The Agency - Reality TV show about the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency

sarah13 said:
^I have to completely disagree with you. Becky has shown herself to be a very combative, aggressive (not in a good way) person. Whether her professional opinion, regarding models, is insightful or not, the way she express those opinions is horrendous and shameful. No one is receptive to her opinion because of the way she delivers it, so defensive and antagonistic.

She reminds me of one of those wild, barking, aggressive dogs on the Dog Whisperer that Cesar can swoop in and calm down...maybe they need the Dog Whisperer to visit the Agency. hehe :)

LOL the model agent whisperer!!! I love it!! hehe
There was, of course, a South Park episode about this, btw.
tellme_MAS said:
My first thought was Ekaterina K[ash... I dunno the rest of the spelling]. I am not sure when she left, though, and I am not sure when this show was filmed.
Hannelore Knuts also left, maybe too long ago to be here.
'You know what? I'm actually really brilliant.'' What's been really satisfying is that the feedback from people in my industry — clients, models, agents — is like, ''Becky, you speak the truth.''

I'll lose major respect for the industry if this is true. :shock:
MissMagAddict said:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How do you feel about being portrayed as the show's villainess?
I was a little concerned. But when I saw the first couple of episodes I was like, ''You know what? I'm actually really brilliant.'' What's been really satisfying is that the feedback from people in my industry — clients, models, agents — is like, ''Becky, you speak the truth.''

:rofl: If she was so brilliant, she'd be at IMG managing top girls. But she's not. It's so funny, you can talk about how "right" she is all day long, but there's no proof in the pudding.
What do you think of the other modeling shows on TV?
To be honest, I've never watched America's Next Top Model. Ever. Tyra Banks was never a supermodel, as far as I was concerned. 8th and Ocean — I may have watched a little — but Miami is not a major market. I did watch one episode of [The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency]. Janice's hardball attitude is a little bit realistic. But Los Angeles also isn't a major market, so I couldn't take it seriously.... Frankly the models [on those shows] are not even models. They're not even pageant queens. They'd never step foot in any agency in New York City.

Damn right
Tonight's episode was over the top. The whole argument was crazy.. Toooo crazy
This may sound crazy...

I would hire Becky, she has an eye. My biggest issue is that Carlos agrees w/ Becky, so then why is Becky the bad guy for saying the b*tch is fat!? I DONT UNDERSTAND. I like the Becky doesn't dance around it, she doesn't say "well, now this that and the other" she flat out says "THE b*tch IS FAT" and I LOVE THAT. I dont have time to waste by dissecting everything people say. Carlos just doesnt have a backbone. Pink got all crazy over dumb*** Fernanda, which, I think, was completely wrong on Sean's part, completely a slap in the face. Then he should fire Pink, because clearly Pink isn't capable...Not Becky.

I dont understand, another thing, "we feel you should be behind Fernanda" what!? ITs A MODELLING AGENCY...That doesnt make sense. Pink was far too smug, I would definately never hire him.

Ok, that sounded crazy, so i deleted it.

Anyway, I looove Becky, she handled that w/ grace and poise...Surprise suprise. I really hated how Pink was so smug, it was clear that he didnt like Becky on a personal level, which is not a way to manage a company.
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fashpass said:
LOL the model agent whisperer!!! I love it!! hehe
There was, of course, a South Park episode about this, btw.

Haha I know! Super Nanny couldn't tame Cartman, but the Dog Whiperer could.

On the Becky/Pink issue: I don't think Pink is all that wonderful either, I just think Becky is a disgrace. I don't care how great of an "eye" you have or how well you (think you) do your job, if you cannot function and work with others you are not an asset to a company or any group. Playing well with are suppose to learn that in preschool. Becky does not play well with others, and Lola is a brainless twit.
I'm sobbing my heart out over this woman. How used and abused. She never did anything to deserve bad press or a firing :cry:
Diorling said:
This may sound crazy...

I would hire Becky, she has an eye. My biggest issue is that Carlos agrees w/ Becky, so then why is Becky the bad guy for saying the b*tch is fat!? I DONT UNDERSTAND. I like the Becky doesn't dance around it, she doesn't say "well, now this that and the other" she flat out says "THE b*tch IS FAT" and I LOVE THAT. I dont have time to waste by dissecting everything people say. Carlos just doesnt have a backbone. Pink got all crazy over dumb*** Fernanda, which, I think, was completely wrong on Sean's part, completely a slap in the face. Then he should fire Pink, because clearly Pink isn't capable...Not Becky.

I dont understand, another thing, "we feel you should be behind Fernanda" what!? ITs A MODELLING AGENCY...That doesnt make sense. Pink was far too smug, I would definately never hire him.

Ok, that sounded crazy, so i deleted it.

Anyway, I looove Becky, she handled that w/ grace and poise...Surprise suprise. I really hated how Pink was so smug, it was clear that he didnt like Becky on a personal level, which is not a way to manage a company.

Well, thank the Lord you don't own a modeling agency, because it would probably be filled with "agents from hell" like model_mom described. And I haven't seen the finale yet (has it even aired?), but agencies are SUPPOSED to be behind their models. They're the ones making the agency money, they need to support them and keep them on the roster. Maybe if Wilhemina had done that like they were supposed to, they wouldn't have lost Hannelore and Ekat.
Diorling said:
This may sound crazy...

I would hire Becky, she has an eye. My biggest issue is that Carlos agrees w/ Becky, so then why is Becky the bad guy for saying the b*tch is fat!? I DONT UNDERSTAND. I like the Becky doesn't dance around it, she doesn't say "well, now this that and the other" she flat out says "THE b*tch IS FAT" and I LOVE THAT.

Well, it's not really about what she says, but how she says it. If you look at the big picture, most of her critiques have been right, but it's her belligerent demeanor that is her #1 negative, not her assessments of the models' problems. There's one thing to say, this model has potential, let's see her lose x amount of pounds and see if we can start to send her out on castings, etc, and talk sensibly with the girl, and come up with a workout program for her etc, and it's another thing to go yelling and yapping like a maniab at every mention or sight of the girl about how fat her hips and legs are. It's not a permanent condition, it's a fixable thing. It's a problem that needs to be solved instead of being talked about and criticized endlessly without doing anything about it. That said, i liked becky and thought that from what i saw the other agents on the women's board sucked, including Pink.
Diorling said:
This may sound crazy...

I would hire Becky, she has an eye. My biggest issue is that Carlos agrees w/ Becky, so then why is Becky the bad guy for saying the b*tch is fat!? I DONT UNDERSTAND. I like the Becky doesn't dance around it, she doesn't say "well, now this that and the other" she flat out says "THE b*tch IS FAT" and I LOVE THAT. I dont have time to waste by dissecting everything people say. Carlos just doesnt have a backbone. Pink got all crazy over dumb*** Fernanda, which, I think, was completely wrong on Sean's part, completely a slap in the face. Then he should fire Pink, because clearly Pink isn't capable...Not Becky.

I dont understand, another thing, "we feel you should be behind Fernanda" what!? ITs A MODELLING AGENCY...That doesnt make sense. Pink was far too smug, I would definately never hire him.

Ok, that sounded crazy, so i deleted it.

Anyway, I looove Becky, she handled that w/ grace and poise...Surprise suprise. I really hated how Pink was so smug, it was clear that he didnt like Becky on a personal level, which is not a way to manage a company.

I love how people always assume that somebody who's really critical must be right. As I've said ANYBODY can be hypercritical all the time. It's easy to find flaws in people, even beautiful people. What's difficult is recognizing potential when it's there. That's what an eye is. I've seen absolutely no indication that Becky has one.

Don't you just love people like Becky who use 'honesty' as an excuse for being a complete tactless ***? :lol: "I'm just tellin' it like it is, man!"
marqueemoon said:
I love how people always assume that somebody who's really critical must be right. As I've said ANYBODY can be hypercritical all the time. It's easy to find flaws in people, even beautiful people. What's difficult is recognizing potential when it's there. That's what an eye is. I've seen absolutely no indication that Becky has one.

Don't you just love people like Becky who use 'honesty' as an excuse for being a complete tactless ***? :lol: "I'm just tellin' it like it is, man!"

I think Becky was very thruthful on the show. Sometimes she said things that were not meant to say, but so what? If she didn't say them then who would?

She get's a point from me for telling Robin off.. Like I said, why would anyone have to be in back of the girl if she doesn't care?

Same with the gay guy who was supposed to teach the girls how to runway walk?? I mean, who does that turn when their walking, it's ridiculous..

Pink totally made her look her worst, even when she left he called all her models and trash her. But since everything was shown on tv people will take it as they want too.

In my opinion I like Becky even though she's a b*tch
Jacque Marcel said:
Best thing about tonight's episode was Josh Wald...I loves him :crush:

His voice..haha..

'Oh,now I have to pay..1st you ask me to use my time..MY TIME..and then I have to pay..'

:lol:He's adorable..
well that (season/series finale) was...uh, anti-climatic.

and i thought the practice of making the models PAY to be in a promotion just a bit unseemly. is this standard procedure? seems off to me.

and thinking back on the whole show, i would have been far more entertained by PINK doing the whole "you're not a model" thing he did on the first show, than, what was it, like 8 weeks of Porky the PINK vs. Miss I need my mouth washed out with soap Becky (but i did mostly like her).

i mean there really wasn't a whole lot of MODEL stuff was there? and i don't count a lame and totally predictable (ie: disatrous outcome) to a scouting trip to the grand ole opry. i mean that was just painful.

i think VH1 should rethink the format. cause this show went from "must see" to like "maybe i'll watch the DVR recording of it 3 days later" like in 2 episodes.

oh and to whoever said LOLA looked like an aging hooker.....:lol:
Actually the show is not about the models but the agency and the agents, that's why is called the agency. And if Becky wasn't on the show then it would have not been as fun as it was. I would of hate seeing the fat pink, well... being fat and booking. lol
If there is another season it won't be the same without Becky (as much as I dislike her). Does anyone watch Models NYC on msnbc? They follow Q Management. It's a bit boring so far but I think it's more realistic than the agency has been. With Becky gone, the show would probably resemble it a lot more.

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