Ryan Gosling

A new trailer for “ReGeneration” was released. The movie is a documentary about today’s aphetic youth. It’s narrated and produced by Ryan. The movie gets a limited release May 3 and will also be available OnDemand. You can watch the trailer below, as well as some more information on the documentary.

#ReGENERATION,” produced and narrated by Ryan Gosling, is a documentary that takes a look at how political apathy among young people ultimately contributed to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The film explores the widespread cynicism of today’s younger generations and features some of the worlds leading scholars, activists, and media personalities, including Andrew Bacevich, Noam Chomsky, Talib Kweli, Kalle Lasn, Amy Goodman, Sound Tribe Sector 9 (STS9), and the late Howard Zinn. Those featured share insights on how the seedlings of ideas can transform into inspiring movements and incite change.


How Long Can Ryan Gosling Keep Being Ryan Gosling?
Yes, friends, I know we're all suuuuuuper excited that intergalactic hegemon and sexual daffodil Ryan Gosling rescued a woman from being hit by a car yesterday. I'm with you. My vagina died of a heart attack too. But I think we're overlooking the real story here, which is that RYAN GOSLING'S PUBLICIST PUSHED A WOMAN IN FRONT OF A CAR.
I mean…right? Because otherwise, how is Ryan Gosling even possible? And how much longer can he keep up this bonkers trajectory of increasing human perfection? Because that is some supernatural ****. Just to recap: He's stupid handsome, but just quirky-looking enough that it's not annoying. He's masculine, but not threatening — like a bro that you actually want to hang out with. He's funny. He's a feminist. He wears t-shirts THE BEST. He breaks up fights and keeps the streets safe. He melts human aggression with the touch of one velvety finger. He saves the lives of British people willy-nilly. Plus, he's a genuinely good actor who makes genuinely good movies or whatever! Like, Jesus Christ, Goz! Do you really need to have all the sex? Aren't you tired? Do you need a nap? (Can I watch?)

Anyway, I worry, because I don't want us, as a planet, to reach some sort of Gosling saturation point. And it feels like we're almost there. The memes are already getting to be a bit much — just today I came across Handmade Ryan Gosling, and that's in addition to Silicon Valley Ryan Gosling, Feminist Ryan Gosling, Typographer Ryan Gosling, Poli Sci Ryan Gosling, and god knows how many more. Surely "Socialist Pet Store Ryan Gosling" and "Hey Girl Let Me Lance That for You" can't be far behind. And nobody wants Gosling to become a human "What My Parents Think I Do" situation (punchline: what he actually does is get frustrated while sitting at a messy desk!). You know? I need my Gosling to stay fresh!

(And this site acknowledges its role in all of this. We made goddamn "hey girl" ringtones, for chrissakes. Not that we take any of it back.)

I also can't imagine how the **** he's going to top him self at this point. Retroactively rewrite seasons 3-6 of Lost? Go back in time to when he was a baby and have himself fight baby-Hitler to the death? (It's not baby-murder if a baby did it.) Invent a Ryan Gosling cloning machine???

Knowing Goz, though, as soon as he senses that he's on the other side of the tipping point, he'll melt tastefully into the background for a few years and then just pop up in our apartments one morning all sleepy-eyed like, "Hey girl, let Gosling Clone #A4567-C do those dishes. I actually think women are more beautiful without makeup, you know?" And, oops, my uterus fell out. But it's okay. Goz is here. And he just finished a do-it-yourself OBGYN course at the Learning Annex, girl.

Some part of this article are priceless :rofl: :rofl: But she actually raises some valid points.
^ I know, :lol:

But he hasn't reached saturation point for me; I am in love with him. :blush::p:heart:
I second that !! The day Ryan Gosling reaches saturation point for me Kim Kardashian will be on the cover of US Vogue ^^
" CAN WE CLOne him ?" I say yes pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I would sold my kidney even for a gosling clone:D
those scientist better start working on that shi*
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He's a great actor and seems like a nice guy, but all this internet hype is so embarrassing. He's not a cartoon character!
I don't think he will ever reach a saturation point and just melt in on the background. His popularity isn't banked solely on his looks, he's as great as "great actor" can be. It's hard to just simply write someone like him off.
Look who it is! :heart:

Ryan Gosling strolls through NYC with a friend after lunch - 4.10.12



source: zimbio
Ugh. That man is beautiful. :shock:
I think we should re-name the thread: "Reasons why Ryan Gosling is the most perfect man in the world." :lol:
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I forgot to say how much I love seeing him in cardigans. He's one of the only men I've seen (other than models in magazines) that knows how to work them really well.

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