New Yohji Exhibition in Paris

cowboyboots said:
by any chance could i have exact instructions of where it is it would be greatly appreciated:flower:

cowboyboots, must be at rue Rivoli, at the Louvre building, next entrance to the carusel (sp) du louvre, helena will reconfirm :flower:
welcome back h...

thanks for the overview of the exhibit...
oh how i wish it would come to nyc...

i can't even bring myself to go see the crap nonsense chanel/lagerfeld at the met right now....:cry:...

maybe next week ...there's a good matisse/textiles show at the met that i want to see, so i guess while i;m there i might as well head down to the costume institute...

but nothing compares to yohji at his best...:heart:...
lucky you!!
oh marvellous! of course i will ;) If we get the instructions of where it is it'll be no probs...we'll have a wander along to it ma'am :woot:
cowboyboots - it's not hard to find at all, the Musée de la Mode is part of the Louvre complex (in the Arts Decoratifs building). As Lena mentioned, the entrance is on the rue de Rivoli. To get there by metro, take line 1 (the yellow one) and get out at Palais Royal or Tuileries and have a look around; you can't miss it. :flower:
i should be working on my contortions so i can fold into luggage and smuggle my way to paris
Finally was able to see it this week! Very nice. It's worth going just to see the catwalk videos, which were all running simultaneously on a huge bank of piled-up video about sensory overload. My eyes kept darting from one screen to the next, I was terrified I'd miss something. :rolleyes:

I was a teensy bit disappointed with the "recreation" of the atelier. I guess I was expecting it to be a bit more revealing somehow, in terms of his design process, whereas instead it was more of a stage set. (Which was kind of cute, in a corny way; they'd added a few personal touches, like a full ashtray and a pair of sneakers next to a pile of sketches on the floor, as though Yojhi had just been working there.)

But anyway, it's a satisfying exhibition, and very inspiring. And those clothes...:heart:
yes droogist the videos are captivating. I was sitting on the floor for about an did you do anything else fashion related droogist?
^ As a matter of fact, yes. I was lucky enough to be able to visit the archives of Musée Galliera (the other musée de la mode in Paris, next door to Palais de Tokyo). That was amazing. They have one of the largest fashion collections in Europe, with clothes from the 17th century to the present, including (naturally) the big names: Fath, Grès, Fortuny, etc. The archives are housed in a giant temperature- and moisture-controlled building, with all the pieces stored in drawers or hung wrapped in cotton, and you're not allowed to touch anything without gloves on. I was only there for a few hours, so didn't get to see nearly as much as I would have liked - that would have required days - but it was an incredible experience, very educational.

Didn't see any shows, though. :(
aaah droogist that sounds fantastic! was that a special access you had or is everyone allowed access to everything (even with gloves). I myself actually saw a rather fine collection of catholic embroidered robes today at a museum....makes what dries does with embroiderey seems tame. ANd they were all 100's of yrs old - amazing what skills there were.
^ Special I feel quite fortunate. It's a remarkable feeling, handling clothes that you know some tiny human being loved and lived in 300 years ago. There was some amusing evidence of their past usage, too; for example there was this exquisite men's embroidered silk waistcoat from the 18th century with two enormous stains under the armpits. I had to giggle a bit at that. And yes, the craftsmanship on even the simplest pieces was extraordinary. They just don't make 'em like they used too... :p
That sounds great droogist, having special access. :heart:
How much does it cost to get into the Yohji exhibition? I can't wait to see it. Off on tuesday... :woot:
^ Provided you are either a) young or b) a student (and I think you might be both ;)) I think it will only cost you 4 euros or so. Have a fantastic time!
Thanks for that droogist...well I'm 18. Haven't got a student card or anything though, but I'm sure it won't be much regardless 4euros is nothing. I was jus checking it wasnt going into ridiculous amounts, you never know with these designers ;) Anyways, I'll post my comments of it when I get back.
Well I just got back from Paris about an hour and a half and "cowboyboots" went to see the exhibition and it was fantastic! very easy to find too. It was great being able to get a proper feel of the fabrics, and I really liked the display with all his fashion illustrations on the floor, it was all scattered out and I love how he has many different styles of illustrations, they have such a nice flow to them.
The video of him talking about his work was also very interesting, I remember him saying something along the lines of 'I like symmetry (spelling?) because humans cannot create something that is perfectly symmetrical, so in my opinion perfect symmetry makes something more natural.' I loved that.

The two cabinet type displays with all the tvs in were great, me and emma sat down on the floor for a while just watching those, she has a couple of sneaky pictures she took from that part too :innocent:

Anyways to conclude :lol: I loved the exhibition, I would well recommend getting along to it if you can...
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oh FFF I am so glad you found it & enjoyed it!!!! soooo - did you have a good time petal. I hope so,....
Amy i thought he said he liked things asymetrical because humans cannot create perfect symetry with their hands!?:unsure:

and he explained why he used alot of black but i cant remember:doh:

it was a very captovating exhibit with the piles of fabrics to feel to get an ideas of the textures:heart: it was interesting how it wasnt just about the clothes but how he worked and showed the stages of the clothes being made. the prototypes, the all the fabrics selected and the pattern pieces produced. i especially liked the display with the illustrations scattered over the floor to represent his work place with the ciggerettes scattered inbetween the drawings.

i could have watched the videos for hours but had to catch the batobus back to the hotel:(

and here are some sneaky pictures of the televisions but they arent very good i wish i could have taken pictures of the whole exhibition:innocent:
hey yohji fans,

im in paris now and saw the exhibit today, and yesterday. im 16 so its free, and i must say it was amazing. he said he liked black because it was a mix of all the colors. it was all breathtaking, much more exciting for me than the mona lisa. lol.

i will tell more when I get back in 5 days, but for those of you in paris, its a must see.
ps maybe ill go again with a little disposible camera and sneak pictures, because all i have now is my huge digital slr.

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