Prince Albert of Monaco is Married

may i just say that, now that we indeed know that there's 3rd kid and that she probably tried to ran away due to hat, i do feel pity for her to an extend...he really does seem like a douche. :(
If she doesn't love him, I don't know why she married him. It's not like someone pulled a gun to her head and forced her. I don't think she really deserves the pity, she knows what she's getting into and to me it seems more like a business arrangement. :innocent:
If she doesn't love him, I don't know why she married him. It's not like someone pulled a gun to her head and forced her. I don't think she really deserves the pity, she knows what she's getting into and to me it seems more like a business arrangement. :innocent:
well, if it is to believe the rumors, she tried to leave monaco three times in the last few weeks and they even confiscated her passport, so..:doh:
So what? The fact that they confiscated her passport just means she couldn't leave the country. They may have been pressuring her, but unless they threatened her physically or something (which I doubt), she didn't have to marry him. She may have tried to run away, but it was probably too late. Like I said, this seems more like a business arrangement and she probably signed some sort of contract saying she would follow through with the marriage. That's the only logical explanation I can come to at this point. A wedding is supposed to be a joyous occasion for a couple, and their pictures clearly don't show that. There's no love, no passion, nothing.
^^Is that even legal?
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So what? The fact that they confiscated her passport just means she couldn't leave the country. They may have been pressuring her, but unless they threatened her physically or something (which I doubt), she didn't have to marry him. She may have tried to run away, but it was probably too late. Like I said, this seems more like a business arrangement and she probably signed some sort of contract saying she would follow through with the marriage. That's the only logical explanation I can come to at this point. A wedding is supposed to be a joyous occasion for a couple, and their pictures clearly don't show that. There's no love, no passion, nothing.
you make a good point, but i see physical restriction even with the confiscation of the passport, but as you said, if it is indeed a contract thing then she really signed the wrong deal...
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I think people are a little bit overdramatic with this stuff and are really causing troubles for nothing at all. Albert has always legally recognized his kids when the mother came to him and told him (he didn't recognize his son and daughter when the media found out). They met 10 years ago, have been (if we believe their friends) dating for 5 years or so. She knows he has kid, everyone does, yes he is the player but I don't see the King of Sweden or Prince Phillip being grilled over that. Who knows if they have illegitimate children? When I saw interviews of both of them, candid pictures of them and so on I don't see her as being forced to stay with him. The Monaco family have always been very "liberal" yet quite tamed compared to the other families (at least they are honest and don't really hide to do their things). I also very much doubt that the Palace would do something like that. Some members here act as if Prince Albert was the devil. She is 35 years old, she can handle herself. And btw she was not a "so so" swimmer, she was a really great one. Plus Prince Albert is not just a "prince" he is also a head of state who needs to think about the economic, social aspect, political and international aspect, he fought a lot to give a different direction to the rocher, he doesn't have the same amount of pressure as the always royal families in Europe.. That being said, no one knows what happens behind closed door but just because she is SA and doesn't have a diploma doesn't mean that she had to marry a prince to "survive" or doesn't have different options to fend for herself..
So what? The fact that they confiscated her passport just means she couldn't leave the country. They may have been pressuring her, but unless they threatened her physically or something (which I doubt), she didn't have to marry him. She may have tried to run away, but it was probably too late. Like I said, this seems more like a business arrangement and she probably signed some sort of contract saying she would follow through with the marriage. That's the only logical explanation I can come to at this point. A wedding is supposed to be a joyous occasion for a couple, and their pictures clearly don't show that. There's no love, no passion, nothing.

The business arrangement/contract rumor was started by an unstable woman who has stalked and harassed the princess for years; everyone who is familiar and active on royal message boards knows this.
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^ Well, I'm not familar or active on royal forums at all. Out of all the Royal Houses, the House of Monaco seems the least interesting to me, so even if I did have the time, I probably wouldn't even bother.

The reason why I believe this is all a business arrangement is because they don't seem in love at all. The wedding was so awkward and she looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but there. Plus there were those runaway stories. If they did confiscate her passport, why didn't she just stay strongwilled and cancel off the marriage? She didn't, which leads me to believe she was forced into it somehow. A business arrangement would make sense. Even if she did feel like backing out, if she had signed an arrangement, she couldn't anymore.
I'm just really shocked that he didn't get married a lot earlier in his life. As I read earlier on The Daily Beast and agree with: Albert just does not have the Playboy look or attitude -- all this drama just makes him look like a creepy old man. If he had gotten married young to someone he really cared for, and aged into the guy he is now with a loving wife and kids...he would just seem like a jolly, old dad. If all these rumors are true, I think his best bet would've been to pass the title along to Andrea Casriaghi in his death.
According to tv sources this wedding has been made with one and only purpose, to have a descendant. They said in the Tv today that they have signed a prenuptial contract in wich she commits to remain married for at least 5 years and to give him a descendant, very romantic all of this...
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I think it's easy to say she could have just canceled the wedding, but I don't think that was the case. It's not an easy decision for normal people to make, let alone someone who is being watched by millions of people around the world and has put tons of money/time/effort into this wedding. And supposedly she has few friends in Monaco and doesn't even speak French well so who could she have turned to for advice? I'm sure the palace probably pressured her to go through with it as well.

The Grimaldis don't seem to have much luck in romance. Wasn't Grace also really unhappy with her life but couldn't leave because the prenup said Rainier got to keep the kids in the event of a divorce?
I think people are a little bit overdramatic with this stuff and are really causing troubles for nothing at all. Albert has always legally recognized his kids when the mother came to him and told him (he didn't recognize his son and daughter when the media found out). They met 10 years ago, have been (if we believe their friends) dating for 5 years or so. She knows he has kid, everyone does, yes he is the player but I don't see the King of Sweden or Prince Phillip being grilled over that.

You MUST be joking. Half of the Swedish population want him to abdicate, it has been all over the news for months even in Denmark and he has been criticized very harshly.
I think it's easy to say she could have just canceled the wedding, but I don't think that was the case. It's not an easy decision for normal people to make, let alone someone who is being watched by millions of people around the world and has put tons of money/time/effort into this wedding. And supposedly she has few friends in Monaco and doesn't even speak French well so who could she have turned to for advice? I'm sure the palace probably pressured her to go through with it as well.

The Grimaldis don't seem to have much luck in romance. Wasn't Grace also really unhappy with her life but couldn't leave because the prenup said Rainier got to keep the kids in the event of a divorce?

WOW, who even accept to do that kind of prenup?!?!
if i was a mother i would never ever do that.

You MUST be joking. Half of the Swedish population want him to abdicate, it has been all over the news for months even in Denmark and he has been criticized very harshly.

Also in Finland. I don`t think there is any fairytale-likeness in royal wedding anyway. Their relationships seems to be messy everywhere, not to even mention they are always affairs of the whole country, not just two people.

But if the latest child of Albert is so small yet, that means he has been unfaithfull to Charlene. That must be devastating :(
it's a common thing among royals, Diana and now Kate have signed it too. price to pay i guess to live in such luxurities...sad, but true.
WOW, who even accept to do that kind of prenup?!?!
if i was a mother i would never ever do that.

The reality is that back in the days when Grace got married often the men did keep the kids in the event of a divorce (reference, Mad Men :lol:) So I find it even more understandable, though still tragic, for her. And Grace barely knew Reiner, so I can imagine that she was caught up in her fairytale. Whereas Charlene I believe knows exactly who she is getting in Albert due to his very public reputation and the length of time they've been together... I doubt she has any fairytale illusions
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