Olivier Theyskens Officially Parts Ways with Nina Ricci

Peter Copping Looks to Be Theyskens's Nina Ricci Replacement
Wed, 01/28/09 — 12:24:25 PM
The Olivier Theyskens-Nina Ricci saga continues: Sources are saying that Peter Copping, who met with Ricci owners two weeks ago, is in place to succeed as designer at Nina Ricci. No details could be determined on when the switchover would occur — Olivier is contracted until October, which means he could show up to two more collections for the label, but rumors of clashes between the designer and management also imply that he might leave sooner.
The main point of disagreement is understand to be management's expected commerciality of Olivier's designs — apparently his Spring 2009 collection didn't sell well, but Olivier still seems blase about paying attention the bottom line. The designer has a history of designing expensive pieces that, while eliciting editorial acclaim, don't always sell well — this was the case at Rochas before Nina Ricci.
Copping, on the other hand, hails from Louis Vuitton, where if nothing else, he's guaranteed a pedigree in how to make money with fashion — Louis Vuitton is not exactly known for losing money as both Ricci and Rochas did with Olivier at the helm. Copping sounds exactly like what the brass at Nina Ricci would be looking for right about now — plus, he's Marc Jacobs's right-hand man, and has the Central Saint Martins degree.
In the midst of all this mess, Olivier still appears blase — he was spotted out partying Monday night, a big smile plastered across his face. Maybe he knows something we don't know?

I really don't know what can i think...
photo from Mischa Barton's thread


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I'd also like to see him at the head of a couture house.
Can you imagine him at somewhere like . . . Dior?
Theyskens for Valentino? :woot:

but then again, i'm still bitter about Alessandra- Mr Garavani and his ratbags can go commercial-fy his couture with his "accessories designers" :rolleyes:

so now i don't know where Olivier is going to go :(
I love Olivier Theyskens! He is one of the most talented young designers I think and I don't want him to leave!
I loved him at Rochas and I love him even more at Nina Ricci. Whatever he does, there always is the feeling of ease. His collections are intricate but not fragile.
If he is really leaving Nina Ricci, I hope I can see his own collection very soon.
I love him work at Nina Ricci. I can't understand why there are people who don't like so much what he creates.
I think he has said though that he has already started designing for next season so it's pretty ambiguous.

I whole heartedly agree with Josephjang though that he simply has to do his own collections
according to antoine asseraf,he overheard something quite the contrary at the show last night-
Last night, at the Nina Ricci show, upon being told this would be Olivier Theyskens' last show for the brand, Anna Wintour's reaction was

"How could you do this to me ??"

There's all these mixed signals :S All over Style.com they're calling it practically his last season. But then there was that article in WWD with quotes from management saying how confident they were in him and how they were expanding in accessories :unsure:
that's what i thought too jamess. does that insinuate that anna wintour is a bit responsible for his placement there???? it's really strange.
She really championed him at Rochas and when he was still fresh at Ricci, giving him editorial space and kind of mentoring him I imagine (taking him to de la Renta shows etc) maybe it was directed at him?
well he is very talented, but its sad talent has to be sacrificed for fast cash .
from nytimes.com - on the runway blog, posted by eric wilson

Mr. Theyskens, who will be replaced by Peter Copping, a senior designer at Louis Vuitton, when his contract expires in October...
Wow, so it is official then... Well maybe he will be better off, I just hope he finds backing soon enough.
Maybe Alessandra and Olivier should team up and found their own label.
Just kidding.

He should def. resurrect his own label.
Maybe Alessandra and Olivier should team up and found their own label.
Just kidding.

He should def. resurrect his own label.




ah...dear. That's so funny, and so sad. I guess all we can do with the revolving door policy these days is to us it as black humor.

seriously though, i love them both, and it was sad to see the way their talents seem to be very much pushed aside for perhaps more commercialism, or designers who can turn over a buck.

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