Miu Miu S/S 2007 : Lindsay Lohan by Mert & Marcus

Caroliiine said:
It is possible that without photoshopping, the campaign still would have been well recieved. Lindsay is a good looking girl, it's not like she's Paris Hilton with a weird nose and lazy eye; it is not entirely impossible to have a decent campaign with her (unphotoshopped) in it. I was just noticing how quick everyone was to dismiss the campaign because it was Lindsay Lohan.

Anyway, who cares if they photoshopped her a lot? This is not the first time models have been overly photoshopped in campaigns. Example: Snejana in Lanvin SS06, the Roberto Cavalli campaign (Daria & Du's), Jessica Stam in Valentino SS06. Then there are all those beauty ads that have SO much photoshopping done (Daria for Lancome, Heather for Revlon) the people are barely recognizable. I think if we saw a closeup of this ad you could see her features better, and see that it is Lindsay.

:clap::flower: Well said.
It's not impossible for Lindsay to photograph well. She's a gorgeous girl and she usually looks quite nice in her photoshoots (check out her John Kuba, Sheryl Nields, and George Holz photoshoots), especially under the direction of good photographers. Maybe in her candids (or when she dresses herself), she doesn't look as nice, but she's perfectly capable of taking a good picture.
People are just too quick to judge her based on the other trainwreck aspects of her personal life, that's all. I think she has the right attitude for the Miu Miu ads, and I look forward to seeing the rest of them.

style_expert said:
Although I wonder if the fans of Lindsay (11,12 year olds with no taste) will buy Miu Miu :innocent:

Awww, you don't have to diss her fans even if you don't like Lindsay. I like her, I'm not 11-12 years old, and I like to think that I am not totally tasteless or clueless when it comes to fashion.
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miuccia choosing mert&marcus as the photographers for this one wasn't a mere fluke... she knew they could(would?) alter lindsay into oblivion... the final image would look decent at worst, and she'd get the buzz for her money's worth

i really like it
xtine888 said:
:clap::flower: Well said.
It's not impossible for Lindsay to photograph well. She's a gorgeous girl and she usually looks quite nice in her photoshoots (check out her John Kuba, Sheryl Nields, and George Holz photoshoots), especially under the direction of good photographers. Maybe in her candids (or when she dresses herself), she doesn't look as nice, but she's perfectly capable of taking a good picture.
People are just too quick to judge her based on the other trainwreck aspects of her personal life, that's all. I think she has the right attitude for the Miu Miu ads, and I look forward to seeing the rest of them.

Awww, you don't have to diss her fans even if you don't like Lindsay. I like her, I'm not 11-12 years old, and I like to think that I am not totally tasteless or clueless when it comes to fashion.

I think you're a great sport for dealing with the criticism so kindly! :flower:
Set aside the LiLo as a model, this picture it's an okay for the eds, but not really with the ads (miu-miu especially) imo..

anyway this is a good photo :):flower:
i think the reason why the photoshopping is under such criticism for this particular campaign is because lindsay is a celebrity, not a model
what's the point of using a celebrity if they're going to make her unrecognizable?
BaroqueRockstar said:
i think the reason why the photoshopping is under such criticism for this particular campaign is because lindsay is a celebrity, not a model
what's the point of using a celebrity if they're going to make her unrecognizable?

Because she (a celebrity) generates buzz.

Look how many people are talking about this ad right now. On The Fashion Spot, there's 12 pages of discussion and for other campaigns it's significantly less (Prada SS07 = 6 pages, Versace SS07 = 7 pages, Jil Sander and Balenciaga = 5 pages each -- this thread has at least double the pages). Whether it's registering their astonishment that Lindsay looks good, complaining about the overuse of Photoshop, etc. people are talking about it.

This ad has already been posted on places like OhNoTheyDidn't, JJB, Celebrity Terrorist, etc. There were also lots of articles printed when she first got the deal: "Lindsay Lohan is the new face of Miu Miu."

Now tell me - if this had been a model like Sasha or Vlada or whatever, would they get this much publicity? Or would people outside the fashion world dismiss it? It doesn't matter whether it is negative or positive publicity, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

Like someone already mentioned, this ad is good because it is acceptable to those who hate celebrity campaigns yet it is also generating publicity for the brand. It doesn't matter if Lindsay is unrecognizable in the ad - everyone already know it's her.
Im 12 and I have a good sense of fashion, I do not wear something because I see someone else or whatever wearing. I wear what I wanna wear although other people might be clueless :lol:
Caroliiine said:
It doesn't matter if Lindsay is unrecognizable in the ad - everyone already know it's her.

i definately see your point...
but here "everyone" only refers to the people in touch with fashion. what percent of the population uses tFS or reads those said blogs?
if you look at lindsay's fan base... she's an actress first and formost, and my guess is that most of the people who watch her movies are not going to be on this forum. there are probably a good deal of them that are going to see this ad and not know it's her...
BaroqueRockstar said:
i definately see your point...
but here "everyone" only refers to the people in touch with fashion. what percent of the population uses tFS or reads those said blogs?

Lots of people read online blogs, especially the big ones like Perez and ONTD.

This ad was posted in ONTD. There are currently 46182 members in ONTD. Now I'm not saying that everyone in that community saw the ad/post, but a lot of people did and now they know the girl in the Miu Miu ads is Lindsay.

Also, there were a lot of nonfashion websites that covered her signing to the brand - FemaleFirst.co.uk, Teddy & Moo's Celebrity Gossip Blog, PopBytes, ChinaDaily.com, PopSugar, PerezHilton.com, etc.

I don't know how many hits the other websites recieve, but Perez Hilton recieves a HUGE amount of hits daily. The # of estimated ad impressions for the right column of his blog is 18,211,631. Now these numbers may be inflated a little, but Perez makes more than $100 000 on advertisements (it's $9000 per week for one ad), which means he gets a lot of traffic on his site.

BaroqueRockstar said:
if you look at lindsay's fan base... she's an actress first and formost, and my guess is that most of the people who watch her movies are not going to be on this forum. there are probably a good deal of them that are going to see this ad and not know it's her...

Lindsay's fanbase is most likely aware that she is the face of Miu Miu. The following fansites have already posted the ads: LohanOnline.com, LohanGroupie.com, Lindsay-Lohan.es, Lindsay-Time.com, L-Lohan.com. If her fans don't visit tFS and those online blogs, they'll be aware of her presence in the ads once they visit any of her fansites.
still, regardless of how large a following perez hilton has, it's still not very well known to the average person
when perez hilton was sued a few weeks ago, most ppl i know's responses was "wtf is perez hilton and why do ppl even care?"
and yes, fan sites will probably post, but not every fan is crazed enough to visit those fansites

and don't you think her fans will be disappointed that lindsay doesn't look like lindsay? just another thought
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scanned by me from flair feb issue.


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still, regardless of how large a following perez hilton has, it's still not very well known to the average person
when perez hilton was sued a few weeks ago, most ppl i know's responses was "wtf is perez hilton and why do ppl even care?"

Oh, yes, I know Perez Hilton is not really big in the grand scheme of things. If you think about it, there's probably only 30 000 people in total who read these blogs (I'm guessing if they read PH, they also read ONTD so I'm not adding the numbers together), which is tiny when compared to the size of North America (at least 300 million people).

However, with a regular model, you wouldn't get those extra 30 000 people seeing your ads. With Lindsay as your model, you get all the people who are interested in fashion plus a percentage of the non-fashion people.

By using Lindsay, you reach a wider audience while still not alienating your usual audience (through the photoshopping, I guess?). Best of both worlds: A respectable ad yet more publicity than usual.

And lastly, I would guess that Miuccia used Lindsay because they know each other (I remember LL was at the Prada store opening). Also, as she now represents the brand (though she's not a spokesmodel), she may be more inclined to wear their clothing/accessories, which would also help promote the brand. (I don't know how much that actually helps, but I do know designers send celebrities stuff all the time in hopes the celeb will use it and get photographed by the paps - and Lindsay is a paparazzi favourite).

and don't you think her fans will be disappointed that lindsay doesn't look like lindsay? just another thought

I don't know the average age of her fans, but I doubt they would be very disappointed. They'd probably be like "Omg, she doesn't even look like her! How versatile!" lol. When you're a fan, you usually see the positive side of things (kind of like how many fans will deny their favourite celebrity has had a nose/boob job when it's quite obvious...)
that's very true
BUT if the ad looked like lindsay, you'd have an extra million + or so people who would recognize her, instead of the mere 30000
the ad might not look as respectable, but you said yourself any publicity is good publicity, so why not go the whole nine yards and have lindsay look like lindsay?
the fact that they're using a celebrity, and trying to desperately to make her look like someone she isn't seems like a pansy thing to do. it's like they're scared to have it look like her, but still want the publicity that goes with it
I edited the picture again :p
I really thing this one looks more like her :)

Anyone notice how impossibly tiny her waist looks in the one with her sitting facing the camera?
I think it's different to other celebrity adverts in that it's not screaming 'LOOK IT'S LINDSAY LOHAN!!!!! GO US!!! YEAH!' which is a good thing!! Subtlety is the key...

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