Make Me A Supermodel - UK TV show


This is her profile on the channel 5 site:
International model and actress Rachel Hunter has appeared on a multitude of magazine covers and catwalks, and has starred in many successful Hollywood films.

To find out more about Rachel, visit
She reminds me of a drag queen that can't quite get it together.
Okay so i've got lots of nice pictures for everybody that I took tonight from the show...buttttt considering its my bedtime and they're on my other computer i'll wait until tomorrow morning when i'm fresh and revitalised.

You know when I was watching the show, it seemed like there were only 4 or 5 people in the house. And then names started coming up like Abbie and Alice..and i'm thinking..where the heck did they come from?!

Tonight I thought Emily looked sooo stunning. I'm totally digging Kate's Natalie portman style hairdo. Maybe its the only reason I like her, she reminds me of natalie in Leon.
I think Camilla the girl who left last night probably had the most potential physically i.e. her face to be a model.
The thign about camilla for me is she was really square and clunky...she had a nasty temper and to me she seemed more like a glamour/p*rn model than anything...i'm sure she'll find work easily in that field....
jasmine! she has such an attitude!
all she ever does is go on abt how she has great sex. haha

i love joanna & alice !
Jasmine does have an attitude but when she left and said all that about Rachael Hunter I was so so impressed..........
Its sad that Jasmine is gone, not that I liked the girl, but she was funny to watch, ha ha, such an attention seeker... letting us know she had plenty of orgasms, how she's kissed plenty of girls, how she just couldnt help smoking... isnt she sooooo cool!!!
oh and not forgetting how she was going to go home and have lots of good sex with her boyfriend.
I wasn't impressed she said that, it just showed how juvenile and what a bad attitude she has. sore loser. Rachel is actually quite a good host I think, she's rather real. like when she sort of joking plays with the camera and that one time with jasmine in the tub she was like-thats f*cked up. i'm like go rachel!

joanna gets stronger and stronger. she has a great sort of 70's vibe to her and really does captivate the viewer.
I think that it was unprofessional for Rachel to say that, she shouldn't in my opinion judge someone on that level. It came across that she didn't like Jasmine. Not that I am sticking up for Jasmine, she did have a bad attitude, but i think her comments regarding Rachel were justified.
but the thing is she is supposed to be involved with the girls and I like that. Like the fact that she went and talked to the driver, it shows that she's really involved and wants to know what is really going on behind the scenes. Saying that Rachel needs to lose weight isn't really justified at all.
Jonathan Ross's view

Just found this, thought I would post it in here.

Hunter Attacked By Wossie

Where it came from, nobody knows.

But when Jonathan Ross set his sights on supermodel Rachel Hunter, boy, did he give it to her with both barrels.
'Wossie' launched a seemingly unprovoked attack on the model on his Radio 2 show, claiming he is better-looking than the New Zealand-born beauty - if he puts on make-up.
And, getting nasty, he said ex-hubby Rod Stewart must have "had glaucoma" when he first met her.
"What was Rod thinking?" asked Ross, who is noted for borderline outbursts that normally stay just the right side of offensive.
"He likes to trade them in for a younger model. But don't go to the she-male world.
"Who died and made Rachel Hunter a model? If I drag up I'm more attractive."
Hunter, the current face of Ultimo lingerie, is divorcing Rod and reportedly wants half of his estimated £70m fortune.

Wot does everyone think about the final 4?

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