Miu Miu S/S 2007 : Lindsay Lohan by Mert & Marcus

This is so much better than I thought it was going to be. That said, it would have been even greater if they had used a proper model instead of Lindsay.

I'm pleased though, I don't know what I was expecting, maybe some sort of horrible disaster but it hasn't materialised.
I forgot to mention it but I really miss Inez & Vinoodh for Miu Miu. The fw0607 ads and the ss06 ads were so much better..This is just boring. I hope the other ones will be more exciting but generally I'm not a fan of Mert & Marcus :ninja:
yeah the photoshoped effect comes from the style of their photography..i don't like it for miu miu
if the ads were more 'real' looking and we could actually see what lindsay looks like i would like them..
anyway i just hate how this ad looks..:lol:
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wow.does not look like her one bit..id be pissed if i got an add that ppl wont recognize me..which is good since i didnt want her to do miumiu..bad for her i guess?..the more photoshop- the less u look like yourself, the more the client doesnt want u to look like urself...so..yay.
i like it, and i think lindsay looks great (the fact that the image is photoshopped it a given, hello!)...i don't disagree with miuccia's choice: lindsay is pretty, quite stylish, has attitude and is addicted to fashion. it's isn't that illogical to use her in a campaign. the problem are her antics...lindsay should just cut back on her excess of everyhting, cuz that's what's making her act ridiculously and it's detrimental to her potential. anyway, just my two cents :)
I like it but like others said it soo dosent look like her so why use a famous face if noone is gonna recognize her?I swear i would never know its her if it wasnt official.
i so wish that a model would have been c hosen for the ads.. but maybe this is miuccia's way of trying to bring miu miu into more of the mainstream? where i live at least, teenage girls aren't really wearing miu miu and a lot of them don't even know what it is.. but putting lindsay lohan as the face of the brand could cause a lot of girls who "look up" to her to be more interested..
style_expert said:
I forgot to mention it but I really miss Inez & Vinoodh for Miu Miu. The fw0607 ads and the ss06 ads were so much better..This is just boring. I hope the other ones will be more exciting but generally I'm not a fan of Mert & Marcus :ninja:
I agree. Mert and Marcus have little taste and even less restraint. This glamour overdose is so boring to me and so not what Miu Miu should be about. Inez and Vinoodh captured the perfect Miu aesthetic.
the aesthetic is a little bit surprising, i agree. you're gona turn the pages and "miu miu" is gona pass right by you because you won't notice the picture as the brand...does that make sense?

also how can we find out when this picture was taken because that is a wig, no? i wish they'd use her real hair
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I think it's smart on Miu Miu's part. They get the press and the buzz attached to having Lindsay on the ad. But since it doesn't look like her at all, it looks generic enough not to turn off those who detest Lindsay. So everybody who hated the idea of having her in the ads now love it!
I really want to see the other ads :ninja:
Its mean showing us this but not any of the otheres :p
The Ad is hot and as much as I loathe things Lindsay does in her life, I do find her intriguing and she definitely is different than her peers. She brings an edge to the ad...she always wanted to be in high fashion campaigns so maybe this will help her get more modeling work...
i totally agree with shopdiary! i think you figured out their strategy ;)
I was so expecting a trainwreck ... but the photo's so good I dunno I shud feel happy or miserable ...Im totally confused!
I like this ad although we can't recognize Lindsay (but I guess it's a good thing :lol: ).

It reminds me a bit of this Viktor & Rolf for H&M ad with Raquel


credit elsevier.nl
wow...just got a magazine with the new YSL karren elson ads....the miu miu ones look very similar in color pallette............i prefer the ysl ones.......
Wow, better than what I expected. Cant wait to see the rest because this really doesnt look like her.
CultureVulture said:
It reminds me a bit of this Viktor & Rolf for H&M ad with Raquel

credit elsevier.nl

I thought so as well, although Raquel looks much more awkward in her version.

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