Spice girls reunite!

so... four pages of cheering, is there anything to prove this is actually happening?

eightyeightkeys said:
Am I the only dork here who's sort of excited? I was young, and they were cute and upbeat. :blush::lol:

No I am sorta excited. I mean who doesnt love the Spice Girls? lol Well okay there are a few ppl but they suck nuts and everyone knows some of the words. They are catchy. :innocent: So I tell ya what I want what I really really want So tell me whacha want whacha really really want I want a I want a I want a *somethin somethin* zigga zig ah:innocent:
sorry to break the positivity but i reallly doubt they r gonna form a reunion, they are all in different places in their lives, geri just had baby (bluebell madonna!! what a name!), victoria is with Becks in Spain, Mel B is in LA, n Emma n Mel C are doing solo things. Plus the two Mels have openly said that they dont want a reunion.
I wish they would i love them!!!
i have three words.. OMG!

i still love them :D
If this is true.. I would be so excited!!... but reunite as in Ginger included? because she was my favorite and... ya. :(

however, there has been talk about this for many years and nothing ever comes of it... I hope this time its' real!
aww this brings back memories. I remember being in love with them when I was younger... in grade 3 or so... I saw Spice World at the movies. I would always "be" Sporty Spice in our little after school get-to-gethers at someones house hahaha. No one ever wanted to be Scary Spice! I really hope this is true but I read of Mel B's hate for Geri recently in some magazine and Mel C's hate for the image the Spice Girls gave her, and now that Geri has a baby, Emma's in the studio and Victoria's too busy shopping - I doubt it's going to happen.

Not to mention this was posted in 2005... :(:(:(
I am sure that every little girl loved Spice Girls and yes,i was one of them...!But i don't care if they reunite or so...i will not listen anyways:D
from femalefirst.co.uk

Spice Girls To Launch Comeback Track

2006-06-06 14:01:02

Spice Girls’ comeback track The Spice Girls are reportedly releasing a new single to mark the 10th anniversary of their first hit.
The former girl group - Posh Spice Victoria Beckham, Ginger Spice Geri Halliwell, Sporty Spice Mel C, Scary Spice Mel B and Baby Spice Emma Bunton - have already recorded the track, named ‘Woman’.
They are reportedly releasing the song in July, to mark ten years since their debut, ‘Wannabe’, reached the number one spot in the UK.
The girls are also said to be planning a reunion tour - and may even release more new material if ‘Woman’ is a hit.
A source told Britain’s News of the World newspaper: "They are planning their tour but wanted a new song to mark their return. If it goes well they’ll look to release more material."
The Spice Girls have been at the centre of comeback rumours since last year.

So there you go! Stop bursting our bubbles! We want MORE! And THEY are delivering!
With the income of the reunited Spice Girls, the Beckhams will officially be able to buy the entire United Kingdom :innocent:
i used to watch spice world over and over and over again.. haha i was obsessed.

Posh always was my favorite...still is seeing as she's the only one I ever hear about anymore. (being in the US and all..)
Oh god, I hope it's not true! Oh, I have indigestion now.....:( :sick:
I used to love the Spice Girls when I was younger. Baby and Scary Spice were my two favorites.:blush:

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