Preventing a tan

And per marqueemoon's advice, unfortunately I don't have an eBay account (:lol: I'm like the only one left in the universe). Don't want to open one due to too many active accounts already to keep track of, any other options?
Summer is here, and I've grown to appreciate my light skintone. I'm a Mac NC-25, and way too cheap to buy new makeup. I apply facial sunscreen every day (even in the winter), and I'm wondering how I'll be able to prevent a tan this summer? I like wearing skirts and tank tops, so I don't want to cover up. Any help?

hey guess what? im a MAC NC 25 too :P (even thought under certain light it look too yellow for me:P)
u wanna try a brand call shiseido anessa?
What brand 60+ does everyone use on their bodies?
Stay out of the sun
Cover up

It's simple, really
We need sunlight people, what we don't need is sunburns. If you wanna stay pale use a lot of sunblocker and avoid exposing yourself directly to the sun between 12 am and 5 pm, but don't avoid sunlight as much as you can because it's necessary for your bones and nervous system!
There's a version of the La Roche now on the American market that you can find in most big drugstores. It's not as strong as the European stuff, but still much better protection than you'll get from American brands. It's only about 15-20 bucks I think. You don't have to order the normal La Roche on ebay, btw. I know of a woman who runs a business in Florida called Heavenly Skin and you can order it from her over the phone for thirty bucks. I've ordered from her before and she's very good. Stuff arives in 2-3 business days irrc. You mentioned that you didn't like the consistency of the Extreme Fluide, but I found one that has much better feel with the same strength called Anthelios Peds SPF 50+. It doesn't have that runny quality that the other formula has and comes in a larger bottle. It lasted me a long time. If you're interested, I can give you her email/contact info. Mexoryl, the ingredient in La Roche's products, is highly stable so it won't break down unless it's in extreme heat or sunlight for a long period. Other formulas are more likely to break down.

Also, this other European sunscreen is supposed to be really good. Haven't tried it yet, but I've heard it's great from others and it has a strong, highly stable formula:
You would have to order it online, but there are plenty of online pharmacies that sell it. You don't need to use ebay.

Neutrogena Dry Touch is also pretty decent in strength and can be found in most stores but the consistency is kind of gross, imo. It gets all tacky. It would be ok to use on your body but not for your face.


Oh shoot, I just realized you're in the UK. I don't know what sunscreens they have over there so ordering online might be a better option. They should have the La Roche. Are you sure they don't? What about Shiseido? They have fairly good sunscreens as well. Look for sunscreens that have Tinisorb or Mexoryl listed in their ingredients. Also pay attention to the PPD -- not just the SPF. The PPD indicates the UVA protection. 28 or 30 is the highest PPD possible.
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does those 45 spf sunlotion for babies work on ur face too?
and what kinda moisturiser have more then spf 30?
^Yes, the Anthelios Peds I mentioned is actually for kids, but it works just as well for adults -- it's just somewhat gentler on the skin and sticks better.

I don't know about moisturizers, but honestly if you wear a relatively fluid sunscreen all day, your skin doesn't need any more moisture. The sunscreen already does a great job.
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Two more things I forgot to mention.

La Roche also makes a very light spray sunscreen that's also got a high PPD -- it's called Anthelios XL 50+ spray. That consistency may work better for some.

Wearing Vitamin C serum under sunscreen and after sun exposure has been shown in many studies to boost the skin's repair against sun damage. A good serum is Skinceuticals C+E and ferulic acid, but it's expensive and doesn't last too long. Many people serious about skincare mix the serum on their own so it's fresh. It's actually very easy to mix. You just need two ingredients. Here's the formula
1/2 Solgar Vit. C crystals (l-ascorbic acid)
4 tsp distilled water OR KY Ultra gel
A freshly mixed 'batch' lasts two weeks.

The ingredients can be purchased cheaply online at and respectively.

So a basic good skincare routine that actually has scientific evidence to back it up is...
Morning -- cleanse face with something gentle like Cetaphil facewash. Lightly pat dry. Apply a dab of Vit C serum, and then over it sunscreen (20 mins before leaving house). Get neck, chest, hands and other exposed areas.
Reapply sunscreen at least once during the day. Wear sunglasses/hats when possible.

Night -- Wash off sunscreen thoroughly with DHC cleanser. Wait 20 mins and then apply a pea size of Retin A Microgel .04. Tap lightly onto face, don't rub in. Avoid mouth, eye area. Apply Generic .025 tretinoin or Avage around the eyes and mouth because it's a bit gentler. Usually best to use the Retin A only every other night. Sleep on your back to avoid getting sleep lines.

That's it! If you follow that simple routine you'll have beautiful skin for a long time. My skin has improved so much since I started.
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There's a version of the La Roche now on the American market that you can find in most big drugstores. It's not as strong as the European stuff, but still much better protection than you'll get from American brands. It's only about 15-20 bucks I think. You don't have to order the normal La Roche on ebay, btw. I know of a woman who runs a business in Florida called Heavenly Skin and you can order it from her over the phone for thirty bucks. I've ordered from her before and she's very good. Stuff arives in 2-3 business days irrc. You mentioned that you didn't like the consistency of the Extreme Fluide, but I found one that has much better feel with the same strength called Anthelios Peds SPF 50+. It doesn't have that runny quality that the other formula has and comes in a larger bottle. It lasted me a long time. If you're interested, I can give you her email/contact info. Mexoryl, the ingredient in La Roche's products, is highly stable so it won't break down unless it's in extreme heat or sunlight for a long period. Other formulas are more likely to break down.

Also, this other European sunscreen is supposed to be really good. Haven't tried it yet, but I've heard it's great from others and it has a strong, highly stable formula:
You would have to order it online, but there are plenty of online pharmacies that sell it. You don't need to use ebay.

Neutrogena Dry Touch is also pretty decent in strength and can be found in most stores but the consistency is kind of gross, imo. It gets all tacky. It would be ok to use on your body but not for your face.


Oh shoot, I just realized you're in the UK. I don't know what sunscreens they have over there so ordering online might be a better option. They should have the La Roche. Are you sure they don't? What about Shiseido? They have fairly good sunscreens as well. Look for sunscreens that have Tinisorb or Mexoryl listed in their ingredients. Also pay attention to the PPD -- not just the SPF. The PPD indicates the UVA protection. 28 or 30 is the highest PPD possible.

Thank you mm!
Ohh, lots of questions (sorry)!

I bought this and can't find the PPD:
Please tell me it's high and I haven't been lathering it on my face for nothing because by mid-afternoon my face is a grease pit.

I was surprised to find regular drugstore chains (Superdrugs, Boots) doesn't carry La Roche. They carry other French products so I assumed they would.

So you don't have to reapply during the day? I walk everywhere here, fast, since transportation (and everything else) here is obscenely expensive and it's just getting hot enough to perspire a good deal during the day.

I'm going to buy the Neutrogena you rec'd for my body.

Please send me the FL lady's contact info so I can order from her directly when I return.

Two more things I forgot to mention.

La Roche also makes a very light spray sunscreen that's also got a high PPD -- it's called Anthelios XL 50+ spray. That consistency may work better for some.


So a basic good skincare routine that actually has scientific evidence to back it up is...
Morning -- cleanse face with something gentle like Cetaphil facewash. Lightly pat dry. Apply a dab of Vit C serum, and then over it sunscreen (20 mins before leaving house). Get neck, chest, hands and other exposed areas.
Reapply sunscreen at least once during the day. Wear sunglasses/hats when possible.

Per a friend's rec in the last month I've started to use copper peptide serum. Have you heard of this? The formula has no vitamin C unfortunately but it's supposed to promote cell turnover and repair.

-- Wash off sunscreen thoroughly with DHC cleanser. Wait 20 mins and then apply a pea size of Retin A Microgel .04. Tap lightly onto face, don't rub in. Avoid mouth, eye area. Apply Generic .025 tretinoin or Avage around the eyes and mouth because it's a bit gentler. Usually best to use the Retin A only every other night. Sleep on your back to avoid getting sleep lines.

That's it! If you follow that simple routine you'll have beautiful skin for a long time. My skin has improved so much since I started.

Can I ask how your skin has improved? Better tone or...? I have oily but VERY sensitive skin. It looks good for about an hour after washing my face in the a.m. then it's all downhill the rest of the day. It just doesn't stay fresh-looking long, although I'm happy with it right after a shower and moisturizer. Also, I have major sleep lines under my eyes...not at the corners, but under them in the sensitive "eye bag" area. ALL the lines on my face are sleep lines. I go to bed lying flat on my back but I can't seem to stay that way and my face gets mashed against the pillow from the side. Argh!:(

Also, it reacts to everything, especially the wind (my face actually gets chapped if I walk down a windy alley here :blink: making me ruddy-looking :sick: when I am not naturally that way). My hands have actually cracked from living here even when it rains! Troubleshoot my problem skin! :lol:

Thanks again for taking the time to write this all down.
An interesting little fact... if you eat lycopene (tomato sauce) on a fairly regular basis, it provides you with an SPF of 3. I thought that was interesting, though not really helpful. ;)
An interesting little fact... if you eat lycopene (tomato sauce) on a fairly regular basis, it provides you with an SPF of 3. I thought that was interesting, though not really helpful. ;)

:lol: Thanks for that. Watermelon would provide similar benefits too, then.
good topic! I don't spend ,much time outdoors in the sun if I can help it but I noticed driving to work I'm usually hit by sun. I always try to remember to slather sunblock on my legs (usually only below the knee is exposed) and may arms and shoulers in addition to my face and neck while I'm getting ready. In the winter face and neck is enough but In summer the sun really beats down through my windshield and I'm usually wearing cropped pants or a skirt and sleeveless or short sleeves on top. I think I'd rather be tan than have a farmer tan from driving so make sure you don't forget those spots even if you won't be spending real time outdoors.:flower:

eta: I also keep a tube of sunblock in the console of my car for frequent reapplication. I'm thinking this may be pointless though since doesn't the heat from leaving it in the car make it less effective?
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Thank you mm!
Ohh, lots of questions (sorry)!

I bought this and can't find the PPD:
Please tell me it's high and I haven't been lathering it on my face for nothing because by mid-afternoon my face is a grease pit.

I was surprised to find regular drugstore chains (Superdrugs, Boots) doesn't carry La Roche. They carry other French products so I assumed they would.

So you don't have to reapply during the day? I walk everywhere here, fast, since transportation (and everything else) here is obscenely expensive and it's just getting hot enough to perspire a good deal during the day.

I'm going to buy the Neutrogena you rec'd for my body.

Please send me the FL lady's contact info so I can order from her directly when I return.


Yes, that sunscreen has the highest PPD possible so your shiney face is definitely not in vain! If you wear makeup, you can get rid of most of the shine by applying a bit of very sheer matte powder over the sunscreen. When I wear makeup, I use the mineral kind because it's all natural and doesn't hurt the skin. The kind I use you can barely see because it's so light but it gets rid of the dreaded shine.

If you order from the FL woman in the future, she'll be able to give you a different version of the same sunscreen that has a less greasy feel as I mentioned (the Peds version). Also it comes in a bigger bottle, and lasts much longer. I will PM you her info. If you're out all day, I would reapply at least once, maybe twice, especially if you're sweating a lot. (the matte powder helps keep some of the sweating in check too) Technically you're supposed to reapply every two hours under the sun. At least you're in London where the sun intensity isn't so bad!

Per a friend's rec in the last month I've started to use copper peptide serum. Have you heard of this? The formula has no vitamin C unfortunately but it's supposed to promote cell turnover and repair.

I've heard good things about copper peptide from some people but haven't done enough research to give you an educated answer.

Can I ask how your skin has improved? Better tone or...? I have oily but VERY sensitive skin. It looks good for about an hour after washing my face in the a.m. then it's all downhill the rest of the day. It just doesn't stay fresh-looking long, although I'm happy with it right after a shower and moisturizer. Also, I have major sleep lines under my eyes...not at the corners, but under them in the sensitive "eye bag" area. ALL the lines on my face are sleep lines. I go to bed lying flat on my back but I can't seem to stay that way and my face gets mashed against the pillow from the side. Argh!:(

Also, it reacts to everything, especially the wind (my face actually gets chapped if I walk down a windy alley here :blink: making me ruddy-looking :sick: when I am not naturally that way). My hands have actually cracked from living here even when it rains! Troubleshoot my problem skin! :lol:

Thanks again for taking the time to write this all down.

My skin looks more even toned, smoother, less greasy, slightly fairer and younger than it did before. I had a few tiny lines under my eyes that have nearly disappeared since I started using Retin A. I also used to break out occasionally and that never happens anymore. Retin A was originally developed as anti-acne medication but then they discovered it had these other side effects like getting rid of fine lines and making skin look more even-toned.

Retin A Microgel would actually be great for your skin because it seems to work really well on oily or combination skin. It has a slightly (but not overly) drying effect that gets rid of a lot of the oiliness. It's also much gentler than normal Retin A. Usually people start applying once or twice a week and then gradually build their way up until their skin has developed a tolerance. You get a bit of flakinessfor the first few weeks, but that goes away as your skin adjusts. You can even start on the .025 formula of Retin A which is the lowest possible. That FL woman sells a special version that doesn't have the irritating ingredient regular Retin A does. Avage is also a low dose that would be good to start with.

I have the same problem as you with sleeping position! Sleeping on my stomach or side feels SOO much more comfortable. I finally trained myself to sleep on my back but it took FOREVER. I've heard some people have had great success with these special pillows they make for stomach/side sleepers:
this one is supposedto be best but it'spretty pricey:
I guess it's a good investment, though, if you're worried about lines.

Btw, I was just reading a thread on this skin forum I go to and the Bioderma sunscreen I mentioned is supposed to have a much more matte feel than even the La Roche Peds. Here's the thread if you're interested:

You should check out the forum it's on, because I get most of my skin info there. You have to register but it's free and takes just a minute. If you do, pick the brain of someone by the name of 'Mag.' She knows all there is to know about skincare and is very helpful with questions. :flower:

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