Meghan and Harry in Hollywood

Yes, they are racists. Fetishism is still a form of racism. Are they KKK-supporting etc extremists? No, I am sure they are fine people. It doesn't take away that it is a form of racism.

At the end of the day, we've all been indoctrinated with different forms of racism, whether conscious or not.

Yes, it is form of racism by definition. Fortunately, individuals are more complex and defined by more than just one component of their whole. None of my friends are superficially fetishizing a people nor are they indoctrinated into a mindset that they need to be deprogrammed from; That POV is a common, sweeping statement these days to accuse them of such when it does come down to a personal preference of physical attraction, whether you agree with it or not. Just like taking pics at a BLM rally to post on your Insta doesn’t mean anything beyond you’re posting pics of yourself at a BLM rally. Without knowing how that individual relates to and interacts with Black individuals-- or more importantly, every people in their everyday life, I’m not going to judge either way… How people carefully choose to present themselves in public is very different from how they live and relate to the world in their personal lives.

To stay on topic: Meghan threw it all out there that she’s a victim of this “racist” family (and apparently profiting off her "suffering hardship” of them…)— while taking absolutely no accountability that she came into not just a royal family, but to the most famous Royal family in the world, with her fame-chasing tabloid behaviour, is just so intolerable/insufferable/self-serving and more narcissistic than Kim K could ever be: She made it all about herself and no one else.
Ah, the good old 'it's not racism, it's a preference' spiel.
Wait, did you try to quote paragraph 2 and edit out 1 and 3 but ended up quoting 1? I'm confused on the part you quoted. May my xenophobic remark not be confused for a racist one :lol:.. but I'm going to assume you were replying to paragraph 2 and we're in agreement that a preference implies discriminatory behavior (even when you're just shopping for cereal) and discrimination is based on deservingness and deservingness is a construct heavily influenced by conditioning/social norms. So when someone says 'I'm not racist, I just have preferences', he/she is not providing a clarification, but simply information on what type of discrimination is involved in his/her choices. In the case of being race-oriented, there is sadly an infamous terminology no one wants to be associated with, they can use a more ornamented synonym, but it doesn't change what it is. Is it socially accepted to just say 'I have preferences and they're racist'? no, because racism, while it can be dormant/not actively nurtured, has proved to lead to crime and that's not something anyone's looking for in a partner, it's not even flattering to think someone just chose you based on your skin color.

So personally, I try not to make much fuss about someone saying something like 'I'm not racist, I just have preferences' or 'ugh I feel bad, but I seriously only like guys above 1.85!'.. I know what it means, we all do..

Benn, can't believe you missed the Queen's 'recollections may vary....' statement yesterday! :lol:
Benn, can't believe you missed the Queen's 'recollections may vary....' statement yesterday! :lol:

You're living for this, arent you? LOL. I told you she'll be fine. Thankfully her new Corgi puppies came at just the right time.

Truth be told I've checked out. I swear, this news got stretched so thin that everyone and their mum had an opinion about the fact that others are having an opinion. I have to say though, it was a big payday for the media. They've pulled every subject imaginable into a thinkpiece to the point that CNN literally had a segment about how British vs US press are covering the interview. Of course using only the trashiest of UK tabloids to prove their point of 'see, even after Meghan's claims, the British press simply won't let up'. None of The Guardian, Evening Standard etc and other respected newspapers.

Anyway, there are other far more sinister things happening in the backdrop of this drama. Like the Americans quietly pushing for NI to unify with the republic. This scandal has provided a smokescreen for God knows what else.
Tbh I do feel a bit bad for Meghan as she said she was suicidal :( suffering is suffering. But I also...... like you did know you were marrying into the OG colonizer family right? There is a zero percent chance in hell the monarchy would be accepting of her. Like ever. Surprise!

I wish the press would shut up with the pity party as they move on into their 14 million dollar house in LA. Go worry about prince Andrew having sex with children. There's something to be outraged about.
I have to say though, it was a big payday for the media.
All but Piers. ☕️

I hope you didn't check out before the 'Ok, I'm done, see you later!', as he walked off moving his little arms, cause.. what are we in this for if it's not pure entertainment? :lol:
For years Susannah, his co-host, used to be the foil to 'nasty Piers'. I wonder what will happen now that he's gone because he was sort of like the human form of a model thread on tFS circa 2008 - there is this large fanbase that tune in to watch him and only him, and whenever he's not there they simply don't show up at all. That's why he always got the highest ratings.
I have to be honest, last summer I did soften towards him because there was no hateful, toxic rhetoric, he turned on The Orange One, and he was the only tv host who had the guts to hold the British government to account for their shoddy handling of the pandemic. In response, they banned him and gave briefings on all the other shows except his which only made his show more popular for the daily rants. Trust me, that was actually needed.

Thatdudeoverthere seems to know more about his history with Meghan, lol, didn't even know that it was that intense.

Sussein, when Meghan said something to the effect of 'nobody showed me the ropes' I thought, well, if you have to blame anyone, blame your man. He took you to meet the QUEEN OF ENGLAND and only on your way there asked if you knew how to curtsy??? It may sound like the type of cute, romantic comedy fodder, but what irked me most about that interview was their inability to take ownership. Especially in the cases where they were at fault.
^ I've never watched his show to be honest! just in it for the popcorn haha. But every time he goes viral for something, it often seems centered on women, he seems to have some gender thing happening that I hope he works on. Even this (also seen in this thread) "you played your cards so well, Meghan, you liar, calculating, egocentric woman with an agenda"... where does that leave Harry? nowhere, right? it's always the women carrying out this monumental campaign of intrigue and lies while their husbands are just there like little helpless puppies, trapped in the unfortunate circumstances. Like you said, more blame should be placed on him... and don't even get me started on how awkward it must be to find yourself pregnant for the second time, by a 36 year-old man who seems pretty lost at never having had a job, not having security (ever thought about the amount of men caring for his family in like.. Syria? with no security?), living outside his family home for the first time and just 'getting by' thanks to what 'mum left'. I know he's a royal and he's still pretty rich, and hot too :lol:, but give me a break... I have a lot less sympathy for him while she.. got it wrong about how dreamy it would all be.

She should've googled the hell out of him and bought every 'england for dummies' book out there, yes, the English will tell you 'we're all about propriety, discretion, we can't take a compliment' but history tells a different story, they can take a compliment and this is an empire based on literally being the pirates of every ocean for centuries.. once you get that in your head, you know you're not dealing with some enchanting nobility, you joined a cartel so good luck on getting out the way you got in.
^ never too late to join this long gossip ride! lol, there's been plenty of "truths" since 2016.. by the press (then there's categories in the press), the public, the one implied by the Palace's silence, even the UK parliament, now these two. There's no 'only', just versions.
I have no horse in this race - my one question is this ……… Why is Harry & Meghan’s ‘truth’ the only truth? Curious :flower:
I had posted some long thing about this but it got deleted, blind gossip has another side of the story about them. If it's to be believed, they're no victims and are the bad guys in most of this thing.
Also kate was treated badly by the media through the years, more than the waity moniker, the consistent good press about her is fairly recent. As for the bullying rumors, she supposedly berated the staff and made them cry. I used to follow European royals, though I'm way over it now, and have realised the british royals are the worst and most rigid
If it is simply a case of Piers acting like a jilted lover, what would his missus think of him going on and on about Meghan ditching him?

Anyway, yet again Meghan is digging her own grave. I find it suspect that of all the critics of her interview, she specifically targeted him. Why not go for Megyn Kelly? She said worse.

The Palace and the Royal Family has enormous power.

There are many women out there that cosplay Kate Middleton. Buying the same or similar outfits and posting photos on instagram. All of those women got their instagram accounts deleted in 2017. The palace apparently asked Instagram to do it and they complied - until the press got involved. Then mysteriously the women's accounts were restored.

Read the story in the Guardian here and in the Times here

By that measure the Palace could have asked Instagram to delete all those instagram accounts/posts harassing Markle prior to 2020 - but didn't. That's telling.
If it is simply a case of Piers acting like a jilted lover
His sexism doesn't work in that sexy way :lol:.. he's bothered by a lot of things in life but he's livid when it's a woman at the center of it all and even when she's not, like in this case (let's not forget it's the husband's family and the family business here what determines the way the cookie crumbles for everyone), he'll make sure to place the woman at the center of it all.. cause you know, witch.

Does someone actually care about Megyn Kelly in the UK? Piers's opinion seems far more influential there, and is this on the BBC? (I've seriously never seen it), cause I find the BBC more dignified so I would be more bothered by a comment like that there, whereas Kelly.. where do you even find her? Fox? a youtube channel?. They've only used American media to give their side of the story because it seems the British didn't provide one but judging by the lawsuits, it's clear their focus is primarily the British public perception.

eta* lol at William's 'not a racist family'.. dying to hear more about your experience as the less pink-y man in your family.
By that measure the Palace could have asked Instagram to delete all those instagram accounts/posts harassing Markle prior to 2020 - but didn't. That's telling.

That’s interesting. Though the one thing I don’t quite understand is this: what Meghan says and does reflects on the Royal Family (when she was a working member). Obviously not every negative press story would reflect on the royal family, but many certainly would. So if the press is making Meghan look bad, then by association the Royal Family looks bad. Therefore, wouldn’t it be in the royal family’s interest to respond to some of the media reports? Even if they personally didn’t like her, you’d think they would have a vested interest in upholding their reputation.

Regardless, didn’t the royal family have a history of NOT addressing stories in the media (aside from some exceptions)? Also, and correct me if I’m wrong, but the negative press about Meghan, whilst incessant, wasn’t about anything particularly serious? It was just tabloid gossip / click bait stories. I would’ve thought that those stories weren’t WORTH responding to. Like the story about Meghan making Kate cry. Why would the royal family bother addressing that kind of stupid gossip? “Important statement from the Royal Family: we just want everyone to know that it was actually Kate that made Meghan cry. She’s very sorry and don’t worry it’s all water under the bridge and Meghan and Kate are bffs!”. It sounds like Meghan had quite unrealistic expectations.
His sexism doesn't work in that sexy way :lol:.. he's bothered by a lot of things in life but he's livid when it's a woman at the center of it all and even when she's not, like in this case (let's not forget it's the husband's family and the family business here what determines the way the cookie crumbles for everyone), he'll make sure to place the woman at the center of it all.. cause you know, witch.

Does someone actually care about Megyn Kelly in the UK? Piers's opinion seems far more influential there, and is this on the BBC? (I've seriously never seen it), cause I find the BBC more dignified so I would be more bothered by a comment like that there, whereas Kelly.. where do you even find her? Fox? a youtube channel?. They've only used American media to give their side of the story because it seems the British didn't provide one but judging by the lawsuits, it's clear their focus is primarily the British public perception.

eta* lol at William's 'not a racist family'.. dying to hear more about your experience as the less pink-y man in your family.

No, Good Morning Britain (Piers' now-former show), is on ITV, not BBC. Don't think he'd last at BBC, LOL. He invited Megyn to share her opinion on his show. But incidentally, BBC also invited Megyn yesterday to give her opinion on Piers' exit and that's not uncommon actually. British television is not as hard left or right as American tv because we have Ofcom who basically regulates a degree of fairness in reporting. But even without Ofcom, British broadcasting is mostly fair which is why you see the likes of Megyn on BBC.

Not that it should be a shock to anyone, but the part where William's says that they've not spoken since the interview shows that the relationship is broken. Even between the brothers. It's a shame that William and his wife got dragged into this and that Harry had the gall to speak on behalf of him. Just because you no longer want to be part of the family why burn it to the ground and ruin it for everyone??

Harry has always been a rogue and the public always forgave him, but I'm sure this will be the final straw.
I was *kind of* buying it until the Little Mermaid comment. At that point, the whole thing just felt too obviously like a scripted publicity stunt. I don’t mind Meghan, I respect the hustle and I think she’s gorgeous, but she’s never struck me as particularly authentic.

Also, didn’t Harry dress up as a Nazi and use a nasty racial slur or two in the past? I don’t follow them closely (always preferred William, anyways) but I feel like I used to see him getting caught in scandals not infrequently like 10-15 years ago.
My biggest issue was with Prince Harry complaining that he only has his Mother’s inheritance (millions of £s) to live off - it was so cringey & spoke volumes of his self centred despair - not to mention his own privilege that no one has it as bad as him. He really needs an image consultant - because he is coming off terribly :wacko:
I live in a commonwealth country & although I’m not a huge royal fan I always admired The Queen & loved Prince William & Prince Harry - they are so special.

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