Marc Jacobs Stam Bag (September 2005 - March 2010)

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I think you mean the crayola, don't you. I saw a regular stam in that color once irl. I think it's really rare though. I'm not even sure if the little stam came in that color at all but I might be wrong. I guess, ebay is you best bet.
Anyone else had the oxidation problem with the Stam chain strap?

The chain messed up my white clothes. :( I've read about this problem before. If you wipe it with a white napkin or something, you might notice that there's some black stuff coming off it.

I've been polishing it with a cloth lately but it keeps coming back. Should I use some jewelry polisher?

I cannot understand why this oxidation appears.:unsure: I store it in a dry walk in closet and don't take it out too often if it's moist/wet outside.

Yes, i know what you mean Chaneller. My regular putty is fine, but my new baby black stam has that problem (it depends on the hardware- whether it was aged or shiny gold). I tried polishing it with a soft cloth and got right in between each link as well as i could and although it's better, it still leaves some marks on white clothes. I think it washes off though, so it shouldn't be too serious. :flower:
Finally, here's a photo of my new black baby stam (next to my regular putty to show the size comparison). I'll post some pics of me wearing it this week if people want


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yeah, finally some pics! Have you worn it out yet? I think it's perfect when you don't need that much stuff.
boots, congrats it's *.* gorgeous, both are!
Im still waiting for mine (regular) but i love this bag so much that i'm definitely going to take a baby stam too :D
Thank you so much everyone!
ShoeGal, yes, I used my regular one so often i couldn't resist the baby as well. You won't regret it! Can't wait to see pictures of yours
Velony Yes i have actually used it quite a lot. I didn't think i would get much use out of it here for a few months as it's summer and i thought it might be a bit too black, but since i wear a lot of black, cream and white anyway most of the time, it has actually been perfect. My regular one has actually taken a break while i'm uni holidays and don't need to cart everything around, and this has been perfect (fits more than my Chanel 255 too, which is good!!)
What do people think of the Stam Mina (is this the same as the elastic stam, or is that different? These newer ones all look the same to me...)? Does anyone own one? GuessGirl, i think i remember you got one in plum but can't remember seeing pictures or what you thought of it in the end.
Anyway, i'm contemplating this one on ebay: 170153838265 and also in the plum by the same seller. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I'm worried they have the elastic stitching (the seller didn't know what i was talking about) and if so that the elastic might deteriorate after a few years. They do look lovely though, and i love the colours.
Thanks in advance everyone! :flower: :winkiss:
Boots I PMed you :) The mina is a little weird in real life since it's 2D like the baby stam. For anyone else wondering basically the elastic isnt strechy at all and I dont think it would be a problem.
boots~ congrats!!! i love it! the size is so practical! i used it more than my regular stam lately...
^ Yes, me too actually! My regular one seems to get used more in winter when i'm carrying more things around (i also like the way the light colour contrasts with my darker winter clothes) and practically every day at university.
congrats Boots! they look so pretty! i'm dying for a little stam too, can't decide which colour though! i had decided on the bright blue (velony says its called "crayola") but recently i saw a creamy white one on ebay and now i'm pining for that one too. CRAP.

i have to say, i really don't like the new elasticky stams..i prefer the classic quilted. i carry my reg. black one all the time and it fits so much stuff. the one little drawback though is that its quite heavy...oh well. its cute as hell. :)
this thread makes me love my stam all over again. i think i'll get it out and start using it again!
^I agree. I haven't worn mine in a while but it deserves to be worn so I should take it out this week.
my black stam:




metallic stam:


melrose "stam":


stam key holder :lol:


my beige patchwork baby stam:


and my stam bag trolley: :heart:





sorry, I didn't know, in which thread to put the trolley...

(all pics by me)
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