Miu Miu S/S 2007 : Lindsay Lohan by Mert & Marcus

edgy but missing something.
come on, kill me , kill me i deserve it.
I love how Mert & Marcus can photoshop people into oblivion. I mean, it's like those Vuitton ads which were shot in the desert. I had a HARD HARD time recognizing Kate Moss (hard nuff, as she was lying down with her face turned upwards). Let's see how this whole thing develops. Go Linds (and I ain't mad that you kicked me out of your myspace... well, maybe a lil')
Color me very, very impressed. :woot:
I know you're good, Lohan, but I didn't think you were this good! :heart:
She looks so terrific in the second ad...this one looks more like her. I also like how her all-white outfit contrasts with her hair.

Thanks for posting! :flower:
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^ Not really a fan of that last one, because it actually looks like Lindsay, but I like the white outfit one! :buzz:
The feeling of these ads really remind me of something else but I just can't quite put my finger on it... A similar one from previous years maybe?

lindsay is prettier than most models---u don't need that much photoshop to make her presentable.
wow. that second one is amazing.............okay, i LOVE it! doll-like quality.........:)
None of you here have seen the original files so the 'extent' of photoshopping will have to remain a mystery - for the meantime I'd rather people stopped acting as if they were the authority on how much work has been done. These photographers are professionals (very talented professionals) and the professionals like to get as much of the look 'in camera' as possible. That means extensive detailed lighting, clever angles and other things such as body strapping (very tight skin tight undergarment). This is because a good photographer likes to have as much control over the scene and the final result as possible. A good photographer is able to create some magic you know, it's not all photoshop ;)

And why are people shocked that Lindsay looks alright? She was a model and in my opinion she's not an unattractive girl. I'm sure they've thinned her out a bit but they do that for a lot of models, unnatural thigh shapes anyone?

I personally really like the ads and while it doesn't immediately look like Lindsay, I just don't understand the venom here. If any of you were offered a chance to model for a well known fashion designer, and you'd loved fashion for a long time, why wouldn't you take it? Come on, you'd take it. I'd take it! I'd love the opportunity. I may not be 5'10 and I may not have the most amazing face of all time but a dream is a dream and I'm happy for Lindsay - she's living out hers.

A lot of models don't even want to model. They just happen to be born with the talent. Does that make them more deserving? No.
i wonder what Lohan thinks of it... seeing as they got her to wear a wig and that it isn't strikingly obvious that it's her
it's her natural hair colour though, i guess

love the ads anyway!:p
man the clothes look so different now! that weird intellectual vibe on the runway is completely gone :ninja:
i don't understand the incredulity- well duh! its going to be her. It was made official by Prada/Miu Miu spokespersons.

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