Paris Hilton July 2004 - March 2010

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this is so random and retarted... this lady serious?
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:blink: What a pathetic thing to do. Obviously Nicolle O'Neill hasn't understood the cost of a frivolous law suit, and that she'll have to pay attorney's fees for Paris' defense when the case is thrown out of court. I wish I could find pictures of this idiot... oh well, it's just a matter of time before snaps appear on the blogs. IMO Paris dresses like a valley girl... that fad is at least twenty years old!
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Maybe she's trying to solidify her status as a fashion icon. Afterall, Paris is the "blonde icon of the decade.":rolleyes::lol:
Considering the sex-tape commerce, and the pay website to "see Paris' sh*t she left in a storage locker" scandal, and the Paris goes to jail interlude, it's hard to not think it's yet another convoluted form of publicity stunt. Though I'm thinking California ought to start a ballot initiative that if you use the court system as a publicity stunt, you should face criminal charges for backing up the courts. Which would further back up the courts, I suppose, but it might keep me from having to see Paris Hilton's distraught moving image anywhere. The perfumes should be enough sensory stimuli and income, you'd think.
^You mean in L.A, California. This kind of stuff doesn't happen anywhere else:rolleyes::lol:
this is depressing that our generation has come to this. what an idiot. so does this mean i can sue Rachel Zoe for the cowboy boots and oversized 70's sunglasses trends?
Paris Hilton named a Most Stylish International Person

Paris Hilton strikes a pose on Friday at the MTV Style Gala held at China’s Shanghai Grand Stage, where she picked up “Most Stylish International Person.”
The 26-year-old “Most Stylish International” socialite wore a long gray velvet dress topped off with a Chinese-style black lace top.
The day before, Paris was seen at a press conference in a bright red Chinese-style minidress. She also toured the Bund area of China while munching on candied fruit.

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God, even when she attempts to do tasteful, it still doesn't work.

That's what I call stylish.
she's just like barbie...a superficial big dumb blonde that they can dress up and play socialite, do-gooder, cheerleader, and vet. we'll not talk about the fact that this role model for society (barbie) was originally a WWII german sext toy, now will we... :yuk:

this makes me sick that people like her get so much coverage for not doing a damn thing.
she isnt actually to bad on the first pic receiving the award.. even though the dress would have been better if NOT in velvet.
but, most stylish international person? ICH dont think so ma dear :judge:
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