Nicole Richie, DJ AM Split

Ok, now I just heard from a source, that the reason for this, is to detract from the wedding plans that is supposed to be soon?
What the heck?
Fabulyss said:
This is something I've never understood. How hard is it to stay with the one you love? And if you don't truly love someone, why would you get engaged to them? Its ridiculous. I mean, we all know that Britney and Kev won't last, we all knew Paris won't be getting married (how hard is it to steer clear of sleezeballs?). Its just so obvious. Why is it that we can see this but they can't?

Yea, I don't get it either. Seems like everyone these days (celebs and common folk alike) hit one bump in the relationship and their outta there... Where is the love? What happened to for better for worse? What happened to sticking it out? I tell you what, I don't like my husband everyday, but I soon come around and realize that I love him and that he's the one for me.
so maybe this is just a publicity stunt and they haven't really broken up ?
could be why Paris just smiled and said no comment
jml2 said:
so maybe this is just a publicity stunt and they haven't really broken up ?
could be why Paris just smiled and said no comment

What comment did Paris make???? Someone please tell the story!!!!:woot:
good, i hope this freedom allows nicole to get some treatment for her blindingly obvious problems.
lostinemotion said:
Ok, now I just heard from a source, that the reason for this, is to detract from the wedding plans that is supposed to be soon?
What the heck?

I can see why they would do that. I wouldn't want helicopters and paparrazzi screwing up my wedding!
lostinemotion said:
Ok, now I just heard from a source, that the reason for this, is to detract from the wedding plans that is supposed to be soon?
What the heck?

doubt it... they don't seem like people who would go to such an extent to throw the press off track nevermind want a private wedding in the first place :innocent:
Jennika said:
doubt it... they don't seem like people who would go to such an extent to throw the press off track nevermind want a private wedding in the first place :innocent:

Yea. I'd image the paps are following them more now than before.
Oh please! Nicole is the biggest famewhore ever! If anything, she'd throw a publicity stunt to get MORE helicopters and press to her wedding!

I always that that entire relationship was for cameras anyway. How many times did they stop and kiss especially for cameras that they knew were 5 feet away?

Most celebrity couples would rather die than kiss in front of the media. Probably because they're actually famous for something other than that.
here's Ted's take:

The Awful Truth (December 12th 2005)
I know. They were the one young couple you really believed in. I'm talking about Nicole Richie and DJ AM, as if I even need to clarify.
his split is a doozy. There's no superinvolved papa or history of shilling love and vacuum cleaners via reality TV. (Yo, Jessica! 'n' Nick!) It's not like anyone boinked a nanny, because there ain't any darn nippers that need tending. And when it comes to engagement rings, Nic certainly didn't graduate from the Kimberly Stewart-Paris Hilton School of Ersatz Engagements. So, what gives?

Here's my take, and no, I'm not gonna go with the mainstream "She's on drugs!" and "She's too damn skinny!" I mean, you knew I'd have my own POV, didn't you, kittens?

It's like this: Nicole is a doll. Almost too much so, literally. Pin thin, delicate and, if you ask moi, very, very sensitive. At clubs she is always on the lookout, be it for press, Paris or poorly dressed pseudo-princesses. When last we spoke at Ms. Richie's sensaysh Hell-Ay
book signing, she was very tentative; she's always thinking before she speaks.
Adam Goldstein, on the other hand, is Captain Laid-Back. Yep, he's the guy that Kevin Federline tries to be and never ever could. Because DJ's relaxed--not showy and trying to seem all chill. He just is. And as well he should be. He's a man--32 years old. So, the pairing of Little Miss Nervous and Mister Mellow might sound good if life were a romantic comedy in which opposites attract and are--gasp--compatible! But no.
Now, let's pause for a sec and go back a few years.
Remember that gal whose spitfire wit made The Simple Life worth watching? Or how about when she tore off her top in that fashion show? Yes, Nicole was once a wild child. And as her size has dwindled, so has her once feisty temperament. A girl once famous for dancing on the tables now seems perpetually at the table: prim, with legs crossed and hair done in an almost Texas-wife kinda way.
Now, it's easy to argue, 'Well, she went to rehab and grew up.' But that would be, shall we say, oversimplifying this metamorphosis. Habits go away. Style changes. But when someone's personality does a 180, then you've got to wonder. Especially when Adam is very much the same dude he was five years ago, when he was spinning and not getting paid, like, a zillion bucks a record.
So, whassup?

"She's really changed," whispered a gal who's known Nic since they were wee folk. "But I don't think she's done changing, you know? This girl now is, like, an extreme. She used to be so bubbly, and now she's so not. But this can't be, like, it for her."
Like, agreed.
Remember when I asked Nic what adults do better than teens, and she quipped, "I wouldn't know. I've never been an adult." Hey, she's first to admit she's still learning her way. I bet that over the next year, Nicole will continue to evolve. Maybe put on a couple of pounds like dad Richie seems to want. And perhaps she'll loosen up a bit and start flappin' those gums some more. Because Nic-doll is damn witty, and it's a shame she's been hiding that snark away. (Okay, some of it's in The Truth About Diamonds, but I'm talking about real life, not pretend novels with glitzo covers.)
Will they get back together? (Nicole and DJ, natch
, not Nicole and Paris.) Could be. My FON says there's lots of love there. But see, Adam loathes the limelight. And Nic seems to crave the flashbulbs even as she hisses at 'em. In any case, I do wanna say one thing: Paris hon, wipe that grin off your face, 'kay?
hehehe thats quite a funny little article. It seems like Ted is very much on Nicole's side....
I had posted by accident in the Nicole Richie post that they said on-line at Perezhilton that they are still spending New Years together in Miami and bringing their posse's.
I bet they are going to secretly wed!
lostinemotion said:
I had posted by accident in the Nicole Richie post that they said on-line at Perezhilton that they are still spending New Years together in Miami and bringing their posse's.
I bet they are going to secretly wed!

I really wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes I even wonder if the Nick/Jessica split is a publicity stunt.
Thanx Jennika. I still don't get what the point he was making was. He just talks about her change but now why now they are splitting.
style_savy said:
Thanx Jennika. I still don't get what the point he was making was. He just talks about her change but now why now they are splitting.

I think he's hinting at their lack of compatability personality wise.

perhaps Adam fell in love with the old spitfire nicole and since she's changed so much and seems so supressed (for lack of a better word) personality wise he's moved on from the relationship.
Maybe he insisted on wearing sneakers to the wedding ceromony and she knew she just had to end it?!..:lol:

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