Paris Hilton July 2004 - March 2010

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His grandfather also gave up the Hilton fortune to the Catholic Church back in the day but those greedy Hiltons sued for their fair share...

He's probably doing it because he knows what an embarrasment that whole family has become...not just Paris...they're all beyond trashy and are no longer looked at with respect by society.

Paris has her own money at this point though so I doubt she cares but there is still part of her that is trying to get that rich husband.
The world woud be a better place without Hiltons in the spotlight. Between Nicky's quickie marriage and divorce, little Barron's shenanigans with that producers daughter, and Paris' mere existance, I would have not only given my money to charity, but forced my family into exile. :innocent:
She is making her own bank now.
I never thought she was sitting back and waiting for her inheritance....
but I am sure she is still a little pissy.:doh:
I would be more upset if I were her cousin.

Good job to Grandfather Hilton...then again, did he raise his son to raise Paris? (might of been the mother).
Paris does have her own money for product endorsements and attending parties. Good. The money is going to people who need it.
If he actually follows through on this, I wouldn't bat an eye. I hope she comes into her own, and make her own money.
97% is admirable!
Paris doesnt need the money anyway so its all good and money is going for good causes hopefully
:clap: they're so selfish anyway...and paris saying she wants to help the women in jail, the people in africa etc...she's a liar. she wouldn't do anything good with that money.
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good... keep the money far away from paris, and give to those who actually NEED it.

you know.. they should dump her in some remote, thrid world country and let her fend for herself for about 5 years, then check in on her and see how she's doing.

but knowing her she'd still find some way to get the the spotlight..
She may have a fairytale wedding but with her airhead-ness and party animal behaviour, everything might end up as a Greek tragedy ... :lol:
Ooh ... that's yucky :yuk:
She has proven to the world that's she's not a good role model ...
Ditch this beeyatch!!!!
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