Heroin Chic

for me one of the worst trends ever :rolleyes::angry:
i think a 'trend' like this shouldn' be mentioned in fashion at all :blink:
/\ well, despite it's 'drug influence' it was a major trend in 1990's style, as well as something that really was contraversial and eyeopening, not to mention inspirational for designers up until now. I think it SHOULD be discussed, and the look itself is a very strong one that is beautiful in it's own right...
I tihnk your right Glittery Bug - Jessica Stam has a great look for Heroin Chic
Heroin Chic trend reminds me of Kate Moss adverts for Calvin Klein some time ago.
Those pix of Sacha Blue to me has more to do with ghost children or abused kids and very little to do with heroin chic.
Could heroin chic be associated with grunge?
Or is it more focused on the "look" than the clothes?
fashion is influenced by all kinds of aspects of society. People are expressing what they see going on around them all the time, fashion is jsut one way of doing that.
I love heroin chic always have always will. I grew up with it, worshipped it, emulated it and yet I've never done heroin or have even been tempted to do it.

Looking back on the trend, the reason I love/loved it is because of its realism. It's not nearly as fake as current pictures of over styled blond models jumping up and down in 5 inch heels. It's almost like the pictures send the message that it's okay not to be beautiful and happy. That it's okay to be sad and that sadness is sort of beautiful too. When you look at a picture of heroin chic (and really heroin chic was probably more of a style of photography that a fashion style) you feel something which is something you can't say of the current editorials in Vogue.
This thread is about the mid-90s fashion trend exclusively, trend as in garments, looks, outfits, shows and the like. Let's try not to deviate this into Cory Kennedy, upcoming models, or whatever might've accompanied the trendsetters upon its time. this is not the thread and certainly not the section.
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I love the heroin chic look,the whole grunge feel to it. I like to think if it as beauty in chaos.
Ooh lovely, can you post more of James King during this era? For a girl with a bit of darkness under the eyes on an otherwise pale face(all natural of course, no drugs lol), this look suits me.
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I love heroin chic always have always will. I grew up with it, worshipped it, emulated it and yet I've never done heroin or have even been tempted to do it.

Looking back on the trend, the reason I love/loved it is because of its realism. It's not nearly as fake as current pictures of over styled blond models jumping up and down in 5 inch heels. It's almost like the pictures send the message that it's okay not to be beautiful and happy. That it's okay to be sad and that sadness is sort of beautiful too. When you look at a picture of heroin chic (and really heroin chic was probably more of a style of photography that a fashion style) you feel something which is something you can't say of the current editorials in Vogue.

well said :flower:
well said :flower:

I agree. I also think that models like Gemma, Sasha, Irina L, Vlada (and the list goes on) may not have been seen as having marketable, desirable images had the age of heroin chic not set the path for their types of unconventional beauty. Of course, we mainly have Miss Moss to thank for that. But as a child who only had peripheral contact with the aesthetic of the 90s (I was, sadly, too young to appreciate the decade until it was almost over!), I still vicariously felt the beautiful angst of the era through the music & imagery I absorbed in 1998/1999. A bit retroactive, yes, but I would later come to understand much more of it, and I will always have a place in my heart for the dark, poisoned glam of the 90s. I can't help it: Shirley Manson was my first idol; that's had a lasting effect on me. :lol::flower:

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