Personal Style

Personal expression-it's my identity. It's all my emotions shown on the outside.
Coincidental that my signature is of the same vein regarding fashion itself.
for me it is an individual expression...I'm quite shy and so my clothes are sort of a way for me to express what I am creativity, my artistic side, and my interests (i.e. vintage). of course how much I explore it depends on my mood. but yeah, it's definitely individual expression.
it depends on MOOD>
i LOVE jewellery. diamonds and blue sapphire are my fave.^_^
wearing jewellery adds so much GLAM to any outfit.
My personal style has changed thrice in the past 10yrs but what I have noticed through all my style maifestations is that my style is all about my identity. I identify with the ideal of how I dress. You know that saying of dressing for the job you want. well i have spent the past 10 years, intermittedly, dressing for the life I want. As I have changed my mind about lifestyles /attachments, so has my personal style but in whatever moment you find me, my personal style i hope conveys my sense of identity. Or at the very least lends to defining me.
I think you develop your personal style over the years. It is the opposite of being a fashion victim or trying too hard. The most stylish woman I know is not rich, and is well over 50, she looks very much like Anouk Aimée, the french actress. She exudes chicness. She gives style to what she wears, whatever it is. To me she is a mystery. When I am old, I want to look like her.
i'm probably saying the same thing but..

i think personal style is just showing who you are but through clothes. i feel that it's just like speaking. the clothes you choose to wear tell others about yourself
personal style - an expression of personality and ideas through material things such as clothing, make-up, hiar, etc. It's showing what is inside of the outside.
It's one of the ways I express myself and my feelings and emotions.
So if people are going to marginalize me and judge who i am in the first 3 seconds that they see me, im going to represent as best i can, my ideals and interests.
I believe there is more to getting dressed than an aesthetic pleasure.
I think personal style is when you wear something, and someone else tries to wear the exact same thing and they look like an idiot. There are things that my best friend can wear that I cant, and vice versa.
I think it's being comfortable with who you are and what you enjoy wearing. I don't know that it's always incredibly creative - some people I know are so simple in every way but so stylish. I like that it varies and I like that people work things how they want. I don't even care if the items they're wearing are trendy or classic or punk rock, I just think it's fantastic that they're doing their own thing.
the meaning of personal style has easily been laid out
but my presonal style is more vintage mixed with new things. pianting patterens on the nails of one hand and nothing on the other wearing pretty pieces of jewellery picked up at markets, hand made scarves, getting old jeans then changind them around whether it's folding up them bottoms so they show or painting them or writing on them or getting rocks and wrecking them.
Hi everyone!

I think personal style reflects personal attitude. To me the key word is this: "attitude"...

and of course, you cannot show any attitude whatsoever, unless the way you wear your clothes translates the real you into an image, so that people understand who you are and who they are dealing with, just by looking at you...:flower:
personal style is letting your true self come out through the way you dress, it s not looking like everybody else and even if u happen to wear the same shirt or carry the same purse u ll find a way to make it look different, personal style is also the thing that makes u different from others yet the thing that others will recognize u by, whether it s a purse u always carry, a pair of glasses, the way u wear ur hair or the shawl u always wear around ur neck. it s what makes u unique :D
My personal style depends on my mood. On a good day my style is Preppy/Urban. If I don't care, then it's jeans and t-shirts. While I'm in school, the latter is the most prominent.:p
SanDiego said:
I think personal style is when you wear something, and someone else tries to wear the exact same thing and they look like an idiot. There are things that my best friend can wear that I cant, and vice versa.

You are absolutely right!! I couldn't have said more clearly myself. :flower:
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i' thought i'd give this a bump to see if anyone else wants to add their view...


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