Pavlovian Dressing


inspired contemplation
May 22, 2003
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This is a term I just made up :P Just wondering if anyone else associates doing certain activities in certain clothes? I'm noticing increasingly (as I procrastinate more....!) that there are certain clothes I just don't feel I can be academic in. So much so that i wonder if I can train myself to associate certain clothes with studying so much that I will be compelled to study when I am in :lol: But I think if you extrapolate this, it's not so laughable. Certain sports players have 'lucky' clothing items which perhaps when they wear, they train themselves to do their does anyone else wear certain clothing to produce a desired effect from within themselves?! Or am I just procrastinating too much? :lol:
I used to wear a certain pair of shorts when playing tournaments. but I don't believe in that any more..

There is certain pieces of clothing I feel the most comfortable in when I have exams. I like to wear colorful stuff, that makes me happier, but still being rather relaxed.. Like at last years exams I wore a lot of skinny jeans, ballerinas, t's with sweet semi-colorful prints and colorful cardigans. Oh and a few colorful floral printed dresses..

I'm not sure if I do it anywhere else.. :unsure:
I'll have to think about it..

Interesting thread though, I can't wait to see everyones answers.. ^_^
I don't think my clothes could ever become a conditioned stimulus for my behaviour, no... but with some people perhaps!
To 'put on your thinking cap'... though I think that usually refers to 17th century judges who had 'considering caps' they wore before and for sentencing.

But certain clothes can definitely make me feel more comfortable in certain situations..
But I think to compel yourself to study, reward conditioning would probably work better... i know it does for me. :ninja:
haha unfortunately for me, I just give myself the reward without doing any work so it's a no go!

*returns to watching Ocean's 13 while eating crisps and drinking cider*
I think your thinking is the basis of why most uk schools have uniform
I never thought about that way before, but there's actually quite some potential in what you're saying. I've been on work all day, so it might be a bit hard to give a comprehensible reply, but I'll do my best. :D

The term 'anchoring' is widely used by coaches, shrinks, professional sales people, in NLP (neuro linguistic programing) and the like. It refers to anchoring a certain feeling/emotion to a certain stimulus - be it a word, sound, touch, smell etc.

Everybody has 'natural' anchors. E.g. a kiss is usually anchored with good feelings. Also, if your mother used to pat you a certain way on your neck when you were little, or you boy/girl-friend used to caress you a certain way, good feelings will be anchored to that certain touch. That means that if you get touched/caressed that way, you will feel really nice inside.

A person who is profident with anchoring can anchor good feelings to a certain touch/sound/smell/etc. very effectively and quickly.

But anchoring is not only limited to kinaesthetics (touching). It also extends to sound (laughter will lighten your mood), smell (the smell of your mother's cookies from when you were little will make you all warm and content inside), sound (remember that very special song that was played the first time you met your special someone? Makes you all happy, doesn't it?).

That's the reason why it is not recommended to read in bed if you have trouble sleeping. On the contrary. Stay out of bed until you almost can't stay awake. When you're about to fall asleep, you can go to bed. Every time you're going to bed, play a certain CD on low volume. Do that for two weeks. By then you will have anchored your bed and the music to sleep. That way, when you go to bed and play that music, your body will automatically and quickly start to prepare for sleep.

Of course, this isn't limited to your bed. Find yourself a certain pair of shoes and a certain parfume. Put them/it on every time you're very concentrated and focused on something. Take it off when you start to loose your concentration. Do this several times and you've anchored it. That way you can study even on days when you're restless and can't stop thinking/worrying about stuff. Put on the scent and shoes and your mind will start thinking that now it must sharpen up. You can also do that when it comes to exams. Anchor good emotions of self-secureness and the like an amulet and a scent. That way you'll be less nervous when the time comes.

I have acquaintaces who use anchoring every time they go party. They don't drink alcohol. But every time they're 'in state' - in an extremely happy/party-like mood, they'll shout something (called an encantantion in NLP terminology) and press/touch/caress themself in a chosen anchor-point. This way, every time they're about to party, they shout the encantation and use the kinaesthetic anchor and instantly get into the right mood - the state. And of course, when they use it, they party better, and when they're having the best time of the night, they do it again - to anchor the emotion - again. This way you can actually build a pretty solid anchor.

This is very effective. But it's not some kind of wonder potion. It can't change who you are. And it takes some time/skill to anchor properly.
Thank you for that very well thought out post! That is exactly the sort of thing i'm thinking of, and trying to do. To associate a certain action with a piece of clothing so much that it will help me produce that (in this case, studying). But it could be used for all things related to fashion really, as you mentioned partying above, feeling good about yourself in a certain piece of clothing, etc.
There are a lot of websites that teaches how to anchor. Also, affirments are great. Make a list of things you want to affirm. But remeber that the mind only comprehends negations on a purely logical level; not in an emotional level. Therefore you shouldn't use negations in your list of affirmations. E.g.:

Bad affirmation: I don't have a problem with oral exams. I'm not nervous and I don't stutter"
The subconscious mind will comprehend this as "I have a problem with oral exams. I'm nervouc and I stutter" (very simplified explanation). To give an example of this: Do NOT think about a pink elephant. You did just think if a pink elephant, didn't you? :-)

Good affirmation: I am good with oral exams. I am calm and self-confident and eloquent.

Now, make your list. Setup a mic to your computer, start the recording and read the list loud and clear. Transfer the mp3 to your ipod. Set it on repeat. Listen to it on low volume several times a day - when you're reading, relaxing, meditation - you shouldn't be aware of it. Concentrate on something else. Don't focus on the affirmations. Your subconscious mind will pick it up. It's quite effective.

There's also something called "emotional tapping" - hit it up on google. I haven't tried that myself, but I know/know of several people who have with varied results. Some said it was BS, some said it worked a little - maybe because of placebo - who knows.
^ I never think of the pink elephant :wink:

I think that I automatically feel relaxed when I put on my favorite comfort (aka slumming) clothes ...
Nice thread! :smile: Although when I first read the title I thought: dressing like a dog? :blink: :P

When it rains I wear dresses.(I hate it when the hem of pants gets wet.) When I do hardcore study I tend to go for jeans and big band/college t-shirt. In the winter I wear more girly pieces, and in the summer I dress more like a tomboy. :ninja:

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