I usually buy my bags in reputable stores – designer boutiques, Saks, Barneys, etc.
BUT, a few months ago I was trolling eBay and saw a current season YSL Downtown Bag in Ivory listed by a seller with nearly all positive feedback, and lots of it. This is a bag i love, but I couldn't part with $1500 for it. So, when I found it on eBay for about a third of the price, I was so excited. As I said, the seller had great ratings, so against my better judgement, I went for it.
Holy @*#*, what a nightmare. The bag was fake. A good fake, but fake, nonetheless. The seller (starry88888) swore up and down that it was real, saying her friend is a buyer at Saks and she gets her merch from her, but I know for sure it was fake. I already had two other YSL bags – and this one was not equal in quality – sloppy glue, poor stitching, etc. It was real leather, but it was not real YSL. The seller agreed to take it back, but it took nearly 10 weeks to resolve the entire transaction. This woman makes a business of selling fake bags and pretends they come from Saks.
My husband bought me a gorgeous AUTHENTIC red YSL Downtown from Bergdorfs for Christmas
Anyway, just be careful. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. I like to buy from sellers who have receipts for the merchandise. For the most part, I think the popularity of fake handbags make buying them on eBay too risky. I'm not sure if I'd buy another.
On the other hand, I've had great luck with LV and Hermes scarves, CL shoes and tons of other things.