfi) and Girls Inc. of New York City to create a series of portraits aiming to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Rather than targeting the industry audience exclusively, we engaged the general public by posting the images throughout Manhattan, as well as dedicating a section to the project on our webpage. Together, we stand behind the continuous growth of young women everywhere.
“You must feel empowered as a woman today. Look at how far we have come. My only afterthought would be how can we help each other more and step on each other less? Get rid of the plastic idea of perfection and focus on finding ways to help our bodies instead of poisoning them with anything that's wrapped in plastic. Looking at key female leaders in society, I hope we can look at what they are saying and not what their makeup, skin, or any other ornament that they are wearing look like - just listen to them.”- Lindsey Wixson