Members' Mood / Inspiration Boards and Scrapbooks. See post #1 for Designers' Boards.

Great thread. I keep a notebook/scrapbook of sorts for this, but I haven't added anything in a while.
hmm I really don't get mood boards. I like making collases and stuff but I can't honestly see how bunch of pictures could make me inspired. Oh well, diffrent people, diffrent tastes..
So I'm not really familiar with this concept. Is this things you guys see that inspire you to create something. And you just put it together in one place?

I have a scrapbook that I keep pictures of outfits I like, or haircuts, or hair color, or just because I like the picture. and I often refer back to it for inspiration before shopping, picking an outifit to go out in.

so i guess (If I understand this correctly) I've a look book of sorts all along and never knew it.:lol:
it seems to be that in this case, a mood board is the inspiration in creating a "mood" for a collection (or another project). It's like a "theme."

So it can be different from a sketchbook with random drawings, photos of things you like. Please correct me if I'm wrong :ninja:
gius said:
it seems to be that in this case, a mood board is the inspiration in creating a "mood" for a collection (or another project). It's like a "theme."

So it can be different from a sketchbook with random drawings, photos of things you like. Please correct me if I'm wrong :ninja:

Cool. That's what I thought. Thanks.

Obviously mine is not for a collection, but I guess I've been doing this anyone.
mood board concept

gius said:
it seems to be that in this case, a mood board is the inspiration in creating a "mood" for a collection (or another project). It's like a "theme."

So it can be different from a sketchbook with random drawings, photos of things you like. Please correct me if I'm wrong :ninja:

u got the concept!!!;)
creating a mood board is based on a specific theme and all photos or pics u put on it should be the ones related to that particular mood.

lena...thz for ur advice!!!:flower:

indie.....thz for replying....i think making mood bds r fun too~maybe u can try to make one....anyway...if u wouldn't mind, can u share some of ur collases up here too?
c_fish said:
indie.....thz for replying....i think making mood bds r fun too~maybe u can try to make one....anyway...if u wouldn't mind, can u share some of ur collases up here too?

If I only had digi/scanner :(

I just checked back for your "peace" mood board, and I'm really liking the pictures you've put togheter! Togheter they make me feel sooo peaceful and kinda relaxed ^_^ Nice.
Here is one I made once! :)


^ I love it!! Creating mood boards is so much fun. I just did one for school, for a mexican, travel inspired collection. It came out really cool and helped create some pretty fun sketches.
criticsdarling i love it!!! i just did one for my textiles coursewor it was on the circus it was super fun!

Hey guys,

I'm going to be starting my fashion course in my introduction day they sent us with a project to do like a scrap book of our holidays.
Have any of u done something similar and if so may I see for inspiration:flower:
Or jus any type of scrapbook u've done for fashion please.

Thanks for ur help :)
just cut out all sorts of pictures that have to do with your own holiday pictures, etc. and little objects/stickers/etc. that can be placed on the page.

for college level art courses I'm attending this summer the teachers are having us start pasting pictures of things that we like/inspire us, be it a color, layout, anything, because it could be helpful in the future...maybe if you have something like this it could help?
one of my old ones...

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I've tried to do a scrapbook once. Didn't work out. I blame the damn glue. :innocent:

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