Shopping on eBay

^ amen is really addictive - i come to tFS during work but cant really go to ebay so i rush home and check the stuff on my watch list even if im not bidding on something.
LoveMyBoots said:
I have a standard, very common ebay question: Why are some pieces so cheap? For example, BCBG. There are pages and pages that are under $20. It's usually by one seller, but how can he/she sell something that's around $200 for a starting bid of $1. I doubt sample sales provide enough merchandise.

Most of BCBG items are fake. That's why they're so cheap.
Don't buy any Marc Jacobs, Dior, LV, D&G, Armani, BCBG, DVF, most of it is fake.
/\ i wouldn't say most, but definately the majority of auctions that use stock photos or if they are located in asia. there'a quite a lot of authentic MJ, BCBG, LV on there. a lot of people who sell shop outlet stores, nordstroms rack, discount places and clearance on NM, BG And places like saks. i window shop a lot to see whats in my local discount places and almost always there's the same thing listed on ebay, with the sellers attempting to get retail and not the clearance price they paid for it.
:blink: Wow.... people make fake BCBG?? I guess people will fake anything, but I always assume that only more expensive brands are faked.:blink:
Addicted2dior said:
Most of BCBG items are fake. That's why they're so cheap.
Don't buy any Marc Jacobs, Dior, LV, D&G, Armani, BCBG, DVF, most of it is fake.

I disagree. You just have to know what you are looking for. I have an Ebay store & I've sold Marc Jacobs, Dior, LV, BCBG and DVF and it was all real, stuff I've picked up on sale or from my personal collection. You just have to know who the good sellers are and read other forums about authentics, like HonestForum & AuthenticForum.
I agree that not everything is fake.

We here at TFS also have threads where you can ask if something's authentic or not. Also it might be helpful to go into a thread for the specific item, if such one exists (such as, if you're looking at an MJ Stam, post in the Is this authentic or fake thread, and the thread on MJ Stams. We have a lot of experts here! :) )
I just bought a pair of Hugo Boss pants on Ebay that the waist size was listed as the size I wear.

When I got them, I couldn't even get them up over my butt. I guess it was the European sizing they listed.

HOWEVER they never listed that it was European sizing and not the US waist I didnt know.

Now I got to try to get rid of them.:rolleyes:
Rogue. said:
Wow, thank you so much for mentioning some of e-bay's great sellers in the beginning of this thread.

I just discovered the handmadeinitaly seller to be the most excuisite and grand in design and price!

Since I am a college student and broke most of the time it's so important for me to find something fashionable that meets my budget.

Anyway, I was wondering if people could shower more on the names of good e-bay stores for me to browse through (keep in mind zee budget!!!)

Thanks <3

I second this motion! Anyone know of more ebay stores that have nice things for cheap? I can find a lot of cheap stores, but most of them have crap. Haha.
I was wondering if i's possible that some of the skin products on eBay are fake? I bought some IOD Dior products and was worried that they could be fake since they've been discontinued since 2-3 yrs ago.
I've never heard of fake skincare-products, however, i have heard of fake perfume, so i guess it might be a "replica".
dbc6_1.JPG image

What a deal I won tonight on ebay! Anna Sui $310 shoes, new in the box, for only $58!
^ I really like those shoes, congrats! That's a great buy criticsdarling!

I remember when I first came into contact with eBay sellers selling fake stuff. I was about to bid on a Coach wallet but then I noticed that the feedback was about 98% and I saw a bunch of negative feedback about fake AF, fake Lacoste shirts and fake Coach wallets! Bottom line: I love eBay and I agree that not everything is fake, but you still have to keep 'caveat emptor' in mind like you should whenever you're thinking about making a purchase.

Regarding the IOD Dior products, it's possible that it could be fake/a replica since people unfortunately like to sell fakes to make a buck. I mean, I never thought that people would fake AF until I saw that seller's negatives!

However, people list discontinued beauty products all the time. In fact, discontinued Bath & Body Works products sell for a pretty penny... but watch out if you're a BBW employee, particularly you don't want to get fired. I've heard that BBW has scouts who scour eBay looking for people who are employees, even going as far as bidding on auctions so they can get your name and verify whether or not you are an employee.
i have some designer clothes that no longer fit and i have been thinking about selling them on ebay...

does anyone know anything about that process? Mostly im wondering how much ebay charges a seller?

^ Selling on eBay is a pretty easy process IMO. All you really need are the following:

- specific description on the item/the condition
- your payment options or terms
- shipping options/fees
- pictures of the item or items

The seller fees really depend on a number of factors (i.e. how much the item sold for, if you want to use the 'Buy It Now' option etc.). So I think it'll be about $0.20 US - $0.80 US just to list the item(s) and anywhere from 2-9% of the final price. I love eBay but I hate how they keep upping the seller fees. :doh:

I hope this helped you though. :flower:
^ Good description. handbag wh*re, I loooove selling my stuff on ebay when I need cash. Last month, I made around $500 extra which was very nice. It always is valuable to check out how much your competitors are listing the same item for to help you judge. Many times, I have undervalued what I was selling and really stiffed myself. :(
^ That's a good tip and I always do that before I list an item. It does get tricky when no one tried to sell the same item(s) within the last 30 days. I also think it's a good idea to list either how much you paid for it/its retail value, whichever is higher, but to have a low starting bid because it'll encourage more people to bid for a possible deal. ;)

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