Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen (Please put any and all MK&A related gossip in here) #1

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^ I agree :D

It's hard to try and find pics that prove my theory as it is :lol: but i did the best i could to back it up lol.
I always could tell that they both made changes to their nose. Mary-Kate's was so lovely before, but I guess naturally she's her harshest critic.
VersaceLuva586, are you positive in those pics of mk that it is not just the contoring of her make up... because to me it looks like her make-up artist has strategically used bronzer to change the appearence of her nose...
VersaceLuva586, are you positive in those pics of mk that it is not just the contoring of her make up... because to me it looks like her make-up artist has strategically used bronzer to change the appearence of her nose...

I am 100% certain that it isn't down to make-up! Both girls have had work done. Though i did notice that just before MK got her nose job (She got hers done first) at the end of 06, there was a D&G event where the countouring/highlighting of make-up on her nose was alot more prominent (which makes me think that she did that so that it would seem less obvious when she did get her nose done for real) Then in the beginning of 2007 MK's nose seemed swollen (even crooked or caved in almost, probably due to the surgeon braking her nose) then the swelling went down and it seemed smaller and more "refined" Pics below.

2006 (just before NJ) - 2007 (just after NJ) 2007 (swelling gone down) 2008 (the pic where her hand is near her mouth, you can see the nose has been broken) :shock:

Me being a big Olsen fan, i have folders containing pics of every event they have been to and as soon as they had their noses done, i could tell straight away. I posted pics that are similar in pose so that everyone could see what i was talking about.

Just to see his opinion, i asked my dad to look at the last two pics i posted of MK, and even he said that he could see that she has had a nosejob :lol:
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okay, i agree on ash´s nose, but i can´t see it on mk´s. but her nose in #844 really looks different. but in #840 the nose is exactly the same
okay, i agree on ash´s nose, but i can´t see it on mk´s. but her nose in #844 really looks different. but in #840 the nose is exactly the same

Weird isn't it? It's funny how you can see the difference in Ashley's nose but either way, it's fun to post about :lol:
the last one looks like theyre doing their duck lips. when you do that your nose gets stretched down.

I feel like this discussion will never end. IMO, those pics don't prove anything. I #844 and #845 the nose is exactly the same... I do have folders too of many of their appearances, I spent a lot of time yesterday looking at events pics from every year and to me, they didn't get nose jobs. Again and again, it's all about lighting, makeup, growing up, doing the duck lips or not.
Anyway, no one can be "100% sure" when we base our opinions on pics. If one of you know her personally then ask her and we'll have the last word on that story :rofl:
Well, i'm just glad i'm not the only one that can see that they have had work done. I think some people are a little more observant and are better with facial features more than others.

It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, but to some the change is very subtle so they cannot see it. :shock:

emailme: I know MK does that "duck lips" pose to make her nose appear smaller but the actual "structure" of her nose and the "bridge" cannot be changed due to a facial pose. Even her nostrils are more visible due to it being broken and reset. This is obvious in my #845 post.

How some can't see that MK's nose has been broken and reset is beyond me but each to their own...........:rolleyes:
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Well, i'm just glad i'm not the only one that can see that they have had work done. I think some people are a little more observant and are better with facial features more than others.

I'm not even going to comment on that :rolleyes:
I'm not even going to comment on that :rolleyes:

but she's right though.... when i look at pictures of mary kate and ashley, even if something looks off, I can't pinpoint it out like some others are able to. Some people can rally tell changes in facial features whereas i'm a little "slow" in that department. Looking at some of those pictures, I'm surprised I didn't notice all of it before. Ashley looked so much better in the first pic on the the previous page than with her supposed "new" nose. So did Mary Kate. They both looked cuter, with more unique and graceful features. If they did change it, I don&t know why they even did. They looked fine before.
^Sure, some are better than others at that but assuming he's better at that than some of us because he's absolutely sure they had their nose done makes him sound a bit arrogant and doesn't validate his point...
^Sure, some are better than others at that but assuming he's better at that than some of us because he's absolutely sure they had their nose done makes him sound a bit arrogant and doesn't validate his point...

oops-its a he not a she...sorry about that :p
maybe he just knows more about noses than some of us. i like my nose so I never really look at it, i don't really look at other people's noses much either come to think of it. But a lot of people make statements here that could sound like affirmations and not opinions, so what? He sees what he sees, so let him think that. Same with other people's opinions or speculations I guess. You can't say for sure whether they did or didn't get a nose job either... but in your posts you sound sure that they didn't. None of us are their surgeons or anything, so none of us can confirm or deny on their behalf anyways.
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oops-its a he not a she...sorry about that :p

No problem! ^_^

And i agree with what you just said.

Thefrenchy: I didn't mean to come off as "arrogant" as i was just stating (not talking to anyone in particular) that some people are better at observing facial features than others, which is true IMO :innocent:

Anyways nosejob or not, i love Mary-Kate and Ashley and always will lol!
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oops-its a he not a she...sorry about that :p
maybe he just knows more about noses than some of us. i like my nose so I never really look at it, i don't really look at other people's noses much either come to think of it. But a lot of people make statements here that could sound like affirmations and not opinions, so what? He sees what he sees, so let him think that. Same with other people's opinions or speculations I guess. You can't say for sure whether they did or didn't get a nose job either... but in your posts you sound sure that they didn't. None of us are their surgeons or anything, so none of us can confirm or deny on their behalf anyways.

What's the point of coming on a forum if we can't respond to what people say? When I read such statements, I always wonder what people are looking for here? If it's just to post I agree or thanks for the pics, then what a waste of time...

As I stated, I hate my nose, so I know for a fact that the good lighting and good angle will make your nose look different. In my post, I never stated that I was 100% sure (contrary to the other poster) they didn't get a nose jobs, just that those pictures, IMO, didn't prove anything since it's always about the dark or light lighting that accentuate or not the facial features.

I think we should all agree to disagree. It's an endless discussion, really.
This is a "gossip" thread and the conversation could go on forever because everyone has different opinions which i respect. I wouldn't say "let's quit this convo now because it's an endless discussion" because it may be an endless discussion but it's trivial and fun,

Why make it into something negative????? After all, i know that i'm a HUUUUGE MK and Ash fan and i'm sure there are some here too :)
^^^i like them too usually, but sometimes if I'm a bit critical of them (which I can be to anyone) their "hardcore" fans jump on me for stating a differing opinion. Which gets a bit tiring sometimes cause I feel like I have to defend myself for having an opinion or making an observation. So, I understand where you're coming from-sorry again about the he/she thing :D
okay, i agree on ash´s nose, but i can´t see it on mk´s. but her nose in #844 really looks different. but in #840 the nose is exactly the same

:lol: and I agree on MK's nose and not Ashley's. Ashley is hard to tell but MK I can it.
What's the point of coming on a forum if we can't respond to what people say? When I read such statements, I always wonder what people are looking for here? If it's just to post I agree or thanks for the pics, then what a waste of time...

As I stated, I hate my nose, so I know for a fact that the good lighting and good angle will make your nose look different. In my post, I never stated that I was 100% sure (contrary to the other poster) they didn't get a nose jobs, just that those pictures, IMO, didn't prove anything since it's always about the dark or light lighting that accentuate or not the facial features.

I think we should all agree to disagree. It's an endless discussion, really.
then why don't you let people disagree without getting all uppity?
I didn't say you had to agree...where do you pull out this stuff? I said let him have his perspective, most likely you're not going to prove the nosejob believers otherwise, and vice-versa. Some people here post what they honestly think and get flamed for it, reported, or get their posts deleted if fans think it's causing a disruption. I think you should follow you're own advice and "agree to disagree" without calling people arrogant, when clearly he isn't.
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