Natalia Vodianova

A change in the text of the magazine:
about her breakup:
....and we did not want to make it public yet!
twnv, I'm so sorry, but my English is not good :(!
I easily translate sentences from English into Russian. But it is heavy to me to translate from Russian into English...

I'm Ofeliya24 from (using my friend's profile here).

I can write in Russian about what it is told in the video. And so you can use the google-translator :)

В рамках нового проекта своего благотворительного фонда "Обнаженные сердца" топ-модель Наталья Водянова посещает родную страну.

"Мой сын специально приехал сегодня сюда, чтобы посетить это мероприятие".

К сожалению для репортеров топ-модель прилетает в Россию лишь в компании сына и пары человек персонала. Своего нового ухажера Антуана Арно, которого Наталья представила друзьям на своем благотворительном балу, звезда подиумов оставляет дома. Комментировать личную жизнь Водянова не любит. Зато поговорить о модельной жизни в рамках старта проекта "Топ-модель по-русски" красотка не прочь.

"То, что изначально нужно для того, чтобы стать моделью, у меня не было; не самые примечательные внешние данные. У меня наверное просто сработал набор факторов". *смеется*

Наталья Водянова рассказала, что необходимо для того, чтобы стать всемирно известной моделью.

"Любая работа - это сочетание больших усилий, хорошего характера. Нужно уметь при любой обстановке, при любых обстоятельствах хорошо выглядеть".


And also I'm an administrator of Russian fan-site about Natasha. Come see us sometime. :)


Public Appearances > 2011 > September - "People who create beauty" dinner

And the video on

Sorry for my bad English once again
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This video focuses on the fact that Natasha have a new diamond ring on a fourth finger of the left hand.


С кем она путешествует? И подтвердит ли слухи о разводе с английским лордом? Готов ли старший сын Водяновой, Лукас, принять нового папу?

Лукас: "Меня папа очень любит".

Чье кольцо теперь блестит на безымянном пальце левой руки супермодели? Кто ее новый избранник?

Наталья Водянова - современная золушка. В 17 лет девушку из бедной семьи из Нижнего Новгорода заметил известный фотограф. Ее снимки покорили весь мир.

"У меня не самые примечательные внешние данные. У меня наверное просто сработал набор факторов". *смеется*

Водянова сделал блестящую карьеру и вышла замуж пусть не за принца, зато за английского лорда Джастина Портмана.

Наташа: "Вообще я очень люблю сказки".

Сказка длилась девять лет. У золушки Водяновой трое детей.

Наташа: "Мои дети играют на музыкальных инструментах. Они рисуют. Мы ходим гулять, мы собираем грибы. Недалеко от нас есть дикая тарзанка".

В окружении Водяновой утверждают, что модель и лорд расстались, и дети теперь по очереди живут то с мамой, то с папой.

Наташа: "Иногда детям не даем печенье с молоком на ночь за плохое поведение".

А теперь интернет пестрит фотографиями, на которых Наталью на пляжу острова Ибица обнимает другой мужчина. Это Антуан Арно. На снимках Наташа вместе с ним и детьми. На безымянном пальце левой руки новое золотое кольцо с бриллиантом. В прошлый раз, когда Наталья была в Москве, кольца не было.

Наташа: "Отношусь к жизни, как к морю. Снаружи - штормит, но внутри я всегда понимаю, что я - это я".

Супермодель прилетела на родину без своего спутника. Зато со старшим сыном. Девятилетний Лукас, как две капли воды похож на знаменитую маму. Вот только в отличие от нее он плохо говорит на русском.

Лукас: "Меня папа очень любит рисовать". [говорит очень непонятно]

Лукас вспоминает не только отца, но и ту самую поездку на Ибицу, где Водянова отдыхала якобы со своим новым возлюбленным.

Репортер: "Ты был в Испании?"
Лукас: "Yes".
Репортер: "На Ибице?"
Лукас: "Yes".
Репортер: "С кем ездил в Испанию?"
Лукас: "My mom, little brother and my sister. И на выходных увиделся с другом".

Наталья Водянова не похожа на разведенную женщину. Как раз наоборот - счастлива, как невеста и, возможно, скоро выйдет замуж.

Репортер: "Наталья, скажите, ваш роман с Антуаном Арно - это правда?"
*Наташа закрыла дверь машины* :)

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thank you so much for the Interview and Translation :wub:

more images: SpongeBob exhibit opening




I feel like I'm so behind everyone. I've loved fashion for years, but I didn't "follow" it until this year when I subscribed to Vogue (and very, very recently, Harper's Bazaar.) Even though a lot of great models are featured in the US Vogue, her editorials are the ones I find the most captivating. Her allure, glamour and style really spark through the page!

After seeing her Valentino gown for the Love Ball, I had to track her down on here. And she continues not to disappoint!
Alrighty, let's get it on! It's gonna take a little while do, but I will try to do it as soon as possible. It's three pages of text, so and one big picture too:)...

Coming up!

Thanks guys for your reply! I love this thread so much, your guys are so friendly and answering questions so fast! You're the best fans ever. I do visit other threads at tfs but people hardly react if you post for the first time, so I totally see the difference in this thread! :flower:Wanted to give a shout out to all of you:)

thank you so much !we will wait for this:flower:
Lumme,I didn't notice this page.:ninja:
thank you for the long gonna take take time to read:D
I feel like I'm so behind everyone. I've loved fashion for years, but I didn't "follow" it until this year when I subscribed to Vogue (and very, very recently, Harper's Bazaar.) Even though a lot of great models are featured in the US Vogue, her editorials are the ones I find the most captivating. Her allure, glamour and style really spark through the page!

After seeing her Valentino gown for the Love Ball, I had to track her down on here. And she continues not to disappoint!
it's never late;)
glad you come to here,and myself is new to here too!
Lumme,I didn't notice this page.:ninja:
thank you for the long gonna take take time to read:D

Hahaha lol that was funny!:woot: Hope you like my translation, please let me know if you like the interview, was there any new information?

To Oleander, thank you so much for this text:
Here is the translation:

The new project of the charity fund "Naked Heart" top model Natalia Vodianova attend their home country.

"My son made a special trip here today to attend this event."

Unfortunately for the reporters to the top model arrives in Russia only in the company of his son and a couple of people staff. Her new boyfriend, Antoine Arnault, who introduced Natalie to his friends, charity ball, the star leaves the podium at home. Comment privacy Vodianova does not like. But talk about a model of life in the launch of "Top Model in Russian" beauty does not mind.

"What was supposed to in order to become a model, I have not had, nor the most notable appearance. I've probably just worked a range of factors." * Laughs *

Natalia Vodianova told that it is necessary in order to become a world famous model.

"Any work - a combination of great effort, good character. You must be able in any situation, under any circumstances look good."

Credits: Oleander/Ofeliya24 (Bellazon) and

Ofeliya24, I definately know your site, because of you I found that video I posted, thank you so much. Keep up the great work with your website. I realised you posted another video. Please let me be your guest to upload it at my youtube account, so more people can see it also! Apart from ANV I visit your website almost daily. Thank you for your contribution as well in this thread!

I will post the video as soon as possible.

The translation about her new ring:

Who is traveling? And to confirm whether the rumors of divorce with the English lord? Is the eldest son, Vodianova, Lucas, to accept the new pope?

Lucas: "My dad loves."

Whose ring is now shining on the ring finger of his left hand a supermodel? Who is her new chosen one?

Natalia Vodianova - a modern Cinderella. At age 17, a girl from a poor family from Nizhny Novgorod saw the famous photographer. Her photographs have conquered the whole world.

"I'm not the most remarkable appearance. I've probably just worked a range of factors." * Laughs *

Vodianova has done a brilliant career and married the prince did not let him, but for an English lord Justin Portman.

Natasha: "Actually, I love fairy tales."

Tale lasted nine years. Cinderella Vodianova three children.

Natasha: "My kids play musical instruments. They draw. We go for a walk, we gather mushrooms. Not far from us there is a wild bungee."

Surrounded Vodianova argue that the model and the Lord parted, and the children now live at a time then with my mother, then with my dad.

Natasha: "Sometimes children do not make cookies with milk at night for bad behavior."

And now the Internet is replete with photographs, in which Natalia on the beach of the island of Ibiza hugging another man. It's Antoine Arnault. The pictures Natasha with him and their children. On the ring finger of his left hand a new gold ring with diamonds. The last time when she was in Moscow, the ring was not.

Natasha: "attitude to life as the sea. Outside - the storm, but inside I always know that I - that's me."

Supermodel flew home without his companion. But his eldest son. Nine-year-Lucas, like two peas in a pod like a famous mum. That's just unlike her he does not speak Russian.

Lucas: "My dad loves to draw." [Speaks very clear]

Lucas remembers not only the father, but that same trip to Ibiza, where Vodianova allegedly vacationing with her new lover.

Reporter: "You were in Spain?"
Lucas: "Yes".
Reporter: "In Ibiza?"
Lucas: "Yes".
Reporter: "Who went to Spain?"
Lucas: "My mom, little brother and my sister. And at the weekend saw the other."

Natalia Vodianova is not like a divorcee. Just the opposite - as happy as a bride and may soon be married.

Reporter: "Natalie, tell me your love affair with Antoine Arnault - is it true?"
* Natasha * closed the car door

Credits: Oleander/Ofeliya24 (Bellazon) and

Well the translation done by google might not be the best, but that's all I can do for now.
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^thank you she looks stunning!

Here is the video:

Credits:, Ofeliya and the original source: and uploaded at my youtube account:


^ thank you :blush:


Foto: Patrick Demarchelier/Divulgação

Natalia Vodianova win a gala dinner in honor of BrazilFoundation, which takes place in 19.09 in New Yok. A top Russian in 2004 created the Naked Heart Foundation, an organization that builds parks for children and adolescents in areas of risk. Natalia grew up in the small town of Niznhy Novgorod (Russia) where there was no place where the model could take her younger sister, who has cerebral palsy, to play. In seven years, the Naked Heart has built more than 60 playgrounds, mostly in Russia, but also carried out projects in Africa and England.The good news is that Natalie chose Brazil to be awarded the construction of playgrounds - and love the country, the top is a great friend of Caca de Souza, Valentino's PR and gala.

Natalia, who still make a donation to BrazilFoundation dinner, joins the other three honorees of the night: Bernardo Paz, founder of the Institute Inhotim, Luciano Huck, chief executive of the Institute Create and Renata Camargo Nascimento, chairman of the Community.

The fourth edition of the gala dinner held at the New York Public Library, for 500 guests - with all tickets sold - and promote an auction of works of art, which will raise funds for BrazilFoundation. The organization collects and disburses money to more than 300 social projects in Brazil.

from translated via google translation

Natalia is taking her Philantrophy Global in Africa, England and Brazil
I'm so proud and Happy for Natalia ! :heart:

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Natalia Vodianova is given recognition and receives the International Philanthropy Award at the Brazil Foundation Gala



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