Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen (Please put any and all MK&A related gossip in here) #1

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today i read in an german onlinemag mk would be pregnant!?!?!?!?:blink:

did anyone else hear something like that?


it's all in german, but the article says the father would be mk's bf Nate Lowman and according to the "Enquirer" it's all because of heath ledger who told mk shortly before his death that being a dad would be the best thing he ever expierenced in his whole life.
today i read in an german onlinemag mk would be pregnant!?!?!?!?:blink:

did anyone else hear something like that?


it's all in german, but the article says the father would be mk's bf Nate Lowman and according to the "Enquirer" it's all because of heath ledger who told mk shortly before his death that being a dad would be the best thing he ever expierenced in his whole life.

i just saw this on msn!! i'm SHOCKED! :shock:
good god i bet if this one was true..her kid would give suri a run for her money...
^^ Haaha. my boyfriend told me if was on the radio here too. gossips spreads fast hey
yeah it was on the news here, really hope its true!! maybe the baby would turn her life around, like nicole's baby did to her.
Oh please her life doesn't need any mature "turn", she's only 22...
THE Art Basel convention in Miami has always been more about the parties than the art, but some revelers seem to be taking the concept to a whole new level.

Pint-sized Mary-Kate Olsen has cut a particularly wide swath through the town. On Wednesday night, Olsen and Kirsten Dunst got into a heated argument while sitting together at Audi's party at the Delano in South Beach. "They just kind of stared at each other for a long time and then started exchanging nasty words," says an onlooker. "Then Olsen just got up and left. She's been going really late every night." Olsen and her boyfriend, artist Nate Lowman, were also out until dawn with DJ Paul Sevigny at club Bella Rose the night before.

Says another partygoer at the Delano: "She looked like she had not brushed her hair in a week and she was chain-smoking the entire time and sitting like a sourpuss with her boyfriend. She was acting very oddly."

Page Six, 12/6
MK does not look very groomed...but its her choice i guess..I cant imagine her and Kirsten talking loll
hey guys, I guess some of you have read this already, but well I wanna post it, because this thread is kinda dead (which isn´t that bad, is it?)
I took it from another board, and that person did that is a quote also, so I do. I completely quote that other person:
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]The Truth About Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
from cosmicangel
the site:

I went to Campbell Hall High last year with both Mary- Kate and Ashley Olsen. Campbell is located near my home in California- in San Fernando Valley, which is near the Hollywood Hills. So many people are talking about them on here! Most of what your hearing are probably rumors, but I will give you 100 percent raw and accurate info on the girls for those interested. Now that I have graduated, I go to USC and they are in New York right now, but I hear from friends Mary- Kate is thinking of moving back here soon. Look, I am not here to make up stories or participate in meaningless gossip that, frankly, I am a little too old for. Please excuse the informal nature of my post, I just want to present the clear facts and straighten a few misconceptions out. I am no longer friends with the girls, but I was very good aquintances of them last year- and a few of my friends were very close with Ashley, the more outgoing of the two. Our school was beautiful, but rather small, so word travelled fast around the hallways, so to speak. Here is what I can tell you- this is purely factual and not meant to hurt anyone or challenge any individual claims made prior to this- even thought I know some of you are lying- which I hate- I am thankful I am not one of those liars.

1. Both Mary-Kate and Ashley did well in their rigurous academic scheduals, although they excelled in the arts and our schools strong focus on athletics.

2. Ashley was a meber of our schools Vikings team, and would do many extracurricular events.

3. neither Mary Kate or Ashley attended many school functions, and even missed Prom and Senoir retreat for entertainment events. ( which I am not judging- SNL is great)

4. Both Mary- Kate and Ashley had a hard time eating. We would sit near eachother all the time, and they would mostly play with their food and talk. Mary- Kate was removed on several occasions from school just to eat and work with her eating coach.

5. Mary - Kate often had trouble following the school's uniform and disaplinary programs- she would often get in trouble for not wearing her uniform and wearing inappropriate ( although awesome) accesories. She also got in trouble for smoking on school grounds- but Ashley did not smoke.

6. Friday's there were no dress codes, so the girls would always go out of their way to dress really funky and cool- people thought their clothing was weird at the time, but I liked it. Ashley was always a bit classier though.

7. Two nice looking older guys would pick them up outside of school often, and Ashley was with her boyfriend ( who was also involved in Viking Athletics) for about 3 years. ( and yes, they did it! But it was romantic, she told us, not rough). Mary- Kates boyfriend was always a bit edgier, and he would be really nice and buy coffee for her and suprise her with sweet stuff. ( and yes, she was se xually active also, but I have only heard this from friends, so its not a sure deal)

8. They are nice! There is nothing pregnant dogy or diva-ish about them, they are normal girls, and although they are shy and somewhat standoffish at times, they have trouble trusting people because they never know their true friends.

10. Something cute most people don't know is that we would always call Ashey " sprinkles" because she was sweet, nice and always giving out the best little cupecakes she made for us! They love cupcakes, especially Edie's bakery in California.

11. Please don't talk about them anymore! I just gave you the facts in black and white, there is nothing more to it than that! Michael, the sisters media rep was always mean to them in real life also. They would get in trouble for the silliest slip- ups, and be aware that every statement Michael makes is ridiculous. I never liked him much ( he was at our school for gods sake!) and trying to find out which students were reporting things to tabloids and yelling at "suspects." He is so mean. Really- Ashley doesn't even like him, I dont know why they dont find new representation. Every lie he tells the public is obvious. " Mary- Kate is in the hospital for a health related issue. Cocaine is not part of her problem" Yeah right! Please Michael your making yourself look silly!
Hope you found out all of the stuff you wanted to know. Let me know what you think or any other questions you have."

Dont know what to make of it: got if rom livejournal, but its been circuling the internet.
from cosmicangel[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]( and yes, they did it! But it was romantic, she told us, not rough)

OMG I can't stop laughing :rofl:
anyother one:
No doubt some will call me a liar about this. I expect it to happen. The truth is I would not lie about this. My friends mean to much to me. I will also take this moment to explain why I went on a trip I could barely afford. I have cancer again, the third time. I start treatments next week again. I went to L.A. to see the girls again, and was pretty upset when I missed the signing. But then god led her to me one more time, my angelface. It may be the last time I see her in person unless I can beat this next bout of cancer. I will beat it. I want to see her yet again. Thank you all my friends,

Well, I have good news and bad news my friends. Bad news first. I wasn't able to get in for the book signing. My car broke down on the other side of L.A. so I had to take a bus. By the time I got there, the line was massive. I didn't hjave a chance. The books sold out actually so not all that got in got one. I was pretty bumbed out as you can imagine. Then, something cool happened.
I was waiting for a bus to take me back to my Car ( took 800 bucks to fix the damn thing ) when I saw a big Oriental guy with a little figure behind him. I t was Mary-Kate and one of her guards. I desided to approach her. I was about there when the guard got between me and her. She told him it was ok, she knew who I was. That almost floored me. She smiled and told me she remembered me from when I met her the first time. She was so beautiful. We talked for a few, but there were PETA assholes around so she said why don't we have a cup of coffee together. There was a small coffe shot nearby so we went there. Anyway, we talked for a few, she was so sweet. I won't go into all details cause it's private. I will talk more to my msn friends about it when I get the chance. I haven't been to bed yet lol, I drove all night.
Over all, the trip was really worth it. L.A. is a lucky place for me. Maybe I should move there lol.

I got this one from LJ, but the person said it´s from anyother forum
Can you guys imagine MK being all "let's have a cup of coffee together" with a fan? Personally, i don't.
^ yeah...that's just all too creepy for me... :unsure:

ok..i re-read it. "angelface"?

.... serendipitous "God led her to me"?

and remembering a fan out of the millions of people that approach them?

am i the only one having serious doubts? :lol:
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^plus it's been reported a few times that they aren't extremenly "friendly" with fans... (maybe this is true or not... I'm just giving some facts)
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