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im confused. So 60 mill. is ALL she was supposed to get?Her parents must be independantly rich from her grandad and give her a trustfund otherwise how does she maintain this lifestyle? I mean, she acts as if she has 600 mill.
It would be difficult for Paris, who probably has very little real-life expirience, to earn her own living.
^ Hmm... What is it she spends, then ?
She has enough to live by without having to worry about it
^ Never heard her do an xxx movie...
But, even if she did, I don't think she did them for the money. She has enough to live by without having to worry about it, not to even mention, having to earn money in such ways...
Again.... SHE doesn't have any money. Daddy does.
So, her dad has the money, he gives it to her, so she has it.
Every once in a while the glossy beast that is celebrity gets exposed and we see a genuine interaction between two people with conflicting goals. On Friday night this phenomenon was in full view as Letterman decided he wanted to have some fun at Paris Hilton's expense. Paris Hilton (much less successfully) decided she didn't want to talk about her jail stint. Instead she was there to talk about her perfume. Or a film she's in. Okay, I admit it, I have no idea what she was there for, I only know that Letterman crushed her.
It all starts around 55 seconds in where Letterman, clearly in an energetic mood, says, "How'd ya like being in jail?"
The best part is that Letterman keeps at it for about six more minutes, until Paris refuses to answer questions and then attempts a faux pout. It's a wonderful moment because Paris has painted herself as this fun and sexy businesswomen and Letterman walks all over her. But in order to stop the onslaught Paris would have to show genuine emotion, something which she's either not capable of or loathe to do.
Every once in awhile we should thank the maker we've got Letterman around. Here was a case where he clearly thought, "Hey, I've got a few hundred million dollars, what do I care she ever comes back on? I'm going to do what Larry King couldn't. I'm going to ask the questions that everyone truly wonders." And what we received was comedy gold. Enjoy the clip!