Lu Yan

her catwalk is so so so terrible! I dont really care what she looks but the most important thing is she should at least can really walk!
she really makes me feel so disappointed about China Fashion Industry. Actually,there is no model walks good at China...what is wrong? Strange!
susie_bubble said:
The average Chinese person's standard of beauty (as extolled in the Katie Leung thread...;)) are factored by the following things: high sharp nose, high forehead, pale skin, double lidded eyes and a fantastic complexion. (This is just a generalisation.....)
Lv Yan does not really conform to this ideal but I think she has something different to offer. Her small eyes make her look very mysterious and her high cheekbones make her look v. striking. I think Chinese models can fall into the trap of looking generic/boring so in fashion shoots like the ones posted above, you really do need a face like Lv Yan's because it works.
The thing is Lv doesn't conform to anybody's standards of beauty except the fashion industry's. No culture finds tiny crossed eyes, gargantuan cheekbones, and generally apish facial proportions attractive. Sure high cheekbones are nice in moderation, but my god THERE ARE LIMITS. Lv has huge cheekbones mismatched with a short, narrow, recessive forehead -- not a good look. Plus her mouth protrudes about an inch too far. I don't understand how somebody being freakishly ugly is glamorous or interesting. A face like that is only interesting in the sense that it makes you gawk in horror or feel bad for the person afflicted with it. Those are harsh words, but this poor girl does not belong in front of a camera. THe fashion industry is becoming a thinly veiled freak show. There's something a bit sleazy and disturbing about it. I don't buy the "different beauty" argument. These girls are here for shock value only.
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marqueemoon said:
These girls are here for shock value only.

totally agree with what you've said marquee:lol:
shes ugly, not just industry ugly. other than what you said, I can think only of a few plausible reasons why shes around:

[1] as a sort of novelty commodity, so ugly its cute (like a pitbull)
[2] to make the clothing appear even more beautiful by means of contrast
[3] a marketing strategy to latch onto the chinese market "if she can wear it, I can make it look even better"
[4] the person who signed her was high on crack

something along those lines..
Good God, she is ugly. I'm a Chinese American and have both Eastern and Western views on beauty. Sorry, she's not beautiful by anyone's standards. The fashion industry only seems to care if a women is tall, thin, with long legs. Look at some of the Caucasian models: dog-faced. I know a girl who looks like "Lv Yan" (except 50 lbs heavier). I used to call her "Poo" behind her back (she also had the most atrocious personality: ugly on the inside, ugly on the outside).

By the way, Lv is not any Chinese surname. More likely it is Lu if she is Chinese.
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Greendrv said:
I know a girl who looks like "Lv Yan" (except 50 lbs heavier). I used to call her "Poo" behind her back.

oh greendrv! maybe you can recommend your friend Poo to become the next new asian sensation on the catwalks:lol:
Awww people are being so mean about her looks! Nobody choses their facial structure and traits... granted she's not my favourite, but she's not that bad. A few of those pictures are quite nice, I think.
yourbestfriend said:
she looks like the bi*ch of a tutor i used to have :innocent::rolleyes:
she looks like my primary school teacher... scary & totally bia*ch too :glare:
wow, you all are crazy, becuase she is a model doesnt mean we have the right to rip her apart, she is different, personally i would rather look different and break euro-generalizations about beauty and forget everything that we are indoctrinated to believe, she is a compelling beauty, her looks are intense and fierce, expressing the variation that we as a human "species" can have, i think she is HOT. if she was in a public place all eyes would be on her becuase of her intense natural beauty.
how else do you become famous if people don't rip you apart? isn't it expected?

do you mean we find her ugly because of euro-doctrinations? on the first post..its actually the nonasians who find her appealing (though even that doesn't seem true based on this thread). Personally, its hard for me to find one feature of her face that doesn't repel me..

I mean, theres other ways to look fierce without scaring the heck out my baby niece
I get annoyed every time I see her face and her terrible runway walk.
She's really ugly,imo.:doh:

btw,I'm Chinese.
She doesn't look good on runway, but she takes great pictures, and if I was photographer I would definately choose her over other more the "normal" beauty.
I for one REALLY don't want to start the asian culture debate here....especially in a forum about fashion. So Pinky...that wasn't my intention.

I don't think comparing her to a bathroom attendant is a way of showing constructive criticism of Lv Yan either. I find it hard to see people as completely attrociously UGLY in the purely aesthetic way anyway.
TBH, I understand why there are models like her....because it does make you look twice and yes, I suppose she is there purely for the shock factor. I don't find anything wrong with that.

Fashion can be extremely arbitrary and does veer into the 'freakish' but that's just one facet of it and makes for more variety I think.
dizzytacks said:
wow, you all are crazy, becuase she is a model doesnt mean we have the right to rip her apart, she is different, personally i would rather look different and break euro-generalizations about beauty and forget everything that we are indoctrinated to believe, she is a compelling beauty, her looks are intense and fierce, expressing the variation that we as a human "species" can have, i think she is HOT. if she was in a public place all eyes would be on her becuase of her intense natural beauty.

No, people would be looking at her because she's freakin' ugly. Sorry, but that's the truth. :(
susie_bubble said:
I for one REALLY don't want to start the asian culture debate here....especially in a forum about fashion. So Pinky...that wasn't my intention.

I don't think comparing her to a bathroom attendant is a way of showing constructive criticism of Lv Yan either. I find it hard to see people as completely attrociously UGLY in the purely aesthetic way anyway.
TBH, I understand why there are models like her....because it does make you look twice and yes, I suppose she is there purely for the shock factor. I don't find anything wrong with that.

Fashion can be extremely arbitrary and does veer into the 'freakish' but that's just one facet of it and makes for more variety I think.
don't you think there's something sort of exploitative about the fashion industry choosing girls who are so ugly they'll scare the living bejeesus out of people? I guess it's easier to find a shockingly ugly face than a shockingly beautiful one.
The whole industry is sort of exploitative, but that strikes me as particularly messed up. If I were her, I wouldn't want to be paraded around for people to gasp at.
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Pinky* said:
totally agree with what you've said marquee:lol:
shes ugly, not just industry ugly. other than what you said, I can think only of a few plausible reasons why shes around:

[1] as a sort of novelty commodity, so ugly its cute (like a pitbull)
[2] to make the clothing appear even more beautiful by means of contrast
[3] a marketing strategy to latch onto the chinese market "if she can wear it, I can make it look even better"
[4] the person who signed her was high on crack

something along those lines..

I suspect it's a combination of 1 and 4. A face like that only distracts and detracts from the beauty of the clothing, so I doubt it's to make the clothing look better by contrast.

The fashion industry has this strange notion that more extreme always equals better. They have no subtlety.
marqueemoon said:
I'm not from China and I think she's one of the ugliest models I've ever seen. :shock: The fashion industry picks the most hideous Asians.

I agree. It's not that often that an Asian model/actress/whatever breaks out into the mainstream Western world, and it seems like it's always wasted on people that just look weird. I've never seen this model before, but when the pics loaded, I almost jumped - she just looks scary! She doesn't even look like a "normal" Chinese girl - she looks like she's from some area in the waaaay far edges of the country.

I don't like Cho Chang either. They could have picked a MUCH prettier actress. I don't want the world thinking Asia is characterized by Lucy Liu, Cho Chang. and this model. Ughhhhh.. I'm Korean, btw, and I've always been mad this is happening with Asians.

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