Lula #5 : Kirsten Dunst by Karen Collins

Loveletter is such a great editorial. The model really reminds me of Mia Farrow. Thank you for the scans kissmesweet :)
OH MY!!! :woot::woot: I'm completely ecstatic here! I love kirsten to bits and to have that cover and so many edits... Plus I LOVE au revoir simone!! This is so terribly exciting!
Gonna be asking a friend's cousin in HK to send it over. Singapore sadly doesn't stock it at all. :doh: I got issue #4 on a holiday in taiwan and it was really really good.
lily is so innocent^_^:heart:i love the hair:blush:

thank you,kissmesweet :flower:
ohmygod!ohmygod!:buzz:can someone scan karen kilimnik's story??!!i adore her work!!:heart:
Ahh, I need this! Thank you for posting, it looks beautiful as usual so far.
Thanks for the karma, everyone! I love how Lula is so esoteric and unexpected. ^_^
I can't wait to see more of the Kirsten editorial. I feel like they could have definitely chosen a better cover.
This magazine has always given me that 80's French Vogue vibe with clean and somewhat profined lines of sensuality and simplicity. I love the "Love Letter" editorial.
the love letter editorial is so so great! i love it too!
Lula seems always so adorable.. thanks kissmesweet :kiss:
This magazine sounds great! Is there any chance anyone could scan the Keira Knightley editorial and article?

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