Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen (Please put any and all MK&A related gossip in here) #1

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does anyone know what has happened to their website??? since the book signing they have kinda abandoned it... no updates... and it's weird with xmast and new year's... isn't it?

i think it needs a massive change! it's managed terribly bad ...
^I think they could close it soon. I mean, their main target grew up with them which leads me to wonder if their mary-kateandashley brand is still really successful today...Is there still a market for that brand? Plus, their image has changed and now they're more portrayed as it-girls/fashion icons than teen/tween stars.

About them not being really "friendly" with their fans, i've never met them so these are just suppositions, but i feel like the thing is not to act like a crazy fan when you approach them :)
^agree... but they can mantain the marykateandashley brand changing a little bit the concept. They use Walmart (and similar stores in other countries) as their distributor and this means a lot of potential sales without really needing a lot of advertising. their focus is now in E&J and the row but if they can separate their image (faces) from the cheap line for tweens it can work as an independent line... don't u think?

but I definitly believe, they MUST close their website. and if in the future the row and E&J work really good, start a new one for their lines (and maybe include a brief section bout their profiles). something chic, in line with the concept of their fashion, without all the "trying to be cool" advice crap (sorry for the expression) and fashion articles they have now.

You guys are so right. Their original "target" audience has grown up with them. When I was younger I would go to their site and read the "advice section" and look at pictures, but now I'd love to see something more to do with fashion and trends. Especially with E&J and The Row ! (Both amazing lines) I'm sure most of their fashion fans would be interested in reading what they have to say about clothing. ^_^
I remember i bought the first magazine the ever did. ^ both of you are right on the money.
About them not being really "friendly" with their fans, i've never met them so these are just suppositions, but i feel like the thing is not to act like a crazy fan when you approach them :)

My friend met them in LA. and said they didnt come off "not friendly" but just tired and even said one of them (she couldnt tell which:lol:) said they had a meeting or soemthing and really had to go but one fan really was upset about that. She also said they didnt take off their sunglasses which was rude cause if you show your friends they could bluff if it's not a clear shot.
She also noted they had "killer shoes, as in if i walked in them i would die" and that they must have great "balance" but would elborate on the shoes.:cry:
i saw the interview again yesterday and could do without the 'breakfast question' I wish the girls appearance was a whole hour. And dove into MK movies and what's next with Ashley and so on. but it's always good to see them. so i take what i can get.
Yeah I watched that episode. I was a bit disappointed with their outfits. They could have done a lot better. And Oprah would ask them about food.. she's so dumb.
I really enjoyed seeing how they execute their collections in the studio and what they normally do everyday.
The rumor was true. The latest news to hit the internet this morning is the launch of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s menswear line. According to Ashley, “The Row” for Men is “definitely [created for] an older, masculine man.” The collection includes thirty-five pieces and hits stores this fall. Prices range from $230 to $3,200.



in some german cossip magazine (intouch) was written that ash wants an boob job and mk begs her not to do one :lol:
I also heard that she is coming out with a fashion line because she says once she gets out of her treatment center, that her fashion line will show the new her. in a more balanced way. Says people magagzine!
"Ashley would wear really baggy clothe"
"Ashley was more into florals and baggier clothes."
If I look at recent pictures of them... it makes me feel like MK likes more baggy clothes..:huh:
quote:''We don't think their styles are all that distinguishable. What say you?''

This person probably hasn't been on their thread :lol:
Keep Your Eyes On Your Man!

Multiple sources reveal exclusively to that Mary-Kate Olsen's boyfriend, artist Nate Lowman, is getting very close to wacktress Kirsten Drunkst.
You've been warned, girl!

idk if i believe this... MK and Kirsten are friends, right? Maybe they saw each other (Nate and Kirsten) at some party and people misinterpreted it
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