Paris Hilton July 2004 - March 2010

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Have any of you that get U.S. TV seen the new ads for the Hilton Hotel chain? They're promoting a 'behospitable' campaign from 'the Hilton Family'.

Yeah, right. Kathy and Paris have shown the world what the Hilton family considers hospitable behavior.
Actually, I'm glad it's not true. It would be difficult for Paris, who probably has very little real-life expirience, to earn her own living. Besides, having a family member turn his back on you is one of the worst things imaginable.
im confused. So 60 mill. is ALL she was supposed to get? :blink: Her parents must be independantly rich from her grandad and give her a trustfund otherwise how does she maintain this lifestyle? I mean, she acts as if she has 600 mill.

I'm with you on that. I also didn't know that that's how much she has and am also surprised to learn it. She definately acts like she has much more than that. I mean, all the private jetting she does is not exactly what you do, when you only own about 60 mill.$, is it ?
It would be difficult for Paris, who probably has very little real-life expirience, to earn her own living.

Tough. I don't care if she has to flip burgers to make a living like millions of other people do. I can't stand people who feel they're 'entitled' to something they have never even tried to earn.
SHE doesn't have anything moneywise. Her family might, but SHE doesn't.
^ Never heard her do an xxx movie...

But, even if she did, I don't think she did them for the money. She has enough to live by without having to worry about it, not to even mention, having to earn money in such ways...
^ Never heard her do an xxx movie...

But, even if she did, I don't think she did them for the money. She has enough to live by without having to worry about it, not to even mention, having to earn money in such ways...

i was just mentioning her home made video that made her fameous...
So, her dad has the money, he gives it to her, so she has it.

Don't you see what's wrong with that? That's why so many 'trust-fund-babies' and 'princess-wannabees' have so little respect for money. That's how tramps like Paris come to expect special treatment from everyone including the Courts.
I don't see what's wrong with parents supporting their children and giving them the best they can give, unless it's only the money they give, but we don't have the information on that. Also, I don't see how she expects a special treatment, never noticed that. And, actually all this court thing really drove me mad for the opposite reason - how people were pushing the subject of her staying in jail, even thought she had said earlier that she had been treated by the jail people and she was afraid. It was like people were almost willing for her to get hurt by the jail people or something. The other thing that drives me nuts is that there was a very similar situation with Mel Gibson (the drunk driving thing) short time before that and, as far as I know, he didn't go to jail, so why did she ?? It was like she was jailed just because she is rich and famous from birth. I still don't realize why did no one said a word on the Mel Gibson case in comparison.
David Letterman slam dunks Paris Hilton


Every once in a while the glossy beast that is celebrity gets exposed and we see a genuine interaction between two people with conflicting goals. On Friday night this phenomenon was in full view as Letterman decided he wanted to have some fun at Paris Hilton's expense. Paris Hilton (much less successfully) decided she didn't want to talk about her jail stint. Instead she was there to talk about her perfume. Or a film she's in. Okay, I admit it, I have no idea what she was there for, I only know that Letterman crushed her.
It all starts around 55 seconds in where Letterman, clearly in an energetic mood, says, "How'd ya like being in jail?"
The best part is that Letterman keeps at it for about six more minutes, until Paris refuses to answer questions and then attempts a faux pout. It's a wonderful moment because Paris has painted herself as this fun and sexy businesswomen and Letterman walks all over her. But in order to stop the onslaught Paris would have to show genuine emotion, something which she's either not capable of or loathe to do.
Every once in awhile we should thank the maker we've got Letterman around. Here was a case where he clearly thought, "Hey, I've got a few hundred million dollars, what do I care she ever comes back on? I'm going to do what Larry King couldn't. I'm going to ask the questions that everyone truly wonders." And what we received was comedy gold. Enjoy the clip!

Here's the clip:

I am a loyal fan of David Letterman; I'll watch it every chance I get to stay up late.

But she told him she didn't want to talk about it and he wouldn't let it go.
Any other day that would have been funny, but he took it too far.
*** No weight talk ***

One of the funnier interviews I've seen as of late...loved it:lol:
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If Paris Hilton choked on a chicken bone, it would be headline news on every news channel in America.
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