Raw Jeans F/W 05.06


Jul 14, 2005
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Looks like everything is going back to basic~ without the washing, sanding, distressing etc...

I don't have any pictures (most samples I've seen are either in pre-production or being produced right now) but I've seen Paige, Seven, Citizens, Frankie B, Farmer's and a lot of other brands coming out with a dark, raw denim for this Fall. (Or maybe late summer) Mostly in skinny leg cuts.

Personally I don't really like the look of raw denim... not too flattering and reminds me too much of denim 5 years ago. What do y'all think?

*edit: This is the only picture I could find, of Paige in Dark Resin.
from azaleasf.com


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I'm just glad to be done with washes. Dark, raw denim doesn't bother me very much. I actually prefer a dark denim to a light denim any day... however I'm not incredibly thrilled about the skinny jeans. Not that I don't like the look... I think it's fantastic. However, I have quite the hips, and skinny jeans make me look very pear shaped.
Good! I hated those really bad cheesey looking washes. Now, I do like a little bit of subtle wash but it grosses me out when it's obvious. Although like most Americans, skinny jeans scare me the only person I've seen who looks half decent in them is Kate Moss and well I'm not Kate Moss. :D And most of my jeans are already a darker denim.
I like simple dark jeans with a little bit of washing... kind of like how Paige and COH does it... but a completely raw denim isn't for me. I don't know... they might work well with boots and such but I do not have Kate Moss legs :D

As for the "clean"-ness of it.. kind of reminds me of SaltWorks... although Saltworks didn't last too long did it?
I love dark jeans, but not raw denim... like someone said, it's very 90s, with that waxed denim that was so cool. I don't like huge noticeable washes, but a vintage stain does so much.
we've been talking (& wearing) dark & fitted jeans since at least a year now, see realated tFS thread right here at the trendspotting forum

what i'd really like to know what's the NEW trends in jeans.. for fw06.07 nad beyond

btw, welcome to tFS closettherapy, are you working in the fashion industry?
wow, thanks mirra, do you like bread&butter? have you ever attented?

eta: their site is playing up.. grrrr
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i was in Berlin last year, working for an ad campaign for a jeans brand, and liked it a lot, ..though i have no base to compare, it was the only fashion tradeshow i've been ever...:) some of the small [or maybe unknown just to me] brands had really interesting and sharp stuff, never seen before cuts, etc..:flower: liked some of levis denim too [never seen in Sofia in the next season, too bad]
true, the less known/smaller brands are real cool

do you live in Sofia mirrra?
I'm not really a fan of that particular color in the pic, although I do like dark jeans. And I do like a more basic look to jeans better than the whole washed out look, however I think a FAINT washing down the middle of the legs makes a person look a little thinner. That's a plus in my book:)
Hi Lena~

Yes I'm new. I'm in the apparel industry... not so much the fashion industry. I sell online retail. As for the new trend... I think the rest of this year denim is starting to go back to "no trend"... just relying on their signature fit and washes. I think soon denim will finally play a backseat / supporting role, instead of being the main focus like it has this past year (embroidery, crystals, etc). I also think a lot of the smaller "novelty" brands we are seeing like Stitch, Blue Tattoo, People of the World, etc are going to phase out and only the big guys like 7, Paige, COH, TR, and etc are going to survive.

BTW I hear COH is going to make denim for men soon ~.~ & I think Paige just announced they are making a men's line in November.

last summer i got into dry selvage jeans, cuz i was tired of seeing so many gimmicke unnatural washes, except for the first gen paper denims and earnest sewn.

man, i haven't bought prewashed jeans since i can remember. i really like wearing them in myself, and yes, i do do the whole wearing them as long as possible without washing them to get the really awesome contrasting fades. sounds gross, and it sometimes is, but the results are awesome.

in my experience APC's jeans (they make a women's fit too) are the toughest and stay darkest the longest. their denim source only produces denim for APC jeans, and they are loved by many denim enthusiasts as being your best bang for your buck. some even say its better quality than those outrageously overpriced Evisus. i can vouch for it bc, compared to my Nudies, Earnest Sewn, Helmut Lang, and RRL selvages the APC's have faded the least, and i've worn my APC's way more than the my others.

. . . and just a little FYI, on the selvage denim forum i read there is an APC employee that posts and he said you should get your APC's now bc with the new fall collection they will go up $150 from $120.
mirrra said:
yes, for almost the whole my life:)
:woot: how cool, you make me change my idea regarding 'fashionability' in Sofia, super B)

retail is 'working in the industry' closettherapy, thanks for the trend tips :flower:
Lena said:
:woot: how cool, you make me change my idea regarding 'fashionability' in Sofia, super B)
thank you so much, Lena! :heart: though i fear your idea is much more correct than i'd wish - despite of small amount of people, it's a place crowded of dressed alike people, :cry:, anyway, i'll try to make some picture extention to european street style thread soon, there are some really cool people here :flower: :heart:

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