Mini Ipods

I hereby want to announce my ipod frustration :angry: :p :

a couple weeks ago my computer wouldnt recognize it..apparently, i needed to change an option that was wrong in my computer. i thought i had accidentally changed it so i moved everything and ultimately i dont know if it was me who did everything wrong or it was the fricking ipod but it finally worked normally again.
anyway, today, i was happily charging the battery from my computer and i had to leave for about an hour, so my computer went to sleep automatically, when i came back my ipod was dead!, and it hasnt revived since then..this has never happened before and I'm so so so annoyed!!, i want to throw the damn thing away! :angry:
what should i do?..when i connect it again, the battery logo appears frozen for a while and then it goes.. back to coffin :p .

i tried going to support but their little advices dont help me at all. i also tried to restore it with zero results. ARGH! :doh:

has anyone had the same problem? :cry:
my boyfriend has one and the same thing has happened to his a few times. We havent worked out what happens to it but he just leaves it for a while and it tends to come back to life. he's only had it maybe a year now and it started doin this ages ago, i bought it for him and was so p****d, shouldn't pay that much for it to just die after a while! :angry:

i decided y-day that i wanted a mini i-pod for my hols (which is on sun) guess I thought about it too late, EVERYWHERE that sells them up here only has the 4gb, which is no good and apple won't deliver on time. SO annoyed with myself for not being more organized, guess i'll just have to be tuneless for my hols! :rolleyes:
i was just gonna say that!, i was so pissed yesterday because i got a new album and i wanted to hear it on my way to class :p so i dumped the ipod under my bed and when i came back late at night, i resetted it and it worked again! :unsure:

and THANK you so much Luna for trying to help me, i forgot to say it cause i was so annoyed. i'm a beast. :doh:
Yea... I dunno.. I guess just like comptuers, ipods have all sorts of bugs too...

My boyfriends little brothers ipod messed up the day they got it... and then the second day, too... i helped them fix it both times, and i know nothing about ipods...

resetting it always seems to work..

Just a note to all of you:

do not disconnect it from the computer if it says DO NO DISCONNECT! It'll freeze up on you!

I know this is like stupid to tell you... if it says do not disconnect on the screen.. why would you disconnect it... but that's what he did.. that's how he messed his up.. :lol:

i have disconnected it when it says i shouldnt but for some reason, it keeps working fine. it's just that sometimes i'm in a hurry and i have no time to wait until it's fully charged. :doh:
My sister came back from USA and brought me a Míni Ipod in Silver ( though I wanted the Ipod because more space ) but I'm so in love with it, it's so small and cute and the audio quality is perfect . She got the blue one , it's such a nice colour.
i've had mine in silver for a couple of weeks and it's worked perfectly. so far i've only had to charge it once it week; i use it for about 3 hours a day.
charging is a pain though, i wish it would be faster. another gripe i have is it not having a proper 'off' button so it wouldn't sap the battery even when it's not in use. pity too, about the new generation not having gold.
i :heart: mine. :blush:
spunsugar said:
so far i've only had to charge it once it week; i use it for about 3 hours a day.
:o impressive. i charge mine almost everyday!.
I'm still waiting for my ipod-mini haha i'm so behind, i'm on a waiting list with apple because i'm having mine engraved, its supposed to be my birthday present, but i have a feeling i'll be waiting for some time!
One of my friends got hers engraved at Xmas but the engraving was quite small...
Can you get the engraving done even after you purchased your ipod?
I just got the iphoto , i have no words to describe it!!! Its amazing!!!! Its almost as small as the mini ipod...I wanted the pink mini orginally...But I heard many of my friends complain about it their mini ipods after 4 months of usage...So i finally decided to go for the iphoto :)
I'm not sure if you can get it engraved after, I think only if you purchase it through 'Apple', i.e off the internet.
You can probably get it engraved but I wouldn't trust anyone but Apple, they're very bitchy even when your warrantee is still good.
hm... btw on amazon the ipods are a bit cheaper than on the apple hp..
This is my favorite accessory for the mini iPod...the iBear.

Hebden said:
This is my favorite accessory for the mini iPod...the iBear.


Cuteeeeeee!!! I did not know that the mini ipods came in copper as well...and the colours seem slightly different than the current ones avaliable in the market...
how much are they for?

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