Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen (Please put any and all MK&A related gossip in here) #1

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I never got into that nose jobs thing... Nor did I ever find "revealing" the pics people post to prove they had their nose done.
I love MK and Ash, but they both definetly got their noses done alright. Anyone who has been a fan since forever and who has studied their facial features over the years can see that!

Here are some pics
I think that MK may have had 3 nose jobs, one in 2007 but i think she realised that the surgeon made it look kind of caved in so i think she may have got the bridge rebuilt at the end of 2008.

2002 - 2007

2008 - 2009

Can you guys see how the bridge looks rebuilt and not as caved in?

I'll be back with Ashley soon.

Credit for images - & Tinypic
If I wanted, I would post pics from myself from when I was 14 and now (I'm 19) and you could see that my nose changed...

Also, the nose jobs rumours have been around since 2007 which leads me to think that your last "point" (2008-2009) is invalid.

Just read this ...

I think that MK may have had 3 nose jobs, one in 2007 but i think she realised that the surgeon made it look kind of caved in so i think she may have got the bridge rebuilt at the end of 2008.

Oh boy :lol: You should totally apply for a job at Us Weekly :rofl:
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I'm sorry, but the nose is all the same in all the pictures.

Her face has changed a lot through the years, make-up changes a face, she has the habit of pouting, sucking in her cheeks and she looks quite tense in the face when she poses.. all of these things affect the moveable part of the nose and might change the way you see her nose from time to time.

But a nose job.. I don't believe she had one. If she had, well, then she should go back because there is no difference to be seen.

(A fun fact; the nose will grow the rest of our lives, as well as the ears)
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^exactly. It's all about growing up, different makeup, different lighting, different angle.
yeah makeup has a huge effect too! maybe i've been watching too many make-over shows, but using the right "highlighting" and "shadowing" with makeup can change the look of your nose (and facial structure).
I know that some fans probably don't want to believe that they would have their noses done, but they have.

It's soooo obvious when you look at pictures and also, they have always had complexes about their noses. Way back when they had their own dolls, they felt that the facemolds of their heads had noses that were too big and wanted them smaller. That makes it even more obvious to me that they felt that their noses were too big and wanted to refine their features.

It's not a bad thing at all, i guess with me i am very specific and am very good with facial features. Me being a fan for soo long, i could tell straight away that something changed.

Thefrenchy: There were rumours of nosejobs back in 2004 which wasn't so obvious, then again in 2007 (Mk's nose looked very diff) and then Mk got the 07 nose job corrected at the end of 2008. I am very aware of the fact that your appearance can be changed by make-up, lighting etc, but you can't do that when it comes to the actual structure of the nose. Mk and Ash's nose 'structure' has changed and that it is not possible unless they had rhinoplasty. :rolleyes:
Okay, you guys, i'm not here to start an argument. I love TFS, and would want to make friends here, not enemies :)

But you guys have got to be blind if you can't see what i'm talking about here. Forget about lighting, make-up etc because if you look at Mk's nose, you can clearly see the difference.
2006 - 2008
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I know that some fans probably don't want to believe that they would have their noses done, but they have.

I really don't care if she had a nose job or not, it just annoys me that people throw around "she/he had this done, she/he had that done" on every celeb all the time. :)
I really don't care if she had a nose job or not, it just annoys me that people throw around "she/he had this done, she/he had that done" on every celeb all the time. :)

I agree, but after all, most of Hollywood have had something done (so this isn't surprising) and this is a gossip thread so it's the perfect place to discuss this kind of trivial thing ^_^
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Okay, you guys, i'm not here to start an argument. I love TFS, and would want to make friends here, not enemies :)

But you guys have got to be blind if you can't see what i'm talking about here. Forget about lighting, make-up etc because if you look at Mk's nose, you can clearly see the difference.
2006 - 2008

Credit to Tinypic

The nose is EXACTLY the same in those two pics. Except that in the first pic, the lighting is intense, which makes you think it's less "drawn" that in the second
I agree in the pictures in #829 BUT in post #823
in the last two pictures you can see a difference. It could explain why her face was so puffy. IMO, the yoga pictures her face being puffy was probably from the yoga especially if it was bikram or maybe some cosmetic on her nose. Look, I'm not saying it was for vanity,maybe it is, but maybe she did it cause she had trouble breathing or something. Just throwing my tow theories out there.
I've been spending the last 30min (yes, I only have that to do, it's sunday and 2.30AM now :lol: ) looking at pics from since the beginning of 2004 to 2009 and I didn't find ANYTHING revealing. So, maybe I'm just blind and dumb, but I'll keep thinking they didn't get a nose job.
The difference you see comes from the lighting and the angle. I should know, I hate my nose. And I know how to make it look better/different when I get my picture taken.
In the pic you posted in #829, it's all about the lighting. As I said in my previous post, the light is intense in the first one and doesn't accentuate her nose as much as the second pic's lighting, which is dark, does.
The best nose jobs are the ones that aren't noticeable.... you think someone looks better and somewhat different but you can't exactly pinpoint or tell if that person got something done.
Thefrenchy: Well, i guess we are going to have agree that we have different opinions on this but for me, i can definetly see "nosejobs" and as subtle as they are, i can still very much see it.

Now, because i'm bored (and it's bank holiday) I'll post Ashley pics and you guys can let me know what you think :)

In Ashley's case, her rhinoplasty isn't as dramatic imo and i think she wanted to get rid of the slight bump on the bridge of her nose instead of making it dramatically smaller. The bump on the bridge has been shaved down and the result is better than Mk's nose imo. Very subtle changes but i can see them very clearly.
2004 - 2008

Ashley's new nose is more of a ski slope now and looks more "inwards".
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God she looks amazing in that first picture. In some pictures it's definitely lighting. But in others you can see there is something different not so much in Ashley's to be honest I can't eve tell the difference but in Mary Kate I can. She always seemed like the more insecure out of the two so I don't put it past her. And I'm not one of people who thinks that every Hollywood person had something done.
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