Marilyn Monroe #1

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Has anyone ever seen 'Norma Jean and Marilyn' with Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino? I heard it didn't do too well, but I'd love to hear some other feedback from here :]
Thank you so much Style Savy:woot: :heart:
SW33, re. that movie, the story is pretty preposterous:rolleyes: and Mira Sorvino is awful as Marilyn:yuk: Ashley Judd as the younger Norma Jeane is pretty good.
sw33tricecakes said:
Has anyone ever seen 'Norma Jean and Marilyn' with Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino? I heard it didn't do too well, but I'd love to hear some other feedback from here :]
I saw the movie on tv last year. It wasn't that good. They split Marilyn Monroe isn't two characters so that Norma Jean would be talking to Marilyn Monroe at times. Mira Sorvino wasn't very good as Marilyn but Ashley Judd did an ok job.
The Mira Sorvino/Ashley Judd film is rubbish, I think. It's just made to 'shock' Hollywood audiences and to get as much money as possible.

I just got my copy of The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe by Sarah Churchwell from the library. Is this book any good? I've hesitated to read biographies written about Marilyn, because they tend to be rubbish, and I get confused with so many theories. I usually prefer the photography books about her, at least that's true.
Yup, Mira is no Marilyn. It's sad to see her trying to be. I wonder when they'll make a proper Marilyin movie...


Just a lil reminder to keep this thread on Marilyn's style, beauty and fashion and let's not get into plastic surgery speculation.
It is true she probably did have some minor things done to her nose tip and chin but this thread is to focus on and honor her iconic staying power and inimitible style:flower:
Well sorry but i didn't send it to bash her or smth...i just asked others' opinions.What is wrong with it?It is about beauty too,like u said above.Well whatever
Specifically, it was a link to a plastic surgery site and speculation on whether she had work done or not.
Well, as with living style stars on here, we try to steer clear of such posts dealing with speculative plastic surgery and refer people to the "Rumour Has It" forum where rumours of this nature appropriately belong. Hope this is clear for you :flower:?
Getting back to MM, anyone ever see the British produced photo coffeetable book "Marilyn Among Friends"?
I have it- it is a real gem if you can find it. I have the 1st printing hardback from '87.
So many lovely stories and the photos are beyond gorgeous and innocent :heart:
Here is the synopsis I pulled off Amazon.UK:
A tribute to Marilyn Monroe, this work is written by two of her closest friends. Norman Rosten, poet, playwright and novelist, was introduced to Marilyn Monroe in 1955 by his friend, photographer Sam Shaw. Their relationship was to become so close that Rosten was described as Marilyn's closest friend. For the rest of her life Marilyn saw a great deal of the Brooklyn writer and his wife Hedda. Something in the gentle, humorous family man appealed to Marilyn and inspired her trust. For Rosten, Marilyn was different things at different times; an attractive and sophisticated woman, an innocent child and sometimes just a dear friend, badly in need of help. Sam Shaw met Marilyn Monroe on the set of "Gentleman Prefer Blondes" in 1953. He was to take many famous photographs of her, including the skirt-blowing shots for "The Seven-Year Itch". He too became her friend and took many photographs of her revealing the other sides of her personality that only her true friends knew.

a review says:
Unusual book, lot's of photographs- around 200, some candids, some from Marilyn's movie sets. Pictures are all black and white. It has many images you will not see anywhere else. Also a beautiful text by Norman Rosten, Marilyn's poet friend. Get this book! Lot's of pictures during her Arthur Miller phase.

Ok of course u r right...mods are always right
My mom's friend has this is great,i wanted her to borrow but she said it was a gift to her so...well at least i saw it though i don't remember at all,i was too young lol
I think you can find it in used bookstores or maybe on Ebay if you is really beautiful.
Orchide, I have that book. ^_^ I have nearly every Marilyn photobook there is. :heart:
I'm getting that book from library. I had an idea of starting to collect Marilyn's photobooks, since I think she was most talented as a model, it's magic. But then, I don't like collecting things and I have a thing about keeping everything simple, so I have only one book.

Again, has anyone read The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe by Sarah Churchwell? Is it good? I'm reading it at the moment.

Richard Avedon and Marilyn

Marilyn Monroe by Richard Avedon, B&W Shoot
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