Morrissey / The Smiths

I love them!
The lyrics can become womewhat whiney, but they are still so so beautiful.
My favourites are:
There is a light that never goes out
Pretty girls make graves
I know it's over (most depressing song ever)
How soon is now?
and Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me.

Fave album is The Queen is Dead. It's lovely!
I think Morrissey's a legend. His voice is so... unique?
My favorite album is probably The Queen Is Dead.

My favorite songs are Panic, There Is a Light That Never Goes Out, Bigmouth Strikes Again, and This Charming Man. Amaaaaazing songs.
Brilliant! I got handed a backstage pass on Morissey's last tour, however my boyfriend didn't agree with the idea (he didn't get a pass) and I also wasn't feeling well from kidney stones (seriously about to pass out):( That was a once in a lifetime chance.
What difference does it make
The Queen is dead
There is a light that never goes out
William, it was really nothing
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i like the entirety of "meat is murder" MINUS 'how soon is now?' because i've heard it way too much.

also, 'there is a light that never goes out' is the BEST love song ever written!

'big mouth strikes again'
'some girls are bigger than others'
'hand in glove'

and lots more, really :heart:

(this is now in art of noise :))
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Pretty Girls Make Graves
Hand In Glove
This Charming Man
You've Got Everything Now
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
Shoplifters Of The World
Half A Person
oh god...
where do i start?!?!?!

how soon is now... this song is just plain wicked...
please please please let me get what i want
A great thread, found just recently - thx!
So true, jennifer~, that the best ones are those that can make you feel really miserable - but it's incredible how deep they may reach you, sometimes ^_^
Here are my favs:

I Know It's Over
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
How Soon Is Now?
Girlfriend in a Coma

I also love Morrissey's solo work, especially the last album - You Are the Quarry. I hope the upcoming record will be no worse ;)
oh my!!

I love Moz....have a portrait tattoo of him on my right arm.

My fave songs:

Frankly Mr. Shankly
Cemetary Gates
I Know Its Over
Used to be a Sweet Boy
Sing Your Life
The Boy With the Thorn in His Side
Come back to Camden
Moon River
Trouble Loves Me
Reel Around the Fountain

I could go on and on.

I prefer his songs that are moodier and where is comes across as more of a Crooner.
miserable lie
you've got everything now
i want the one i can't have
please please please let me get what i want
back to the old house
heaven knows i'm miserable now
this night has opened my eyes
i know its over
you just haven't earned it yet, baby
girl afraid

lol, you know, i just about like everything of theirs :hs:
one of my favorite bands.
"There is a light that never goes out"
"The world is full of crashing bores"

are my two faves at this moment
Everyday is like Sundays
Last night I dreamed that somebody loved me
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

I was recently introduced to the Smiths and I love love this song. I can't stop listening to it.
i read that article too, erin, and to be quite honest with you, i'm vehemently glad they're not may be my cynicism, but i can't imagine that their music now would be as good, and that would make me sad.
Girlfriend in a Coma
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want

Gotta love the Smiths!

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