Mini Ipods

Luna said:
Yes! Get the Sony Fontopia earbuds... they fit into your ear so much better.. the sound quality is great!
Ok thanks!
I just recently got a 20gb Ipod and I am very happy with the purchase so far. Hands down the best you can get for sure.
this may be a stupid question, lol, as you can tell i'm new to the ipod thing ,but how do you remove songs from your ipod, i have a mini. please help! thanks!:flower:
You do it through your iTunes.... you simply delete the song from your file library.. then update your Ipod ... it should remove the song from your Ipod once it updates.
*EllaH said:
Ok thanks!

No prob! :flower:

Uhh... So.. My mini ipod decided to crap out this weekend. The screen wouldn't turn on!! I thought I had did something to it because I had just gotten the iTrip so I could listen to my music in my boyfriends car... but he took it to best buy and they wouldn't do anything with it.. even though i bought a 3 year warranty!!! so we took it to the apple store and they said it was some factory deffect.. there is nothing I could've done to it to make the screen just not show up anymore.... so they gave me a new one...

but now i'm all angry at best buy! what's the point of paying 60 some dollars for a warranty that means absolutely nothing to them!!!
Luna said:
No prob! :flower:

Uhh... So.. My mini ipod decided to crap out this weekend. The screen wouldn't turn on!! I thought I had did something to it because I had just gotten the iTrip so I could listen to my music in my boyfriends car... but he took it to best buy and they wouldn't do anything with it.. even though i bought a 3 year warranty!!! so we took it to the apple store and they said it was some factory deffect.. there is nothing I could've done to it to make the screen just not show up anymore.... so they gave me a new one...

but now i'm all angry at best buy! what's the point of paying 60 some dollars for a warranty that means absolutely nothing to them!!!
If it happens again:
Mine did that, it says something about it in the manual. If you move the hold button back and fourth for a bit and then hold the menu button it should coome back on. if that doesn't work check back at your manual because I might of remembered wrong :flower:
I had the same problem and I've gone mad! I thought it was dead just in the middle of nowhere. I tried holding and unholding nothing.

Then I just pressed for a while the central button and it was working just fine.
Another time, I had to press for a while both MENU and PLAY buttons for the apple logo to appear..

Love it .. can't go anywhere without it. Bought it from Dixons in a shopping mall in London.:heart:
now that I am going back to grad school, I want an MP3 player, but honestly... I havent heard too many rave reviews on the IPODs esp. thier customer service, which is way important for me to have when I purchase exp technology...
Moda_junkie said:
I tried holding and unholding nothing.

Then I just pressed for a while the central button and it was working just fine.
Another time, I had to press for a while both MENU and PLAY buttons for the apple logo to appear..

Love it .. can't go anywhere without it.
its strange, when you reset it you don't loose the songs, but all the battery life goes. Which is a bit :shock: But my mini i-pod has got me through all my essay's and assignments this semester!!
surfermegz said:
Any of you fans of the iPod shuffle? I just bought it for my boyfriend, and he absolutely loves it! I want one now too :blush:
I think Iriver n10 is much more elegant choise plus it has screen and better sound quality.


Luna, Im sorry to hear about your experience :(

according to this website, you can actually get a refund on your 'warranty'. this was stated by ex employees. so perhaps you should go in and do such a thing. the other thing about the best buy warranty, in terms of battery replacement - since the unit and the battery are one, bestbuy apparantly (I am telling you this based on second hand information, from a friend, not from what I know myself, and it may vary if you live in the US vs Canada...) has a grey area with their warranties. so go get yourself a refund!

and now, the real reason I came here, I found this interesting and figured that I would share - it seems that if you don't like the colours of ipod minis currently being offered, you can choose any colour you want, but, only in the UK. go figure! here you guys go:
my boyfriends brother bought a silver one and the damn thing didn't even work! we took it back to best buy and got a new one and it worked fine.

I think they're making too many... and they're trying to meet the demand so fast, that the factories are forced to speed up... and not spend as much time manufacturing them...

It was CRAZY how many people were at the genus bar in the Apple store!
Aren't there comming new models or some? Everyone has one and isn't it time for something new? Or a better ipod? Can't they come up with the white one in mini withthe silver back. I really prefer that one. :innocent:
Luna said:
my boyfriends brother bought a silver one and the damn thing didn't even work! we took it back to best buy and got a new one and it worked fine.

I think they're making too many... and they're trying to meet the demand so fast, that the factories are forced to speed up... and not spend as much time manufacturing them...

It was CRAZY how many people were at the genus bar in the Apple store!

I have heard more negative reviews that positive ones... :unsure:
I've had an iPod mini since Dec.. Its my baby I don't go anywhere without it <3
I did want the normal one for the space but when I really think about it where would I be going that I need to listen to/have the time to listen to 1000 songs in a row! I only have like 400 on my computer lol.
I've found the quality good and the battery life not so bad. I've dropped it a few times as well and its not chipped yet. =)
I bought mine september 2004. The silver one, i believe it's the best colour cause it's so elegant and goes with every imaginable outfit. i LOVE it. You can have music with you anytime, anywhere. I believe it's better than the 40G i-pod. It's much much CUTER and much much smaller. It even fits in your evening clutch (that's awesome). I recommend it to ANYONE.

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