Make Me A Supermodel - UK TV show

Perhaps instead of the girls having to slim (sometimes to ridiculous sizes), the designers could employ a healthier-proportioned girl. I'm no advocate of fat, by any stretch of the imagination, but take a look at this:

[Edited - decided inappropriate, plus speculation it was fake]

It's absolutely insane! Jodie Kidd, who now looks gorgeous, looked revolting. I would be much more inclined to buy clothes off the back of a girl like Jo rather than a girl looking like this. Sometimes the fashion industry is just warped...
I don't think Emily should have gone through. She, like Camilla, was neurotic. Plus hiring would send out the wrong message to girls, and I doubt it would have helped Emily's own mental state.
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GlitteryBug21 said:
Perhaps instead of the girls having to slim (sometimes to ridiculous sizes), the designers could employ a healthier-proportioned girl. I'm no advocate of fat, by any stretch of the imagination, but take a look at this:

It's absolutely insane! Jodie Kidd, who now looks gorgeous, looked revolting. I would be much more inclined to buy clothes off the back of a girl like Jo rather than a girl looking like this. Sometimes the fashion industry is just warped...
I don't think Emily should have gone through. She, like Camilla, was neurotic. Plus hiring would send out the wrong message to girls, and I doubt it would have helped Emily's own mental state.

Clearly fake. I thought you were taking the mick, but actually you're having a mashed-up brainwrong
i agree that photo looks fake. but its true modeling doesnt help eating disorders or people wanting to lose weight. i mean look at sophie dahl they tried the whole curvy thing with her and she sucumbed to it and lost weight.
cowboyboots said:
i agree that photo looks fake. but its true modeling doesnt help eating disorders or people wanting to lose weight. i mean look at sophie dahl they tried the whole curvy thing with her and she sucumbed to it and lost weight.

She's allowed to take other jobs that aren't modelling.
Yeah, it's really sad when fashion icons/catwalk models are used as "thinspiration" for pro-ana sites (even if the Jodie pic is fake, some models are undeniably at a level of thinness as to be truly medically unhealthy). However, I think Sophie Dahl looks gorgeous at whatever weight she's at.
Sorry for anyone reading this - my intention wasn't to turn this into an anorexia thread.
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GlitteryBug21 said:
Yeah, it's really sad when fashion icons/catwalk models are used as "thinspiration" for pro-ana sites. However, I think Sophie Dahl looks gorgeous at whatever weight she's at.
Sorry for anyone reading this - my intention wasn't to turn this into an anorexia thread.

when she's really thin she looks like a goggle-headed weirdo
gaygaygay said:
She's allowed to take other jobs that aren't modelling.

i know i was just trying to staight a point that modeling is a hard buisness when everyone around you is judging you on your body and face.
cowboyboots said:
i know i was just trying to staight a point that modeling is a hard buisness when everyone around you is judging you on your body and face.

I'm saying nobody is beholden to a particular job. Maybe employing kids to sell to adults isn't entirely wise, though.

Models are models for a REASON not to be like you and me!

Chlothes just look better on a skinny girl on a catwalk then wath they do on a size 12 girl!

You want to be looking at the chlothes not the girl! And if somewone is a bit more "curvy" then you will look at her body and not the chlothes.

And if somewone is so weak that they get an unhealthy image, and start developing anorexia then too bad for them!

I don't mean to start to offend people, but "weak persons" always seem to have the need to have something to blaime on.

It's just fashion at the end of the day.
GlitteryBug21 said:
Sometimes I think the fashion industry is well and truly f*cked up...

Yeah cos office jobs are so much better. Let's face it, there's a reason we're paid to do any jobs: because they destroy the soul
pucci_mama said:

Models are models for a REASON not to be like you and me!

Chlothes just look better on a skinny girl on a catwalk then wath they do on a size 12 girl!

You want to be looking at the chlothes not the girl! And if somewone is a bit more "curvy" then you will look at her body and not the chlothes.

And if somewone is so weak that they get an unhealthy image, and start developing anorexia then too bad for them!

I don't mean to start to offend people, but "weak persons" always seem to have the need to have something to blaime on.

It's just fashion at the end of the day.

belligerent but correct
Yeah, you have some good points, pucci_mama.
I (personally) feel it is a shame when you see the extreme levels some girls go to. There's a point when thinness simply stops being a good clotheshanger and becomes something altogether different. Half the time, (and I know this isn't just me), the model's thinness is more distracting than curves. Haven't you ever looked at a catwalk snap and looked at the protruding bones before the clothes? I know I have, and so have my friends.
Although I agree with you in some ways though, e.g. clothes look better on smaller sizes. You have some good points in your argument. To bring the topic back to its origins - Joanna - I think that she is quite different looking from your average size 12. It is probably easier to make a size 6/8 body look good than a 12, although I don't find Joanna fat myself. I think she looks just as good as the other models.
oooh that camilla and that kate... from those pictures they look cute
I think that clothes look better on curvier girls. If a girl is too skinny the clothes just hang.
Who is going to win then? I can't decide between the three of them but I think Alice will win. (Theh quickly dissappear into obscurity with the rest of them)
Its not on till monday is it, and the UK public get to vote. Anyone voted, I havem't.
Yeah it is on on Monday. I never vote in all these tv phone votes. Waste of money. I think Channel 5's biggest problem was putting the show on at 11. If it was on at 10 they would have got much more viewers. I really enjoyed the programme but missed most of the episodes because I couldn't stay up late enough to see them!

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