Recommendations : Books About Fashion & Designers

Shocking! The Art & Fashion of Elsa Schiaparelli by Dilys E. Blum

Jean-Paul Gaultier by Colin McDowell
MODEL by Michaell Gross-
If you want to know about how the whole fashion/modeling scene started. It gives a lot of background info and even goes into the recent years.

NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY by Janice Dickinson-
Very entertaining memoire of Janice..........not many words to describe it but I LOVED reading it.

Book about Gia C, her role in modeling, etc. A sad book to read but I ws entangeled by it.

There are some other good ones...just have to try and remember the names. I'll get back to you when I do. Happy Reading!!!!!

P.S. I Apologize for the spelling, I had a little accident and broke 2 of my fingers.
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the shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella i didn't really like them because i dont really see where the story is going, its always the same thing book after book. But i really liked bergdof blondes, it was smart
Karl Lagerfield: A Portrait of Dorian Gray

"In his youth, Dorian Gray had his portrait painted and, because the painting wonderfully preserved a carefree moment, Gray begged for a trade-off: the painting would age and he himself would remain young and handsome forever. That's exactly what happened until one day, in a rage, he stabbed the canvas and died. What remained was a flawless portrait of youth.

Karl Lagerfeld has staged the core of Oscar Wilde's famous novel in his own way. He shows a luxurious Bohemian world as in the freeze-frames of a film. Young people celebrate, paying homage to beautiful bodies and devoting themselves to the moment. Right up until the metamorphosis begins. Then the young man changes into an old man and the pretty woman into her own death mask. This book tells the story as a film, reflecting a world of fashion and glamour, and suggesting the aesthetics of Caravaggio or the pre-Raphaelites. With this publication, Karl Lagerfeld, one of the great protagonists of the fashion scene, makes his contribution--not entirely irony-free--to the subject of the transitory nature of beauty. Clothbound, 9.75 x 10.25 in. / 88 pgs / Illustrated throughout."
60s fashion book

Hey I'm not sure if this is the right forum or not...I consider this education for myself but it may fall somewhere else so please feel free to move it.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any books that showed LOTS of really good pictures of clothing from the 60's mainly and possibly the 70's. I haven't found many books and the ones I have found have maybe 10 pictures in them. I'm getting really frustrated. There must be a picture book out there somewhere!
Not a really great book for going in depth on the sixties but I bought Swingin' Chicks of the 60's by Chris Strodder and I think it's really cute. It has a lot of pictures.

here's the website:
All I'm really looking for are pictures so if there are lots in there it might be just what I need! :o)
I've got a great book of the sixties styles,it's called Radical Rags FASHIONS OF THE SIXTIES by Joel Lobenthal and there's also Sixties People about all the different groups that were and how they styled themselves and acted and danced,it's by Jane and Michael Stern.Both are FAB!!!!!!!!!!!
look through these two books, but read their writing very carefully- i learned a LOT from them. plus the photography blows my mind. i wish magazines still had the quality of the images in these two books:

People In Vogue: A Century of Portraits
Unseen Vogue

seriously. i'm a total bookworm and i learned just as much from these two books as i did from the Phaidon (mountains of pages) on fashion.
Bergdorf BlondesI was drooling for a pair of Manolos and a ride on a pj for days after I finished that book!
that book made me laugh uncontrollably. it was an excellent tongue-in-cheek description of the world plum sykes lives and breathes for. the book was even better because sykes wrote it. because she's one of those absolutely fabulously shallow and wealthy fashionistas who we ADORE TO MAKE FUN OF!
oh, i love thou, bergdorf blondes.
Don't have any :( I should buy more fashion related books.
Cosette said:
Karl Lagerfield: A Portrait of Dorian Gray

"In his youth, Dorian Gray had his portrait painted and, because the painting wonderfully preserved a carefree moment, Gray begged for a trade-off: the painting would age and he himself would remain young and handsome forever. That's exactly what happened until one day, in a rage, he stabbed the canvas and died. What remained was a flawless portrait of youth.

Karl Lagerfeld has staged the core of Oscar Wilde's famous novel in his own way. He shows a luxurious Bohemian world as in the freeze-frames of a film. Young people celebrate, paying homage to beautiful bodies and devoting themselves to the moment. Right up until the metamorphosis begins. Then the young man changes into an old man and the pretty woman into her own death mask. This book tells the story as a film, reflecting a world of fashion and glamour, and suggesting the aesthetics of Caravaggio or the pre-Raphaelites. With this publication, Karl Lagerfeld, one of the great protagonists of the fashion scene, makes his contribution--not entirely irony-free--to the subject of the transitory nature of beauty. Clothbound, 9.75 x 10.25 in. / 88 pgs / Illustrated throughout."

Bathing in the blood of virgins to restore his eternal youth was just too common for Karla...
The Phaidon book - Sample


This book is a visual dream.
Hedi Slimane's London: Birth Of A Cult. Does that count? My city (London), my boys (The Libertines, The Paddingtons) and a great artist (Slimane) =perfect.
Do anyone have tips for books that are more oriented towards male fashion throughout history? or any book thats geared towards male fashion will work i guess.

Can someone sell me their Belgian Fashion design btw? (For under 50$)
If asking is against the rules feel free to delete this :)

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