Paul McCartney and Heather Mills split...

Mccartney 'settles' Divorce.

22nd January 2007 07:15:16

Mccartney 'settles' Divorce.... Sir Paul McCartney has reportedly agreed to a £32 million ($63 million) divorce settlement with his estranged wife Heather Mills, after a bitter six month battle over the former Beatle's vast fortune.

McCartney split from his second wife Mills in May last year (06) after four years of marriage, and began divorce proceedings in July (06).

The 64-year-old has allegedly agreed to hand over his £4 million ($7.8 million) home in St John's Wood, London to the former model, as well as his £6 million ($11.8 million) mansion in Beverly Hills, California, according to British newspaper News Of The World.

The out-of-court settlement means McCartney will never have to publicly defend himself against Mills' claims of physical abuse while she was pregnant with their daughter Beatrice in 2003, as stated in court papers filed by the 39-year-old's legal team.
23/01/07Sir Paul McCartney's divorce settlement news was fake
- Heather Mills's lawyers claim no offer has been made
Sir Paul McCartney has not reached a divorce settlement with estranged wife Heather Mills, her lawyers have claimed.

It was reported yesterday (23.01.07) that the former model had accepted a UKP32 million pay-off from the Beatles legend in order to keep details of their split out of court and away from the public eye.

Legal firm Mishcon de Reya, who are representing Heather, has now issued a statement denying their client has accepted the offer and insist Paul, 64, has not even made an offer to Heather, 39.

A spokeswoman said: "No offer has been made whatsoever at any time."

The now discredited settlement reportedly included Heather receiving the UKP4 million mansion in St John's Wood, London, the couple shared and Paul's UKP6 million Beverly Hills property.

The estranged couple, who have a three-year-old daughter, Beatrice, are due in court next month to resolve a row over security.

Heather insists she is entitled to a professional bodyguard after receiving death threats, but Paul is refusing to pay for one.

It's all a big tease, these settlement reports. But the most shocking thing is, I think, is to find that Paul has a Beverly Hills mansion to lose. I knew he lived with sheep in Scotland and he's always had the place in London, but...the Hamptons, Tucson, and Beverly Hills? I wouldn't be suprised to find he's got a split-level in Walnut Creek with vinyl-siding and a kidney-shaped pool. I mean, he just might, when this is all finished.
This article was posted on a fan list a couple of days ago. A bit ot-I find it interesting that strong, opinionated and independent women are often labeled b*tches.. Where is the list of biggest bas*****? :huh:

http://www.manticey php?id=982_ 0_4_0_C

Heather Mills McCartney beats out Ann Coulter for title of "World's

Biggest b*tch"

By Wiki Pitt

It's official. Heather Mills McCartney has been voted the "World's

Biggest b*tch" by readers of the infamous blog Pop Realster. Mills

McCartney ousted last year's winner Barbara Bush and trounced other

heavy weight contenders J-Lo, Naomi Campbell, Michell Malkin,

Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Madonna, Martha Stewart and odds on

favorite, Ann Coulter, who came in second this year.

Mills McCartney, who is embroiled in a nasty divorce with Paul, is

widely perceived to be a gold-digging, self-serving harpy, although

there are some who defend her, saying that she is "misunderstood" .

One reader called her an example of a "strong, independent woman"

who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it." others

who fall into her camp, contend that such powerhouses females are

often maligned for possessing qualities which are admired in men but

criticized in women. However, Detractors of Mills McCartney outvoted

her admirers 100 to one.

Carly Bottendale, who writes Pop Realster's wildly successful

column "The Ho In The Know", explained why Mills McCartney is the

target of such widespread animosity.

"It's really simple. At one time, Paul McCartney was probably the

most sought after bachelor in the world. He had everything. He was

gorgeous, brilliant, incredibly wealthy and of course, he was a

Beatle. Think about it, he could have had any woman in the world but

he fell in love with Linda. Okay, she was a nice girl but nothing

special, kind of like any friendly, average looking chick we all

knew in high school. But he was crazy about her. Once they got

married, they were never apart; he couldn't stand to leave her side

right up until the end. This guy is the poster boy for devoted

husband. When he married Heather, a lot of people, including his own

kids warned him but when Paul is in love he is IN LOVE. So it all

comes down to this: How big a b*tch do you have to be to get Paul

McCartney to walk out on you? "

Enough said.
How big a b*tch do you have to be to get Paul

McCartney to walk out on you? "

I'd love to put this to the Scientific Method. I'm guessing about--oh, six weeks is my usual fling. Testing my hypothesis requires Paul's hand in marriage and the aforementioned split-level in Walnut Creek.

February 22, 2007 -- 'DANCING with the Stars" producers asked Heather Mills to do the show - but not because of her headline-grabbing nasty split from Paul McCartney, they say.

"We approached her," "Dancing" executive producer Conrad Green said yesterday after ABC officially confirmed Mills' participation, rumored for weeks. "The general intention was to try and expand the boundaries of the people taking part [in the show] . . . and Heather came up almost immediately.

"She's a really interesting personality . . . and is a woman of great vigor and determination."

She's also extremely media savvy, and knows that "Dancing," seen by over 20 million viewers a week, might help soften her negative public image in the wake of her divorce from billionaire ex-Beatle McCartney. It's won her few fans on either side of the Atlantic, some who see her as a golddigger.

"There really is no downside [for Mills doing the show]," says crisis expert Steve Aiello of Hill & Knowlton. "She appears to be a good sport and she can possibly win some folks over while this bitter divorce continues to go on."

The ex-model, who lost a leg in a motorcyle accident, has worked tirelessly on behalf of land-mine victims.

"I really don't know what her reasons are apart from what she stated to me," Green says, "to get across that people with disabilities like hers are still able-bodied."

"To be honest, I expected a 'no' more than a 'yes,' " he says about asking Mills to do the show. "There was no reason [for her] to say yes but, then again, when she said yes I wasn't that surprised.

"She's not afraid to put herself above the parapet."

And just how will Mills ballroom dance with her prosthetic leg?

"She's an enormously athletic woman who runs regularly and dances [in clubs] regularly," Green says. "It's important to remember that her prosthetic is below the knee, so she's still enormously flexible."

Mills will be joined by Laila Ali, Ian Ziering, Billy Ray Cyrus, ex-NBAer Clyde Drexler, Joey Fatone, Leeza Gibbons, speedskater Apolo Ohno, Vinny "Big p*ssy" Pastore, Paulina Poriskova and Shandi Finnessey.

I think everyone even contemplating an acrimonious divorce should be forced to do a stint on Dancing With Stars, except it should scripted be along the lines of a They Shoot Horses, Don't They? dance marathon.

In fact, this is how the divorce should be settled.

Like, whoever's left standing gets the house(s) and kid(s)--with absolutely no points for style and grace, just whoever's hungriest.

Except, just like the movie, no one gets to know who wins. Ever.

So, who are you rooting for?
McCartney and Mills Settling Down?


Maybe Paul McCartney's money can't buy him love, but it can apparently buy his way out of an unhappy marriage.

According to published reports, the former Beatle has successfully brokered a settlement in his bitter divorce battle with Heather Mills, who has reportedly accepted his offer of an estimated $56 million in cash and property as well as joint custody of their three-year-old daughter, Beatrice.

As of Monday, there was no confirmation of the report from the respective camps of either McCartney or Mills.

Word of the purported settlement was first reported by Britain's News of the World—the same outlet that claimed Mills had accepted a $63 million settlement back in January, a report her legal team quickly denied.

Though proceedings in the Mills-McCartney divorce battle have been conducted behind closed doors, leaks from the courtroom have included reports that Mills, 39, was seeking $6.6 million a year—or about $20,000 a day—from her estranged husband, as well as sole custody of Beatrice.

Under the terms of the couple's alleged agreement, Mills will reportedly drop those demands and will in turn receive $48 million in cash, plus a Georgian mansion worth $8 million.

Because Mills and McCartney had no prenuptial agreement before they married in 2002, Mills could potentially have walked away from the split with one-quarter of the 64-year-old musician's fortune, valued at about $1.6 billion.

However, Mills, who has been raked over the coals by the British press since the couple announced their separation, has bristled at the suggestion that she entered the marriage with designs on McCartney's money.

"I fell in love for the right reason. I fell in love unconditionally," she said in an interview with Extra in November. "If I was a gold digger, I would have a lot of money in my bank account...I'd be worth millions and millions."

If the $56 million shoe fits…

Though neither Mills nor McCartney had commented on reports of a settlement, Mills took to her official Website Monday to defend herself against a report in London's Daily Mirror that outed her as having once worn a mink coat to a wedding, despite her ardent antifur stance.

"She really loved that coat. When I see her antifur campaigns now, I always chuckle," Mills' former sister-in-law, Dianna Karmal, told the paper.

In a message on her official Website, Mills said the photo of her in the fur was taken in 1989, before she was "aware of the issues surrounding the fur trade."

"The coat belonged to my mother, who had sadly died just a few days earlier, and I wore it because it made me feel close to her," Mills wrote. "I am not ashamed I wore it. At the time, I was not a vegetarian and was not an antifur campaigner."

Meanwhile, with her debut on Dancing with the Stars just a week away, Mills has expressed confidence that her artificial leg will not fly off during the reality competition's high-stepping routines, telling Extra that such an event is "very unlikely."

Nonetheless, offshore gambling Website has started accepting wagers on the possibility of the prosthetic limb coming unattached unexpectedly, with a maximum bet of $50 on the outcome. The site is specifying that the limb "must fall off, not be purposely taken off," in order for bets to be honored.

Mills acquired her artificial limb after her left leg was amputated below the knee following a 1993 motorcycle accident.

"I'm hoping to show people that even with a prosthetic leg, you can dance," she told Extra last month.

(source & image: )
"I really don't know what her reasons are apart from what she stated to me," Green says, "to get across that people with disabilities like hers are still able-bodied."

Mmmm...I'm sure. It also helps that the majority of D-list stars who've done DWTS have gone up in popularity.

What a strange, strange move of hers. Never in a million years would I guess that Mills would do a show like this...

Hot damn I hope they partner her with Big p*ssy! :woot:
When I divorce Paul McCartney, as I've already said, I will only appear on "Circus of the Stars" in my ensuing bid for sympathy. Heather can come with and we'll put our heads in the lion's mouth.

Sad day, I have nothing much to say in making fun of Paul McCartney.:ninja:
Eye on Gambling

Dancing with the Stars: Heathers Mills struggles tonight
written April 9, 2007
Even though Heather Mill's is the sentimental favorite for me and many other Americans, her performance tonight was not exciting or entertaining. In fact, it would be fair to say that she struggled. Not that she has much sex appeal to offer, but there was none evident tonight. She displayed maybe two or three routine moves and that was all I could see.
Fortunately for Heather, others in the competition were worse.

Paul, come dance with me. I, too, lack sex appeal, and it's fair to say I struggle. But the struggle itself is a huge turn-on, you must admit. 'So what if he fancies a bit of rough?' I ask.
When I look at you, I see two sides: the hardcore and the gentle. I also just see two of you, but that improves if I close one eye and squint.

Everyday, I face nearly insurmountable obstacles--the front door, the curb, the road crossing--but I'm not a victim. Because I know just how things came to this, and the man that was to make me eyes go crossed drowned in a pool of alcohol ages ago, God rest his soul. Willn't have me speak ill of the dead. Some things are meant to be.

So you can call me a cockeyed optimist, Paul, but it's only intermittent strabismus. I have known True Love, and I know I will know it again. I have so many faculties yet to offer up to its pyre. :heart:



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McCartney: I Don't Read Divorce Coverage

Sunday, May 20, 2007

LONDON — Paul McCartney avoids reading media coverage of his difficult divorce because he does not want to see the details of his private life on front pages, he said in an interview published Saturday

McCartney and his second wife, Heather Mills McCartney, are in the middle of divorce proceedings. The former Beatle told the Guardian's Weekend magazine that the situation has brought him closer to his grown children from his marriage to Linda McCartney.

"I'm going through great struggles, but I'm feeling pretty good," McCartney was quoted as saying. "I have a lot of good support, particularly from my family. In difficult moments like this, it's when a loving family shines through."

McCartney said it is difficult to see his private life exposed.

"There's only one real answer to the massive press coverage — don't look," he said. "So I don't read it."

It is estimated that the divorce will cost McCartney $200 million, reducing his fortune to $1.4 billion, according to The Sunday Times' annual Rich List.

"There is a tunnel and there is a light and I will get there. In the meantime I really enjoy my work and my family. I see people worse off than me, so I can put it in perspective," McCartney said.,2933,274133,00.html

And all this time I thought we shared something special, only to find you don't even read this stuff. Then I find you fancy some opera singer who's clearly a shoddy copy of me, who I doubt has ever seen double from lager in her life. When she aims a bottle of ketchup at your head, it'll be sure to connect. She looks likes she's capable of regret. Until you hit back, you see: Orbitofrontal damage means no regrets.

If that's how you're going to be, that's it, then. We're through, Paul. It's off--you can keep the ranch house in Walnut Creek, I don't care anymore. Once there was a light at the end of the Caldecott Tunnel, but go ahead, put your nose in the air. Walk away. Together or alone, we'll get there.

I, for one, have no regrets.

Now that that's all settled with Heather, Paul, won't you give us another chance? Think of our son, Hugo: all the dental work he needs, the thick helmet he has to wear, the helpless way he looks at us when we argue, the adorable way he holds his breath 'til he passes out when he doesn't get his way (I think he got that from your side of the family). Don't let one mistake keep us apart.

Think our love-nest in the far Oakland Hills: who'll tend our grove of organic olive trees, humanely electrify the fence to keep the sheep in, feed the crocodiles in the moat their ethically-harvested paparazzi, and pay the pool boy for all the skimming, chlorinating, and the lil sumpin sumpin he offers? This house is not a home.

Most of all, think of me, Paul, and who'll pay the bills for my stylist, colorist, voice coach, clairvoyant psychic palm reader, colonic irrigator, and ganja dealer? These people are my family. Darling, have a heart.

A chair is still a chair, even when no one is sitting there.


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Man, I just watched the youtube video of Heather's rant about Paul and her thoughts of committing suicide. I must say this woman is a VERY good actor, it's amazing how she can be on the verge of tears one minute and smiling and laughing the next. And if she wasn't after his money then why is it taking so long to get the divorce finalized?? It can't just be because of their daughter and the custody concerns, I don't think Paul would tare Bea away from her mother. This woman is just :rolleyes:.... I feel sorry for Paul.
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^Ooh, now you've got me watching Heather on YouTube. I like her, but she hasn't got a chance against the McCartney outfit. Though, if you think about it, neither does Paul! That's what makes him so loveable: he's got this whole royal court around him, and there's so much he can't help, but he tries his best. He keeps his chin up, and stays positive, no matter who he's rubbing elbows with. He's sort of Jesuit Missionary that way: you can't convert all the heathen savages at once, so you might as well make the best of it and eat what they offer you. Keep things friendly, kiss the ring, do what your told. Smile, peace, out. How could you not love him?

Now, Heather, I don't think she's acting, she really believes what she's feeling and expressing. It's just that she's hysterical: that's the laughing/crying phenomenon. Back in the day, a husband could lock his wife up for it and divorce her right quick. None of this mess that Paul's having now. She'd be safe, the kid would be taken of. She'd just have to take her meds and go tell her problems in Group Therapy. And what's said in group stays in group...perfect solution all around, ha ha.

She still thinks she has something to lose, which shows her attachment and care. If she'd realize she has nothing to lose, just stop caring and be a proper Medea b*tch, I think I'd like her even more. She does have a heart, though, and that's what she's trying to get across. It's not working.

As it stands, she still wants people to like her. She must still love Paul and obviously her daughter, which isn't doing her any good. If she were anywhere near as horrible as depicted in the press, she'd f*ck'em all over, kid included, for her own sense of vengeance. She still cares about her standing in the royal court. Way back in the day, the king'd have her head in the basket. The king's got his own Sword of Damocles, I'm sure.

Instead of choosing sides, you just have to feel bad for everyone involved. Shows you what a pile of money and legendary fame does you.
Heather's just insecure. When you're insecure you worry about what everybody thinks about you. You want everybody to love you. And when they don't or you think they don't, you swerve between crying and playing victim to trying to be the person you think everybody wants you to be - which ultimately ends in failure and swings back to the victim.
^ I think you hit the nail on the head with that one, missakura. If she'd just take her cues from Paul and really keep it "No comment", I think the "attacks" from the press and Barbara Walters and the "Liverpool Underworld" might abate, and the world would find her a whole lot classier for it. But I certainly wouldn't be having as much fun here.
Esquire Malaysia August 2015

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