Nicole Richie, DJ AM Split

NOE said:
Jesus... This was the year of Hollywood jumping into relationships too fast:shock: ... and then giving up too easily:(

This is something I've never understood. How hard is it to stay with the one you love? And if you don't truly love someone, why would you get engaged to them? Its ridiculous. I mean, we all know that Britney and Kev won't last, we all knew Paris won't be getting married (how hard is it to steer clear of sleezeballs?). Its just so obvious. Why is it that we can see this but they can't?
the real reason why they're "splitting" is because they just want to distract from the fact that nicole is indeed PREGNANT!

observe the obvious baby bump
View attachment 132421

from her own thread
^ If THAT is a bump, then color me pregnant with quadruplets!:shock:
OK that makes sense.. break up b/c she's pregnant. God these pregnancy rumor as way too trendy.
Angelina, Nicole, and Jessica are all pregnant. *yawn*
I don't exactly get why they broke up...unless it's some publicity stunt. I know we can't have any idea and blah, but don't relationship's disintegrate? and they were making out big time in front of camera's only last week.

Also... a jokey article about it:
The Most Shocking Breakup award of the week goes to Nicole Richie and her longtime boyfriend, once chubby and now skinny, Adam Goldstein. Congrats! Its a coveted award. Currently, everyone is vying for it.
I was stunned and flabbergasted, speechless and quite frankly, lightheaded, to learn that Nicole called off her engagement. Reasons for the split vary from source to source. Some say that Nicole was dabbling in drugs again, tsk tsk! See what that did for Kate Moss? I think Pete Doherty is free now, he loves to party and likes his girls waif thin and easily wasted.

Others say that Nicole was cheating on DJ AM when he was in Vegas, spinning his tunes and shaking his thang while Nicole was getting her groove on in LA. And then there's the rumor that Nicole has gotten too skinny and her boyfriend couldn't take the pain of seeing her waste away to the size of a chihuahua.

Any way you slice it, my colon is twisted in knots and my heart is heavy. I don't think I can get through another day if more celebrity breakups are on the horizen. What's next, Demi and Ashton splitting up? Charles and Camilla?

I don't have to draw you pictures, I think we know where this is headed...Nicole and Wilmer Vladermamalala. Nicole and Jake Gyllnnhlll. But the best pairing would have to be Nicole and Jack Osbourne. A match made in 1970's recording history. Ozzy can eat bats at the wedding while Lionel croons Penny Lover. Unless there is a Greek shipping heir looking for love?
wow i really didn't see this coming. that's just too bad :neutral: wonder what really happened. they seemed so in love.

btw, *AndoraStar*, great avatar! love depechemode:flower:
The comment I keep reading:

"A.M. has a residency in Vegas, where he goes to spin every weekend," said the other source. "And, when the cat's away, the mouse will play. Adam found out that Nicole was 'partying' when he was away, and he does not tolerate that."

Is a bit deceptive… I mean, I keep reading allusions to her “partying” as having had an affair, but it can mean all kinds of things.
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Hmmm. I'd love it if Ashton and Demi broke up. hahahah

Let's bet on the next celeb break up!
Everyone on days of our lives breaks up :cry: now everyone in hollywood breaks up :cry: what hope is their for me :unsure: when i get married im having a baby pronto so the husband cant just walk away :cry: cant everyone just stay together :(
well, on Access Hollywood, they asked Lindsay Lohan what she thought and she said " i have a hard time believing that one"
Wouldn't she have known something??
Then the paps asked Paris, who was on the phone and she said no comment, and had a she was happy. What a biotch.

this was only 3 days ago!!!they look so happy. oh well. good luck to both of them.
OMG, I can`t believe that... :( Maybe they could get back together...
style_savy said:
It sure is heartbreak in hollywood this year:p

I'm sayin'! First it is trendy to get pregnant, then it is trendy to get engaged/married, now it is trendy to break-up!

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