You certainly have good points on the issue, Spike, I certainly understand where you're coming from. You're an advocate for the higher forms of fashion, for the elements of craftsmanship that keep it respectable and slightly ellusive and you're certainly not alone. I'm sure everyone on the board appreciates your comments.
It will be interesting to see what Sean John's store, his nod from the CFDA, and his attempt to bridge casual and high fashion, Harlem and the Hamptons will do not only for American fashion but for upcoming African American designers. It's very valid simply because fashion, for some reason, always wants to hush ehtnicity; Naomi Campbell and Liya Kebede, it seems, are and should be enough to cancel out any of that kind of talk, the speculations which makes peoples skin crawl, the growing sentiment that being PC is simply boring. But here is a mogul, an entertainer who not only is crossing over into the rarefied world of high fashion with something brash and overly masculine as to appear threatning but also investing in its future thanks to his cash injection into Zac Posen's line.
It just all makes me wonder if fashion will continually pine for the lily white past and whether it will continue to be champion it in a world that is increasingly becoming interconnected and an America where even the world 'minority', as we speak, is quickly growing invalid. P. Diddy, then, is just cracking open a door that may be blown off its hinges by the young and the hungry who, unlike him, are going to be more than willing to use the things we refuse to speak about, refuse to acknowledge, as fuel.